The green devil

Chapter 117 The first training session of the national team

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day Zhao Yang conducted his first training session to join the national team.

Naturally, there is no secrecy against the Bhutan team, and the team's training is open to fans and reporters.

After the loss to Qatar, there was an atmosphere of despair in the country, and few fans came to watch the team's training.

But the arrival of Zhao Yang once again brought hope to Huaguo fans.

For the first time in this training session, almost [-] fans came, and there were hundreds of reporters, not only from China, but also from abroad.

Obviously, Zhao Yang's current influence has gone beyond the scope of Huaguo.

After the defeat in Doha, Perrin has been in a bad mood. He never smiles during training, and often gets angry at reporters and players.

Today, Peilan finally had a smile on his face, and he talked to reporters from time to time.

Although the situation facing the national football team is severe, as long as they win the remaining games, they still have great hopes of qualifying for the second place in the group.

There are many problems in the national football team, but Perrin believes that the biggest problem is the lack of a final top killer.

The arrival of Zhao Yang, who scored 9 goals in La Liga, not only perfectly solved this problem, but also Zhao Yang is also an assaulter, and he can also become the sharp knife for the Hua Guo team to break the deadlock.

It is no exaggeration to say that the present Zhao Yang is Pei Lan's life-saving straw.

In fact, fans in Huaguo also regarded Zhao Yang as a life-saving straw.

After being tied by the provincial team and defeated by Qatar, Huaguo fans have lost confidence in Perrin. They think that Perrin is at the end of his rope, and only Zhao Yang can save the national football team.

Zhao Yang himself doesn't know how many people's expectations he bears. During training, he is very relaxed. When the fans in the stands shouted his name, Zhao Yang even waved to interact with the fans.

Against Bhutan, naturally there is no need to practice defense. Bhutan can have two shots and they have performed exceptionally well.

The Huaguo team mainly trains to break the dense defense, so that Zhao Yang can get acquainted with the Huaguo team's tactics and offensive routines.

After warming up and passing and receiving the ball, the coaching staff specially arranged 8 defensive players in front of the penalty area to simulate the dense defense of the Bhutan team, and then let the players tear apart the opponent through routines such as kicking in the middle, crossing from the side, and personal breakthroughs line of defense.

Fans were not satisfied with the warm-up activities in the early stage of training, they just wanted to see Zhao Yang's performance in the offense.

Seeing that the national football team began to conduct offensive and defensive drills, the fans cheered, and the reporters also pointed their cameras at Zhao Yang.

Competitive sports, food is the original sin.

Zhao Yang entered the national team for the first time. To win the trust and respect of his teammates, he must show his strength.

The first time Zhao Yang got the ball, he stepped on his bicycle and rushed towards Zhou Zheng in front of him.

The other players didn't move, they all wanted to see for themselves how Zhao Yang broke through Zhou Zheng.

Zhao Yang stepped on four bicycles in a row, his feet seemed to be on hot wheels, shaking Zhou Zheng dizzily.

Zhao Yang suddenly buckled to the left, as if about to break through from the left, Zhou Zheng immediately moved laterally to the right, trying to block Zhao Yang's advancing route.

But Zhao Yang buckled the ball to his left foot, blocked the inside of his left foot, bounced to his right foot, and stepped forward with his right foot, a fried ball broke through from Zhou Zheng's left side.

Zhou Zheng was eager to turn around again, but he split a big fork and sat on the turf.

Mei Yuan, who was watching the play, quickly came over to defend.

Zhao Yang likes this kind of defense most. He followed up with another deep-fried ball, swayed across the plum garden, and moved the ball forward, followed by a fierce tiger shot.

Zhao Yang's tiger-like shot was so fierce that the goalkeeper Wang Cheng couldn't react in time, and the ball flew past him into the net with a whistling sound.

There was applause from the stands.

Fans used to watch Zhao Yang play football on TV, but now watching Zhao Yang play football in real life feels even more exciting.

Although it was just an in-team training, the fans still shouted excitedly.

Perrin's eyes widened, with indescribable joy on his face, he forgot to applaud.

This is not a life-saving straw, this is a giant ship.

You don't need teammates to assist you, and you can solve it all by yourself.

The Hua Guo team needs such a player too much.

It is also a miracle that a genius like Zhao Yang can still appear in a football environment like Huaguo.

The other national team players looked at Zhao Yang and sighed in admiration. Being able to score so many goals in a top arena like La Liga is by no means a vain reputation.

It's just how he developed his skills. It seems that he didn't go abroad to play football until his junior year.

Continue to train next, when Zhao Yang takes the ball again, two people from the defensive side come up to double-team.

Today, Zhao Yang deliberately wanted to show his strength. Facing the double-teaming of two people, he was still abrupt and forced the defensive player to foul before stopping Zhao Yang.

Perrin did not allow the players to reorganize the attack, but instead asked Zhao Yang to take a free kick from this position.

The players all looked at Zheng Zhi almost at the same time.

Zheng Zhi is the core of this team and the first operator of set kicks.

Pei Lan asked Zhao Yang to take a free kick, obviously to see how good Zhao Yang's free kick is. If the level is high, it is estimated that Zhao Yang will have the right to take some free kicks in the future.

Zheng Zhi didn't change his face, and shouted to Zhao Yang with a smile: "Hit him three times, and Wang Cheng will go down slowly."

Zheng Zhi's attitude made everyone in the team, including the coaches, heave a sigh of relief. One mountain cannot have two tigers, and they were very worried that Zheng Zhi would be unhappy.

Now it seems that Zheng Zhi can accept Zhao Yang's right to take the set kick.

In fact, Zheng Zhi knew very well in his heart that with Zhao Yang's current strength and reputation, if he and Zhao Yang had a conflict, he must be the one who was abandoned, because he was already 35 years old, and even if he had residual heat, he would not be able to perform for long. Zhao Yang is only 22 years old, and the future national team must belong to him.

That being the case, why not form a good relationship with this future leader of the national football team.

Including Yang Xu giving the No. 9 jersey to Zhao Yang. In addition to Xu Bing, Zheng Zhi also did the work of this fellow.

Zhao Yangneng was admitted to Qizhou Normal University, so he was not stupid. He nodded at Zheng Zhi, strode to the ball, and prepared to take the penalty.

Goalkeeper Wang Cheng naturally doesn't want to be Zhao Yang's stepping stone, instead he wants to prove that he can stop Zhao Yang who has repeatedly scored goals in La Liga.

Facing the goalkeeper of Huachao, Zhao Yang was even more confident. He barely made an approach, plucked green onions in the dry land, and kicked a fallen leaf cut.

Wang Cheng finally experienced world-class free kick skills. He watched the ball arc around the wall and was about to make a save when the ball suddenly fell and went straight to the lower left corner of the goal.

Fallen leaves cut!Fallen leaves cut!

There was another burst of excited cheers in the stands.

Zheng Zhi also came over and patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder, "Beautiful! I can't kick this kick."

Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Zheng is humble. You are also a top free kick master."

Perrin said with a smile: "Both of you, don't be humble. After the free kick, you two will take the penalty. There is no priority, and you can discuss it yourself during the game."

This is the right to take the set kick. Zheng Zhi nodded, and Zhao Yang happily agreed.

An hour later, the training was successfully completed. Although Zhao Yang did not integrate into the team, his personal ability will definitely bring great help to the team.Perrin and the coaching staff are very satisfied.

The fans are also very satisfied, the players have left, they are still discussing in the stands, everyone is looking forward to the official start of the match with the Bhutan team.

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