Ling Weiyang

Chapter 169 Rebirth with the Eternal God Tree "Wakaki"

The audience in the third building was horrified, Lin Dalin's movement was too fast, he was still around the Jiuchongtian ring just now, when did he run over Wen Xuechen's head again.

Tangzi didn't have time to dodge, he waved his long sleeves to cover the top of his head, and the figure disappeared in an instant.

Dalin adjusted his figure and landed gently.

"Hahahaha", Tang Zi's voices were all around the Nine Heavens Arena, "Lin Dalin, do you think you are the only one who knows how to change shape and change shadow".

The audience is dumbfounded.

The Nine Heavens Arena seems to be repeating the story just now, except that the protagonist has changed from Dalin to Tangzi.

Tangzi's figure rotated at a high speed, and countless "blazing sun arrows" shot towards Dalin in the center of the ring in four directions.

Dalin was not afraid, he also knelt down on one knee and slapped one palm. In an instant, a wall of ice rose around him, "the vast sea is surrounded by hundreds of feet of ice".

"Damn, the moves of these two people are too similar," shouted an audience member in the west building.

"That's right, but the spiritual attributes of the two are different," the roommate of one of the audience members above responded.

There are older seniors in the main building who seem to have seen the way. The two players on the stage seem to have similar moves, but they are actually worth studying.

But what is more worthy of research is why the masters are not light spirits?Don't they all claim to be descendants of the Guang clan?

For one thing, both of them claim to be emissaries who eternally reward good and punish evil. From this perspective, it is understandable that their methods are similar.Secondly, the two of them have strong on-site adaptability, and can instantly absorb the reasonable core from the opponent's tricks and use them for themselves.

This is so awesome!

back to the battlefield.

Dalin's ice spirit technique is super powerful, and the defense formed by the ice wall far exceeds Tangzi's circle of fire.

You are as strong as you are, and the breeze blows the hills.

Since Wen Xuechen is also the inheritance of the Guang Clan, how could his strength be so poor?The movements of the two are very similar, how you dealt with Tangzi just now, how Tangzi dealt with you now.

Tangzi suddenly appeared directly above Dalin's head, and dived straight down at high speed.You have "Flying Stream Down Three Thousand Feet", and I have "Fire and Sky Shines on the Sea of ​​Clouds".

Countless flames slapped towards Dalin, and the Nine Heavens were filled with flames.

The heat wave came straight to the face, and the audience involuntarily blocked it with their hands, and stepped back.

The flames receded, Jiuchongtian returned to normal, only a handful of ashes and white smoke in the center of the ring remained.

"Ah, Brother Lin..." Hao Ran covered his mouth in 4004 of the West Building, choked up and couldn't speak, and Dou Da's tears flowed down.

The elders of the Lin family's resident were also confused, and Hong Lang, the resident of the Ye family, was also confused.

In Xiao Hanyu's room in the east building, Mi Lili was surprised, and hurriedly asked the master, "Master, senior brother?"

Xiao Hanyu patted his apprentice lightly, signaling to wait for the situation and not to worry.

Are the audience in the third building confused?

Game over?

The referee doesn't know whether to blow the whistle?

The spirit hunting conference has been held for so many sessions, and it has always been to the end. Even if you accidentally miss it, it will be regarded as a serious injury at most. There has never been a direct killing of people!

At this moment, there is not even a whole body, just a pile of ashes.

Well, what should I do...

Ma Junjie felt a little uncomfortable. Is Lin Xiaozi really gone like this?Although I don't have any specific friendship with him, but in the face of my granddaughter, my heart is naturally reluctant.

Ye Hongyun's heart was naturally fluttering, and a smile could not help but ask the staff next to him to refill the tea.

Zirui couldn't believe it, and wanted to get up, but Lin Ziqi stopped him before he could move, "Sit down for me."

Zheng Xiaoxiao next to her covered her mouth, and the corners of her eyes had collapsed.Son Lin Shaoang asked cautiously: "Mom, why is that brother missing?"

"One Leaf Knowing Autumn" suddenly became silent, and everyone seemed to hold their breath.

Tangzi didn't act like a winner, he was still concentrating on his feelings.

"Ah, sneeze," one of the audience sneezed.The temperature suddenly dropped, and snowflakes suddenly floated in the sky.

It was originally sunny today, but suddenly it snowed heavily, covering the street where someone had been.

The Nine Heavens Arena was soon covered with snow, and the pile of ashes had long since disappeared.Yo Yo Lu Ming came from the Ma's residence in the main building, and Ma Lingling's deer spirit seemed to be calling for something.

Tang Zi looked at the heavy snow all over the sky, knowing that what should come will always come, what should go will always go, and what should be beaten will not be beaten.

Hey, Dalin is Yun Guangyi's apprentice, and he is Sun Miaomiao's apprentice. Isn't it true that what is taught by the younger sister is not as good as that taught by the elder brother?Could it be that he was really forced to use a magic weapon?

What?Brother narrator, I didn’t read it wrong, did Tangzi’s inner voice tell us that he has a magic weapon?

what's the situation?What charter?

Doesn't Dalin have Tianmang in his hand?Xiao Hanyu has Shuihan in his hand, and nephew Liu also has one in his hand, but we won't show the specifics. Could it be that Tangzi also has one in his hand?

The four eternal weapons of magic are going to gather today?

"Look quickly," a spectator in the west building shouted, "Look quickly, in the center of the Nine Heavens Arena, a fresh shoot grows out of the white snow."

Shit, isn't this Ye Honglang's set?Wood Spirit Art!

"Ruomu..." Ye Honglang blurted out.Ruomu, the legendary sacred tree.Together with Fusang, Xunmu and Jianmu, they are called the Four Great Sacred Trees.

Turning around, Hong Lang looked at Li Ziqi.Obviously, he wanted his master to give him an explanation.Ruomu is not a human tree species, but an eternal tree.

The tattoo on Hiroki's heart is Noba Wakagi.

The tattoo is because Li Ziqi put a Ruomu seed in his heart.Li Ziqi said long ago that Ruomu seeds cannot grow in the human world, and can only be fostered with his heart.

But now, what is growing in the Nine Heavens Arena?Don't think about it.Why is Zhang Wei at 4004 in the west building still so stable and calm.Brother Lin must have left behind.

Hong Lang felt more and more that some things seemed to be gradually becoming clear. Why did the master tell himself: When you encounter light, you must chase it?

Li Ziqi was surprised.Why is Dalin using this life-saving trick now, isn't it the last resort?What the hell is Dalin going to do now...

Hiroro was wrong, in fact, Ah Wei was not keeping his composure, he was just forcibly calming down.He was betting on what Dalin told him that night.

Ruomu sacred tree, with green leaves and red flowers, instantly blocks the sky and the sun.Not far from the sky, the red light is thousands of feet, and the fire is burning thousands of miles.

Take a closer look, and there is a boy in white lying on the side of the tree.

As soon as this scene came out, Ye Hongyun was speechless.

At this moment, he no longer cared about Lin Dalin's life or death, but was shocked that he was so proficient in cross-spirituality.Today's battle, so far, light spirit, water (ice) spirit, wood spirit... are really rare talents, but it's a pity that they are hard to use for themselves, really good, good.

Since you can't get it yourself, you must not make it cheap for others.

The snow stops, the clouds disperse, and the trees disappear.

Dalin frivolously floated in the air, looking at Tangzi.

As a spectator, he was completely dumbfounded. Did it really happen before his eyes?Is this still a real spirit hunting conference?

What shocked them, however, was the conversation that followed.

"Lin Dalin, you are really powerful. I never thought that you would know wood are still the four eternal sacred trees." Man's apprentice, why don't I have anything?

"I am the crown prince of Yong Heng..." Da Lin spoke with unusual force.

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