The green devil

Chapter 266 Summary after the game

In the locker room, players and coaches are still celebrating.

Seeing Zhao Yang coming in, the players almost all surrounded him.

Some hugged Zhao Yang's shoulders, some hammered Zhao Yang's chest, and some touched Zhao Yang's head.

After going through a life-and-death battle, the teammates became much closer to Zhao Yang than before.

Zheng Zhi embraced Zhao Yang's shoulders and sighed, "Xiao Yang, if we don't have you today, we will be in danger."

Hao Jundao: "It's really reassuring to have a striker who can score goals."

Zhao Yang said modestly: "The ball that Brother Cheng threw is also very important. Brother Hao's pass is very good. Today's defense is as good as our striker."

At this time, the team leader Li Gang came over, took Zhao Yang's hand, and laughed loudly: "Everyone has contributed to today's victory, but Xiaoyang has the most credit, and the three goals are all key."

Zhao Yang said with a smile: "It's because the brothers passed the ball well, I just did a good job."

Hao Jundao: "So it was also passed on like this. In the Hong Kong team, none of the forty feet entered."

Hao Jun is a bit of a masculine personality, and Yang Xu, Wu Lei and other forwards are a little shameless when they say this, but it is hard to say anything, after all, what Hao Jun said is the truth.

Zheng Zhi smiled from the side: "Don't be humble, we are a whole, winning must be the result of everyone's hard work, and everyone is at fault for losing."

Li Gang said: "Yes, what Zheng Zhi said is right. In today's competition, we are like a whole, but the top 12 is just a quiz, and the top [-] is the final test."

After everyone exchanged greetings, head coach Pei Lan, who was talking to the assistants, walked over, held Zhao Yang's hand tightly with one hand, and gave a thumbs up with the other hand, saying, "Zhao! You are today's hero."

Zhao Yang immediately boasted to Pei Lan, "The main reason is that the coach's tactics are properly arranged and he responds quickly on the spot."

After hearing this, Pei Lan beamed and said, "No matter how good the tactics are, they must be executed by players. Zhao, the team will continue to rely on you for the top 12."

Zhao Yang said with a smile: "This is my bounden duty."

Perrin said: "Not bad, not bad, go back and play hard in the league, strive to reach the Champions League, come back and play the top 12 games with peace of mind."

Zhao Yang said: "Thank you coach for your encouragement, I will definitely live up to the coach's expectations."

Perrin said: "Come on, attend the press conference with me, the reporter must be looking forward to your attendance."

When we came to the press conference hall, the reporters were already full, waiting for the arrival of the coaches of both sides.

After Perrin and Zhao Yang arrived, it took quite a while before Qatar coach Carreno arrived late.

The game was ugly, and Carreno was in a bad mood. When he came in, his face was gloomy like it was going to rain, and he didn't shake hands with Perrin.

The first to speak was the winning Chinese team.

Perrin summed up the game.

With the victory in the game, the Hua Guo team came back from a desperate situation and successfully reached the top 12. The conflict between Peilan and the Hua Guo Football Association also disappeared.

Perrin first thanked the Chinese Football Association and all parties for their strong support.

"I would like to thank the Huaguo Football Association, Chang'an, and the Huaguo fans for their great support and for providing us with a lot of convenience. Here I also want to say thank you to my team, including the coaching staff, because they They have provided a lot of support in terms of travel, information and intelligence collection, etc. Without their support, our work would not be carried out so smoothly."

"We also want to thank our players. They have paid a lot in these few games, especially in this game. At the last moment of the first half, we were once in a very dangerous situation. It was they who gritted their teeth and withstood the pressure. The last big victory."

Pei Lan then praised Zhao Yang by name, "I have always said that the Huaguo team lacks good strikers. The reason why we fell into the dangerous situation of qualifying in the last round is because we have no way to turn opportunities into goals. Zhao Yang The appearance of Zhao Yang made up for our shortcomings, Zhao Yang is a world-class striker, he has the ability to solve the opponent's defense by himself, with such a striker, we are full of confidence in the next top 12 games."

After Perrin finished speaking, Qatar coach Carreno said: "We didn't play our own style in this game. Our players underestimated the enemy and gave the opponent too many opportunities."

"We have already qualified ahead of schedule. The outcome is really meaningless to us, but we cannot lose like this. This disastrous defeat has lost our honor and dignity. This is unacceptable to me and the fans."

"The top 40 games are over. In the previous games, we played perfectly. The result of our joint efforts is the result of our joint efforts. The draw for the top 12 will start soon. I hope we can be in a group with the Hua Guo team again. .”

Next is Zhao Yang's speech.

Although the press conference is the position of the coach, Zhao Yang is an exception. As a player, he is still the most eye-catching one here.

Zhao Yang talked about his views on the game.

"First of all, Qatar is our strongest opponent in the top 40, or even the only opponent. We finally won a big victory in this game, which has greatly improved our confidence."

"Through more than 20 years of professional development, our football concept and technical and tactical play have improved. Today's victory is just a normal performance. We have not been able to reach the World Cup finals in these years. The bigger reason comes from Psychology, our psychology is too fragile, just like today's game, if we can play normally, we are actually capable of fighting against Japan and South Korea Shai."

Next is the reporter questioning session.

A reporter from Huaguo directly asked Carreno, "If this game is played normally, can Qatar win?"

Carreno said displeasedly: "Football is round and cannot be assumed. However, if the game is played normally, at least we will not lose."

What Carreno said may be a bit absolute, which made Perrin not very happy.

Especially in the concluding speech just now, Carreno said that he hopes to be in a group with the Hua Guo team again, which clearly shows blatant contempt for the Hua Guo team.

Next, when the reporter asked Perrin who he hoped to draw in the lottery, Perrin said: "We are a team in the fourth tier, and we are not qualified to pick opponents. In fact, I also hope to draw Qatar, after all, I am very familiar with it.”

Carreno was furious at Perrin's words. He didn't take any more questions from the reporters below, but stood up and walked away.

Without the head coach of the other side, the press conference would be meaningless. Pei Lan and Zhao Yang answered a few questions and then dispersed.

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