Ling Weiyang

Chapter 107

Seven days later, Liming Bookstore held a wedding.In the surrounding old neighbors, Uncle Li's usual chess friends, Tang Zi and his mother also came over.But the old man didn't come, so Aweiduo made a red envelope.Uncle Ma also wrapped a red envelope.

Originally, Uncle Li said it would be simple, set up a few tables in Cong's small kitchen.But Dalin didn't want to wrong Aunt Fang, so he simply booked a hotel on the second floor, with about ten tables, and there were all the necessary ceremonies, which was very formal.

This Uncle Li looks glamorous in a suit, and when Aunt Fang wears a wedding dress, she is the most beautiful woman on the street.In other words, the pigs that have been killed for so many years are not at all like 50-[-]-year-old women with big arms and round waists.This tidy up and dress up, eh!Radiant!

Xiao Lin always praised Grandma Fang for being beautiful, and Da Lin couldn't help feeling a little throbbing when he saw everything in front of him. He thought of Aunt Qing.

At the banquet, two aunts sitting next to each other at a table communicated privately, which seemed to be about Dalin.

Fat aunt, "I said, hasn't your girl never found a boyfriend? Look over there, how is old Li's adopted son? I think it looks good, and it's a good match for your girl!"

The thin aunt hurriedly shook her head, signaling to the fat aunt to stop talking.She saw that the people next to her were watching the wedding ceremony, and she leaned into the fat aunt's ear and said, "Liu Lafang has long wanted to introduce, but I have not agreed. I think that kid has a bad style. Didn't you see that he was sitting on his lap?" That child, I heard it was born to him by a girl outside. My girl married and became someone's stepmother, I won't do it!"

"Ah...sneeze", Dalin actually sneezed, drunk, maybe someone around him was wearing too much perfume, or maybe someone was chewing his tongue behind his back, Dalin subconsciously turned his neck, and subconsciously looked back.

As if they had done something wrong, the two aunts were so frightened that they straightened their backs.

After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom, the helpers, were almost exhausted.After Awei counted the gift money, he handed it over to Dalin.Dalin asked him to hand over all the money to Aunt Fang.

Arrangements for accommodation, and those who should be sent to the station have already been sent to the station. In short, after all the arrangements and finishing were completed, it was already more than two o'clock in the middle of the night.It was almost an hour before three fourteen, so I went to wash up.

Tangzi went to see his mother off, and if he doesn't come back tonight, only Dalin and Awei are left upstairs.

After Dalin washed up, he found that Awei was sitting alone in the living room and seemed to have something on his mind.It's strange, what's wrong with everyone now, everyone is preoccupied.

"Why don't you go to bed so late?" Dalin got a glass of water, "Go to bed early, it's been a busy day today."

"Brother Lin, my uncle said that he wanted to visit Aunt Qing and pay respects to her. I wanted to tell you two days ago. I was busy with Uncle Li and Aunt Fang's marriage these days, so I forgot about it." up".

"That's it, it's ok. Whenever the old man wants to come over, you can just take him there." Dalin went back to the house, "Go to bed early, I'm sleepy too."

Everyone in the Kaihei group became lively, and you said what you said.

"What does Guangguang mean? Calling everyone here in the middle of the night?"

"I don't care, there is always money, I only make money, hehehe!"

"What time do we start!"

"I heard it was fourteen past three?"

"I'm so sleepy. If I hadn't just come looking for me, I would definitely not have come. I have to go to work tomorrow?"


Dalin looked at WeChat, many people actually met in the game this year, and they just knew each other, maybe they didn't know each other, but if there is something to ask everyone to come over.

The anchors are more familiar, Aries, Night Ranger, Yemo, Lu Bai, Youmu (Zirui), Zhang Shuai (simulator).Netizens are more familiar with Sister Strawberry, Brother Bomb, Squad Leader, Dajing, Old Timo, Fusheng, Big Cousin, Tuya, Sister Yan, Sister Yu, Hexiang, Shangshang Dirty, Keli, Jiejie, Brother Hu , Lingling, Little Follower, Fairy Girl, Jiu Jiu Jiu, Brother Hui, Xiao Zhang and so on.

Dalin distributed 20 consecutive 200 red envelopes in the group.

There was an emoticon pack in the group.

Zhang Shuai sent a private letter to Dalin, "Guangguang, I only take orders from the God of War. You are not an order from the God of War today, so just play this round. I will give you a friendly price, 1000?"

Dalin replied the deal.

Zhang Shuai is a "non-mainstream" anchor, and his specialty is to take orders instead of live broadcasting games.The live broadcast is only for the employer to check posts, and the beginning of each season is his busiest time, and it is also the hardest time.Of course, the price of God of War is also very high.This time he took the time to come here purely because of his friendship with Dalin.

It's still a few minutes away.Suddenly Awei came over to Dalin WeChat.A speech phalanx.

It turned out that he wanted to talk to Dalin about graduation today. Unfortunately, it happened to be the graduation season during the Spirit Hunting Alliance Conference. He didn't want to miss the Alliance Conference, and he didn't want to postpone it any longer.

Ah Wei should have graduated last year, but it was postponed for a year. Who would have thought that he would face this situation again this year.The alliance meeting is held every 8 years. Whoever has the patience to wait for 8 years is a spirit hunter.

Dalin knew that Awei was explaining the situation to him on the surface, but in fact he probably hoped that he could give him an idea.

"Awei, I'll take the two of you to the alliance meeting. We mainly want to learn and learn. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We're all going on a self-driving tour for entertainment and leisure. You rest first, and I'll get back to you tomorrow."

Why is Ah Wei showing anxiety?

What is the status of the three brothers now? It is true that they are spirit hunters, but they are not "official" (usually everyone regards the alliance as "official", but the actual alliance is a non-governmental organization. You can regard it as an ngo) certification, that is, there is no such thing as You can understand the "staffing" as a personnel agency.Occasionally, the alliance will send you a small job or a job that no one wants to do. In order to eat, you have to go to pick up the job in private.

Strictly speaking, private alliances are not allowed.If something goes wrong, the alliance will not be responsible, regardless of how to deal with the aftermath.Over the years, Dalin has basically relied on private work to make ends meet. Of course, Dalin's private work has never earned a small amount of money.

But after all, it's not "righteous". Could it be that he has been by Dalin's side all his life?

But if you participate in the league conference and participate in the draft and are selected, it will be different.The top three can enter the national organization, and the latter can enter the alliance.

Once and for all!

Without further ado, let's get back to the game.

Everyone entered the game room one after another, and there were more than 30 people in Dalin's side.After a while, the game room was full, and the game began.

The distribution of this game is as follows, the anchor Baiyang, Ye Ranger, Lu Bai (the handsome guy should have an appointment tonight...) and Yemo (Yemo just got married, and the bed in the new house is not warm yet, so they came to help, it's so awesome The first team, they are the strongest, rely on them to eat chicken.

Dalin, Zirui, Zhang Shuai and Sister Strawberry are in a team. The purpose of this team is not to eat chicken.The rest just play the game normally.

Brother narrator, I would like to add that the brothers in their thirties were "baited" by Dalin this time.Without further ado, let's watch the show quickly.


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