Ling Weiyang

Chapter 105 Little Black Little Red

Zirui saw the id "It's your elder sister Yu", and someone came to join him. It doesn't matter if you send out a few more red envelopes. The first time I sent out 100 diamonds, the first one sent 200 diamonds.

Sister Yu won the prize, and she was so happy, "Anchor Hao! Wait for me to recruit someone for you."

After a while, the number of people in Zirui's live broadcast room began to increase again, and a group of people came over and asked, "The anchor is giving out red envelopes!".

Zirui took a look, what are "Shangshang Sewage", "Hexiang", "Keepable", "Brother Tiger", "Little Follower", "Squad Leader", "Sister Yan", "Big Cousin", "Guapi" ", "Old Timo", "Senior Sister"... During the period, a man named Jiejie released 3 balloons, and Lingling strongly urged Zirui to take off his mask and even his clothes (sweat!).

Then, the newcomers to the live broadcast room began to swipe the screen with gifts.

Sister Yu left a message in the live broadcast room, "How is it, it's stupid, there is no card."

Zirui was taken aback by this operation, what's going on, did the old boys from the Lin family know that I was doing the live broadcast?No, I have nothing to do with them.

Sister Yu, "Youmu, give me a room manager! I will help you manage the live broadcast room, and I will be responsible for it!"

"Okay! Wait a minute," Zirui gave Sister Yu the room management authority.Just set up a fan game by the way, "Who of you wants to get in the car, my friend is not online tonight, we can play first."

These few people had a lot of fun, except for Zirui, they were all willing to chat. This kind of fan game is interesting, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is also good.

Dalin went online after finishing his work, saw Zirui playing with others, said hello in the live broadcast room and quit.He ran to the night ranger studio.

"Hi everyone, my name is Night Ranger, a Night Ranger who only plays games in the dark."At first, Night Ranger was able to fulfill his promise, but after the live broadcast permission was opened, he slapped his face, haha, broadcast during the day and night.After signing the contract of sale, you have to broadcast it, for the sake of living. Bytheway, I heard that Night Ranger is about to bid farewell to his life of being single for more than 20 years, and is about to enter the era of two-person life.

Dalin brushed two large bowls of noodles, watched it for a while, and left a message in the live broadcast room to thank the friends in the live broadcast room for supporting Youmu.

It turned out that the group that went today were all fans of Night Ranger and Aries.

After strolling around, Dalin ran to Yemo's live broadcast room again.With a sharp head, no panic when meeting people, little brother Yemo, who claims to be the most handsome watermelon, has bid farewell to the exciting battlefield and moved to the sausage party.Before broadcasting Chicken Eat, the popularity never rose, so it changed to broadcasting sausages. Who would have thought that this move would bring about a turning point, and the popularity would rise.

Dalin gave Yemo a rocket, now he changed the game, and the live broadcast room is full of newcomers. In the past, fairies, rookies, Jiujiujiu, and Sihai were rarely seen.I don't know if it will be okay to ask Yemo for help after a while, after all, he hasn't broadcast and eaten chicken for almost a year.

Leaving Yemo's live broadcast room, Dalin ran to Jiaqi's live broadcast room. Jiaqi is now the anchor of Watermelon Head, and she must be busy. She seems to be in poor health recently, and she heard that she is going to have a minor operation.God of War stopped rushing, and played games with fans and passers-by every day to give back everyone's love.

Lu Bai is currently training the team. Everyone knows that the team represents Xigua to participate in the Stimulus Battlefield Network Anchor Contest. Now they are fighting hard every day, and they dare not relax for a moment. The four anchors also hope to break out.I don't know when the whole network anchor competition will be. Lubai is a nice person and very talkative, but I don't know if he can spare time at that time.

"Thanks to the big rocket chasing the light", Boshi, the real estate manager in Lu Bai's live broadcast room, is always so responsible, haha, the profession of real estate management is entirely based on passion, he doesn't get paid and doesn't eat money, and he is especially serious and responsible, Bo Brother Shi has a fight with sister Yu.

Lu Bai took the time to look at the live broadcast room, "Thank you Brother Lin for the gift...", Lu Bai accidentally slipped his mouth and said Da Lin's last name.

Some people may ask, what can you do with money these days?What's the matter with Lin Dalin? Since he has the money to hire a few professional helpers, it's over. This kind of logic is the same as going out to work and hiring a few mercenaries.

There is indeed something, and this incident coincidentally has something to do with the Peace Elite game.Dalin has a friend named Xiao Hei. If any readers remember, he briefly appeared in a previous volume. He is a hacker, and his technology can be ranked among the top ten in the country.Dalin hadn't contacted him for a while, but one day he suddenly received a message from Xiaohei sos.

Xiao Hei has a withdrawn personality and does not want to interact with others. He either studies technology or plays games every day.After Dalin received Xiaohei's distress letter, he happened to be on a business trip by himself, and went to find him immediately after returning.It turned out that Xiao Hei had been in the intensive care unit for half a month.Xiao Hei is not short of money. A hacker of his level can move his fingers without knowing how many digits will be paid. Of course, it is a legal act, such as someone begging him.

But Xiaohei's parents didn't know his job, nor his bank card password, and they almost used up the old couple's savings in half a month.After Dalin came over, he was a little savior for the old couple. They never expected that the young man in front of him would settle the bill in minutes, and asked the hospital to hire domestic experts to come for consultation. As long as it is cured, money is not a problem.

Xiao Hei is a top-level hacker, many of his electronic devices can't be cracked by Dalin, so he has no choice but to contact the unit through Broken Liu.

The unit sent a master. I don't know what its ranking is, but it should not participate in the ranking.After all, Xiao Hei is also a master, and it took almost two days for colleagues in the unit to finally figure it out.

Xiao Hei has always been obsessed with eating chicken games, but how to say?Hackers form a group to eat chicken. They all play games in the second half of the night, usually starting at 3:14:15 midnight.

A 414 game room that is only open at this point in time.

Xiao Hei has been keeping in touch with a female netizen, and the two often eat chicken together in four rows. Looking at the chat records, it seems that Xiao Hei is a little obsessed with her, and then all the contact between the two stopped abruptly the day Xiao Hei passed out.The woman also blocked Xiao Hei's WeChat account.

Dalin felt that Xiao Hei must have lost at least one soul, and this was thanks to the little red rope he gave him in [-], which he always carried.Hey, my strength hasn't recovered yet, and the quality of the spirit weapon I made is still not good enough.

The little red rope has done its best, and it has completely turned black at this moment.

Xiaohong, this Xiaohong is not Xiaohongsheng, but a colleague of the unit, not a woman, but a man.Why is it called Xiaohong?Because he is a member of the unit.Those in the top network technology talent units are all called Xiaohong, and those in the folks can be called Xiaohei.

Xiaohong disclosed this information to Dalin. In the past two years, about ten of the top domestic hackers have disappeared inexplicably.

Dalin has been idle for too long, and he doesn't want to intervene in the affairs of the unit, because he has other things to do. At the moment, he just wants to rescue Xiao Hei.

After reasoning for a long time, the two came up with a trick.This is why Dalin desperately watched the live broadcast recently.

If you want to pull people, go to eat chicken.


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