The green devil

Chapter 245 Impulsive

If you fall behind by a big score, if you struggle again, you will probably lose even more.

After 80 minutes, Deportivo accepted the reality and gave up the counterattack.

At the end of the season, the Spaniard wanted to preserve his physical fitness, and did not pursue hard. The final score was locked at 4:0, and the Spaniard beat Deportivo Deportivo at home.

With the whistle of the referee, all the home fans stood up and applauded, celebrating with the players on the field.

Zhao Yang did not forget his compatriots who came from afar. His grandmother came to the stands and climbed on the guardrail to greet them.

"Are you satisfied with watching today's game?"

Zhao Yang shouted loudly to the Chinese fans.

The stadium was too noisy, and Zhao Yang was almost hoarse when he heard it. Wang Lei immediately shouted like Zhao Yang: "Satisfied! Very satisfied! You and the team performed really well today."

Ye Min also said loudly: "It's a good fight! It's a pity you didn't manage to perform a hat-trick."

Zhao Yang laughed: "I'm very satisfied with two! Deportivo is not a weak team."

The atmosphere at the scene was so warm. In such an environment, Gao Han also lost her original restraint. She shouted loudly to Zhao Yang: "Zhao Yang! You are so good today!"

Hearing Wu Nong's soft words from his girlfriend, and her big beautiful eyes filled with admiration, Zhao Yang felt ecstasy instantly. Impulsively, Zhao Yang shouted, "Gao Han! I love you!"

After shouting this sentence, Gao Han was stunned!Zhao Yang himself was also stunned.

The current fans were also stunned, no one thought that at this moment, Zhao Yang could say this loudly.

You know, not only the fans have mobile phones, but there are more than 200 reporters at the scene. Saying this sentence is no different from holding a press conference to announce.

This silence lasted only 0.1 seconds, and the fans exploded in an instant.

"Ah! Is this a confession?"

"What a domineering confession!"

"This guy named Gao Han is so lucky!"

"Sad! My Prince Charming has a sweetheart!"


At this time, booing is naturally inevitable, and Wang Lei led a group of fans to shout: "Gao Han! Zhao Yang! Gao Han Zhao Yang..."

Some foreign fans didn't know what these Chinese were shouting except for Zhao Yang, but they also shouted together without delay.

Amidst the shouts that shocked the audience, Gao Han was neither shy nor angry, but just stared at Zhao Yang steadfastly, as if nothing but Zhao Yang was in his eyes.

The reporter seemed to smell a fishy cat, and quickly surrounded Zhao Yang. The reporter also ran to the stands to look for Gao Han to see if he could get close to Zhao Yang.

"Mr. Zhao Yang, is that girl in the stands your girlfriend?" A Hua country reporter asked excitedly.

This is definitely big news.

With Zhao Yang's fame and popularity, this news will definitely be on the top of the list.

Zhao Yang realized that he was impulsive at this time.

He is not afraid that fans will know that he has a girlfriend, he is not a traffic star, he relies on his strength to make a living.

Zhao Yang was worried that Gao Han would be angry. With Gao Han's cold personality, he didn't like being disturbed every day.

"If she admits it too, then maybe it is."

Zhao Yang played a sloppy eye.

How can this answer satisfy the reporter's heart of gossip, and immediately a reporter asked: "When did you meet?"

Zhao Yang knew that after today, there might be no more secrets about Gao Han, but he didn't want all this to come out of his mouth, so he said, "Sorry, I have no comment."

The reporter still didn't give up, and said, "Can you tell me where you met?"

Zhao Yang said: "Today's match day, I don't want to answer questions that have nothing to do with football content."

A reporter said cleverly: "Then may I ask if your girlfriend likes football?"

Zhao Yang was speechless, simply did not answer his question, turned around and walked towards the locker room.

Seeing that Zhao Yang really didn't want to answer this question, the reporter had no choice but to follow up with Zhao Yang and ask questions about today's game.

But Zhao Yang simply played his big temper today, ignored these reporters, and went straight back to the locker room.

Zhao Yang returned to the locker room, where his teammates were celebrating enthusiastically.

It turned out that not long after the Spaniard's game ended, the game between Villarreal and Atletico Madrid also ended, and the two teams drew 0:0.

It was news comparable to this victory for the Spaniard.

During this period of time, Villarreal was chasing in a hurry, and the difference between the two teams was only two points.

If the Spaniard is not careful, he may be overtaken by the seasoned Villarreal.

During this period of time, the Spaniard's management was very anxious, and it is said that they are studying to increase the winning award and the bonus for entering the Champions League.

Now Villarreal and Atletico Madrid have a draw, Spain has won, and the gap between the two teams has widened to 4 points.

This reassures the Spaniard's players a lot, because at least they have the capital to make mistakes.

Another good news is that Real Madrid was tied by Malaga, so that the Spaniard may even enter the top three of the standings again. ,

Diop came over and gave Zhao Yang a bear hug, "It was a great fight today, the yellow submarine is flat. It's really good news."

Asensio said: "According to Zhao's driving school, this is called Double Happiness."

Team deputy Sanchez was chatting with captain Lopez and said: "Don't be careless, there are still 13 rounds in the league. Whether we can enter the Champions League depends on our own efforts, not expecting others to lose."

Although this sentence is reasonable, but now everyone is celebrating, saying these words is a bit disappointing to everyone.

Diop squinted over there, and whispered to Zhao Yang, "Looking for a sense of presence."

Zhao Yang whispered in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Diop stared into Zhao Yang's eyes for a second, and said, "You don't know, our old captain is about to retire, and the captain's deputy must not show it, otherwise how will he take over."

"It's a good thing to want to be the captain. The captain has retired, so he is the top." Zhao Yang suddenly realized, thinking, no wonder Sanchez has been acting weird recently, so he wanted to be the captain.

Diop is a straightforward guy, said: "Zhao, don't you want to be the captain?"

Zhao Yang said in surprise, "Me? I've only been a team deputy for a few days."

Diop said: "Everyone feels that if the old captain quits, you are suitable to be the captain, the coach values ​​you, and the boss also likes you."

Zhao Yang recalled that recently, Sanchez was very close to him and very deliberate. At that time, he was still a little confused. Now it seems that Sanchez hopes to get his support.

Zhao Yang didn't have a strong desire to be the captain, so he said lightly: "Don't talk about it, the old captain is still there, saying it now is disrespectful to him."

Diop scratched his head and said, "Yes, but no one else heard it."

While the two were talking, head coach Sergio came in. He praised the players and asked Zhao Yang to attend the press conference with him.

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