Ling Weiyang

Chapter 181 My name is Bai Nansheng, who is in charge of "Weiyang Calendar" is also the na

Dear friends, the narrator has been telling stories for so long, and finally we can expand our worldview.

Then let me start with the narrator!

Some friends may ask, why start with you?You are not the main character?

The thing is like this.

Starting from the introduction volume, some readers will ask: Why is it confusing to read?What angle of view is this?Why is the narration not the protagonist, and why does the narration suddenly appear in the plot again?

Okay, now to answer your questions.

My name is Bai Nansheng, and I am the life-and-death friend of the hero Lin Dalin in this book. I am also the paper crane in the book that emits bursts of light feathers: Xiaobai, and I am also the recorder of the current "Weiyang Calendar".

However, I am not a human being, nor an "eternal" spirit, but an immortal, an immortal from "Kunlun", a waste immortal who kicked out of immortality.

"Kunlun" is such a place?Don't worry, listen to Brother Bai and I will speak slowly.

What is "Weiyang Calendar" used for?In a word, it records the history of Lin Dalin.

Many people think that the name of the main character Lin Dalin is very silly. Please think about the name of this book "Ling Weiyang". Can you guess Dalin's original name?Yes, that's right, his original name was Lin Weiyang.

I knew Dalin when he traveled to the fourth space "Kunlun".Obviously, this was already tens of thousands of years ago, even hundreds of thousands of years ago!

I can't remember the exact time.

How many spaces exist?If you have read this, if you still remember the prologue in the introduction volume, you will know that the extension of the plot of this book comes from the creature "spirit" in the eternal kingdom running into the world.

Yes, here "eternity" and "world" are two spaces.

Brother narrator, what I know is mainly what I have experienced and what Dalin told me.

The zero-dimensional space is "human world", the one-dimensional space is "eternal", the second-dimensional space is "Fengdu", the third-dimensional space is "Kunlun", the fourth-dimensional space is "Kyushu", the fifth-dimensional space is "Qingqiu", and the sixth-dimensional space For "The Great Wilderness"...

People from "Human World", spirits from "Eternal", ghosts from "Fengdu", immortals from "Kunlun", demons from "Kyushu", demons from "Qingqiu", gods from "Great Wilderness"...

My encounter with Dalin began in "Kunlun", and I also became the writer of "Weiyang Calendar". I accompanied him to the 99th space, and some things happened... So, we started to travel back.

The man in black is called Tuo Lige, the big devil of "Kyushu" and Dalin's brother-in-law.Of course, it's the brother-in-law in name.

Who made his sister the queen of "Kyushu", who made her sister's harem have thousands of men, and Dalin was just one of them, and he hadn't been blessed yet.

We all know that each space has its rules.

It doesn't mean that if you go back through the space of one degree higher to the space of one degree lower, your strength will be stronger than that of the space of low degree.Whichever space you go to, you have to abide by the rules of that space.Rules are mandatory and insurmountable, and they are indeed so as far as the current situation is concerned.

There is a price to be paid for the forward penetration. From 0 to 1, it needs to go through 3 lightning penalties, and the forward penetration is 3 to the nth power of the lightning penalty.But if you want to wear it back, you will pay a higher price, and the thunder penalty is 3 times that of the normal wear.

I was originally a Kunlun Shangxian, living a carefree life, why am I willing to be the author of this "Weiyang Calendar"

That's because I'm too interested in Dalin, and of course it's because Dalin saved me.

Before I met him, I never knew the word time travel. Although I knew that Shangxian continued to practice and could go to a higher place in the future, I didn't know where it was.

I never thought that a person can travel through four dimensions and go through 3+9+27+81=120 lightning penalties to come to "Kunlun", which is beyond my imagination.In my understanding, Kunlun Shangxian only needs 3 thunder punishments if he wants to ascend.Now that I think about it that would be me not understanding the rules.So I was shocked that Dalin experienced so many thunder and punishment!

What is even more unimaginable to me is that he has traveled to the 99th dimension... Where is his limit?

However, what is even more unimaginable on the basis of what is even more unimaginable to me is that he actually wears back...According to conventional logic, as long as one more space is worn, one will come to the 1th space, maybe Everything is perfect...

As an immortal, logically speaking, I should despise races in low-level spaces.However, facing Dalin, I feel that I am not even qualified to look up...

So, for a person who has experienced countless lightning punishments, countless scars, countless..., what is a small "Tianmang" injury?

Sometimes, I would ask myself, is Lin Dalin human?What is he?What the hell?

Okay, let's move on to the main point.

Everyone knows that the gate of "eternity" was opened, and countless spirits rushed out. Don't they need to accept thunder and punishment?

They should accept thunder and punishment, but they took advantage of the loophole, why did they say that!

That's because Lin Dalin, Tuo Lige and I (Bai Nansheng) almost resisted all the thunder and punishment.To be precise, it was Dalin who resisted almost everything.

It is Dalin's wish to travel back to the human world from "eternity".We managed to open that door, and all three of us were the ones who started it.

As a result, Dalin became a child due to thunder punishment and lost his memory, and I became a paper crane, unable to manifest a human form.Because Tuoligo is a big demon, he is physically strong and resistant to dryness, but he only has half his life left.After trying every means to throw Dalin to Yun Guangyi, he ran to the mountains in the southwest to recharge his batteries.

He slept for thousands of years, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the vicissitudes of life.

Seeing this, everyone thinks of the ghost claw protruding from the tomb of the southwestern mountain in Volume [-] of "Spirit Hunting Conference". That's right, it's Tuoligo.

Why can Tuoligo's blood save Dalin?This situation is more complicated.Toligo is a blood demon who once sucked Dalin's blood.Forehead!To be precise, the poison was detoxified with Dalin's blood.

This time, Dalin lost too much blood, and Toligo counted as repayment?

In addition, the magic blood does have its advantages.What's more, this is the blood of the great demon of "Kyushu"!

But what's the use of being a demon or a fairy, no one knows.Now, when it comes to the world, it is a spirit in the eyes of the world.

Either the Shining or the Devil.

Well, that's all for the brief explanation, after all, this book is about the line between the eternal kingdom and the human world.

Let's pull the lens back.

In other words, the three of them stayed in the room, you looked at me, I looked at you, wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

We can't say it, we can think, we know many things, but we must not say it.Saying it makes a difference!Say it and it will be known We already know it.

what do you know?rule!

Friends, I have a question for you?There was an airtight cardboard box containing a cat and an open bottle of poison gas.Do you think the cat is alive or dead now.

You might say that, logically, the cat must be dead.What is the evidence of death?It was you who saw the body, that should be the definitive answer.

How to determine the evidence, that is, you are going to open the box and find the body.

So, if you haven't opened the box, logically, at this point you can't be sure if the cat is alive or dead.

In this sense, when you do not open the box, the cat may be dead or alive.It is in a state of superposition of life and death.

And when you open the box, then everything is fixed.

Brother Bai, why did I suddenly say these things, my friends, please take a look, take a look...

Dalin, Tuoligo, and Bai Ge are people who travel through multiple layers of space. We know something, but we can't say it.

Friends who have persisted in reading this book until today, you have worked hard.

In this chapter, Brother Bai, I used the first perspective to tell you something, and the next chapter will return to the third perspective.

Because of Brother Bai, I didn't fully recover. This time, it was because of the strong reaction of "Weiyang Li" that I made a breakthrough. From the next chapter, I will become a little paper crane again.

Dalin, Tuoligo, me, our Iron Triangle, may be replaced by Dalin, Awei, and Tangzi (didn’t he betray? Don’t worry, look back).

The times are developing, and the wheel of history is rolling forward...

I miss that time very much... However, the hero does not mention the brave...

After all, Toligo and I have experienced life and death with Dalin, although my role is more to record Dalin's history, and I can't really accompany Dalin on the battlefield.

I believe that one day we will be able to reunite in full form... Maybe we will cross again, in order to fight...

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