urban wolf

Chapter 1001 Hegu Blue

"Tu'er is right!"

Elder Hu immediately backed up his disciple, then he raised his sword and ran towards Ye Wuhan and walked over, sternly shouting: "Boy, take out your weapon, the old man still said the same thing, as long as you can walk three or three times in my hand Trick, the old man will spare your life, I keep my word."

"You keep what you say? Why do you keep what you say, so you won't come to find fault." Ye Wuhan secretly scorned.

Here Li Longxiang has already looked at the other elders as if asking for help, and He Gulan immediately said: "Elder Hu, since this son has outstanding aptitude, he can defeat Xiang Yu at a young age, so it can be seen that his aptitude is really good. Zhijian is fully qualified to be a core disciple."

Ye Wuhan could tell at a glance that this He Gulan was only at the early stage of the Legendary Realm, so it would be difficult for him to be the opponent of Elder Hu.

Sure enough, Hu Leifeng didn't buy it at all, and said in a disdainful tone: "Elder He, if you say one thousand to ten thousand, he is still not my disciple after all, so I have the right to deal with him. Besides, I have given him a chance. Limit, if he can go through three tricks in the hands of the old man, and pass my inspection, it will not be too late to talk about joining the sect!"

Now Elder He has nothing to say, and to be honest, she also wants to see if Ye Wuhan can do it. After all, she didn't see the fight just now, and she is curious in her heart, is this boy really such a monster?

She is like this, and the other elders are also silent.

Watching this scene quietly, no one said anything. No one wanted to offend Hu Leifeng casually because of an outsider, so they didn't express their views.This is waiting for the two to do it.

Li Longxiang was not convinced, and wanted to justify a few words, but Ye Wuhan waved her hand to stop her, "Okay Senior Sister Li, since Elder Hu proposed to limit the three moves, then it's okay if I ask him for three moves."

"Are you asking for advice on three tricks?" A group of people secretly despised, are you qualified to ask for advice?This is the elder of the sect, a strong man in the legendary realm, can you ask for advice on a yellow-haired mattress?

Of course, there are also people who lament that Ye Wuhan is a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers, but you are clearly looking for death. Why don't you see the wind and beg for mercy from Elder Hu, maybe there is still a way to survive. You are clearly looking for death what.

But, still the same sentence, Ye Wuhan is an outsider, hurting his disciples, and no one is willing to take the risk of offending Elder Hu to speak for him.

Here Li Longxiang wanted to say something, but Ye Wuhan scolded him, "Back off."

After finishing speaking, he stood opposite Hu Leifeng indifferently and calmly, looked him up and down casually, and then said in a contemptuous tone: "Old guy, since you insist on relying on your old man to fight against me, then I will just ask you for some advice." Trick, if you have any ability, just do it."

"You...you dare to insult this old man?" Hu Leifeng was furious, his beard covered

It exploded.It's just that as the great elder of the sect, he didn't want to lose face in front of everyone. Ye Wuhan didn't take a weapon. He was an elder against a junior. It would be embarrassing if he won, so he suppressed his anger and said with a dark face: "Boy! , Take out your weapon, so as not to be said that the old man bullied you, a junior."

"Ha ha!"

Ye Wuhan smiled, "Why do I need to use weapons to deal with you? I will take three moves from you with my bare hands, even if I do!"

"You, a yellow-haired boy, received three moves from me empty-handed?" Hu Leifeng felt that he had heard the funniest thing in the world, and his beard kept turning up and down in anger. Do you despise him?

"Haha, take three moves from the elder empty-handed?"

A group of disciples and elders also thought it was funny, and even He Gulan shook his head secretly.

"Where did the yellow-haired boy come from? I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth." An elder snorted angrily, feeling that Ye Wuhan was too arrogant,

Who is Hu Leifeng?Among the elders of the sect, it can be said to be second to none. Usually, unless the head of the sect comes forward, no one would dare to provoke him.

It’s just that the poisonous mist valley is about to open, and the head is currently retreating to prepare for the upcoming opening of the poisonous mist valley, and temporarily has no time to manage the affairs of the gate, so Elder Hu is even more arrogant, even they dare not say whether they can accept it. Using Hu Leifeng's three tricks, this kid dared to say so at a young age, which made them think it was ridiculous


But there is one thing, people know that they will die, but they never back down, and they dare to contend with the strong, which really makes them feel a little admired, especially those female disciples in the sect, many of them even have regrettable and distressed expressions in their eyes. It's a pity that Ye Wuhan died like this.

"Boy, take out your weapon. If you don't take it again, don't blame the old man for being ruthless." Hu Leifeng said bitterly. Just like this, he was not happy to win, he felt that his face was being despised.

"Young man, your name is Ye Wuhan, right? Why don't you use my Silver Frost Sword? If you're lucky, you might be able to block Elder Hu's three moves and save your life. In fact, Elder Hu is also a person who loves talents."

But He Gulan couldn't see it, so he took the initiative to hand over his sword to Ye Wuhan, and at the same time, he didn't forget to stimulate Elder Hu, hoping that he would be merciful.

It's just a pity that Ye Wuhan didn't appreciate it, and smiled and waved his hands: "Thank you Elder He, but I don't need it, and, in my opinion, if this Elder Hu really loves talents, he won't rush for no reason. Going up the mountain to provoke a junior of mine, since he is old and disrespectful, then I don’t have to be polite to him, I hope this time I can make him remember.”

"You!! Kid, you are so angry that I will die for this old man."

Hu Leifeng was furious, he didn't care whether he had a weapon, suddenly the sword light flicked, and the sword turned into Changhong and rushed towards Ye Wuhan to kill.

The seemingly random sword strike had a shocking force, five or six meters long neon light pierced through the void, before the sword arrived, the awe-inspiring killing intent had completely locked onto Ye Wuhan.

To put it bluntly, it is the intention to kill. Ordinary people are locked by the killing intent of this level of master.

It's a pity that he met Ye Wuhan today, and he underestimated Ye Wuhan too much.

It's easy for Ye Wuhan to beat Yifei Bai, but how much stronger is he than Yifei Bai?He has the ability to leapfrog the level to kill the enemy at the eighth level of Qi training, and his dual practice of law and body is enough for him to have the ability to compete with the middle stage of the legendary realm.

In the middle stage of the general legendary realm, he really doesn't pay attention to it.


Ye Wuhan punched out, with the momentum of thunder, he even shook his long sword with his fist.


There was a burst of energy, and this punch was hitting the opponent's sword tip. After the sword energy collapsed, he actually bent the long sword back, and the sudden powerful counter-shock force made the sword in Hu Leifeng's hand almost close. Get rid of it directly.

Hu Leifeng's heart trembled, he realized that he underestimated Ye Wuhan, this is not an ordinary servant, let alone a core disciple, even an elder has that strength.

While regretting, he gathered all his strength to fight back, but it was too late for him to realize this, Ye Wuhan never gave him a chance.

"Dielang three punches!"

After one punch, Ye Wuhan followed up with a second punch.

(End of this chapter)

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