Ling Weiyang

Chapter 1

Everything has a spirit, to allow people to have thoughts, you have to allow other things to have thoughts, so those things with thoughts are called spirits.

If we classify the people in the crowd according to the normal distribution, it can be said that the thoughts of most people in the middle of the parabola cannot communicate with the thoughts of spirits.

But some people at both ends of the parabola happen to have this ability.

I don't know whether it was accidental or inevitable, but in short, I had a relationship with the spirit.

Maybe it's the kind of relationship you're thinking of, maybe not.

Spirits do not originally live in the same space as us, the space they live in is called eternity.

Eternity and the human world belong to two spaces, separated by a door in the middle.

However, for unknown reasons, one day long, long ago, the door connecting the world and eternity was opened.

That day was not recorded in history by human beings in the form of writing, and maybe writing did not appear at that time.

To be more precise, there were no humans at that time.

With the current timing method, the time for the door to open is only a few seconds, maybe even less than a few seconds.

But in these few seconds, countless spirits in eternity flooded into the world.

Why is the gate of eternity and the world opened?

Why do beings from eternity have to come to the human world?

What happened inside eternity?

Most importantly, why was the gate of eternity closed a few seconds after it was opened?

I am not a hundred thousand why?I am also confused.

Spirits in the human world cannot be presented as their original entities, so like a cloud of chaotic air, they float and float, shake and shake, until the appearance of human beings, they finally found a powerful carrier, so they attached On human beings, they use human beings to do what they want to do.

However, when some things should be exposed, you can't cover them no matter what.

It's like two people, he clearly said that he had it, and there were two; but she also clearly said that he had it, and there were two of them.

Human beings are not fools, and the fact that human beings can continue to this day is enough to prove this truth.

So a long time ago, humans had the profession of hunting spirits.

So what was the reason that made those spirits escape from their lair?

Some people say that it's all caused by loneliness, and you have nothing to do, because this is a world that needs to be tossed;

Some people say that there is a big conspiracy hidden here, such as the fight for power, the fight for territory, the fight for women, the loser has come out and come to this space of our human beings, and is ready to fight back.

But rumors are rumors, we have to deal with these things that don't belong to us first.

Hey friends, do you know who is the ancestor of the hunter?To be honest, I don't know, but it is said that he is not human.

Obviously, he should be a spirit attached to people. He taught humans how to hunt spirits. It seems that he is still very particular about him, and his character is really good. This godfather-level figure is named Shenma, I don't know, let me tell you what I know!

I know a few people, these people are amazing, why do you say that, what do you think?If it were ordinary people, I wouldn't need to tell this story.

Don't worry, I'll drink some water first.

Wait a minute, I'll take another sip.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I didn't let you do anything, let's just treat it as entertainment.

Let's do it this way, and you'll take it all for me, hey, who hasn't been drunk?

In other words——Ling Weiyang, the battle is endless.


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