Nine brothers group pet sweet buns

Chapter 578 Xiti 8 kilometers

When Su Wu said this, everyone present almost fell down.

A group of delicate and soft student children actually have to run four kilometers and stand in a military posture for an hour?

"I'll start timing from now, and add one lap in 3 minutes. If the last student is 3 minutes late, you will run six laps. If you are 6 minutes late, you will run seven laps, and so on!"

This punishment is not trivial.

Seven laps are seven kilometers, and they felt that they might die when they ran down in one breath.

What's more, the premise is that the latecomer can arrive within 6 minutes. If the other party is more than ten minutes late, they will have to run ten kilometers today.

Immediately, someone wailed.

Su Wurang glanced around, and said in a loud voice: "Call the report before speaking, and you are not allowed to speak without the instructor's permission. If someone violates discipline, all students will have to stand in military posture for an additional 5 minutes!"

Well, everyone knows now that military training is no joke.

The handsome-looking brother soldier in front of him is really strictly following the rules!

It was also at this time that everyone really believed that they must run in the circle later.

They can't help but hate the others who have procrastinated until now.

I complained in my heart, what can these people do, they are late No.1.

In the morning, they had already been notified very clearly, but they didn't come now?

Some students even said in private

, if this kind of person went to the battlefield, he would have been wiped out by the enemy long ago.

Su Xiaotian knew very well that at this time, she had to do better, so she maintained a standard military posture and stood under the sun.

Today's sun is very strong, the scorching sun is almost unbearable, but in just a few minutes, Su Xiaotian feels that she is already sweating profusely.

But she still stood firm.

The team behind Su Xiaotian was not very serious at first, but when they saw Su Xiaotian, the squad leader standing still so seriously, their attitudes gradually corrected.

Several girls arrived one after another.

Everyone was finally relieved.

Come a little earlier, they can run a little less.

However, after 6 minutes, there is still one person missing!

Everyone continue to wait!

Under the big sun, many people sweat profusely very quickly.

No matter how much resentment there was in their hearts, Su Xiaotian stood upright with her small body, and they could only stand.

The last person in the class to arrive was Yin Ruyun.

How late she was!

When seeing Yin Ruyun, Su Xiaotian was speechless.

Can this girl be a little more reliable?

It's fine that the leggings are so messy that they might trip someone up, but what is she doing with such a thick layer of powder on her face?

Does she know that today she is not here for the beauty contest, but for military training?

Who is she dressing for?

Just for the sake of smearing, so many people waited for her for 10 minutes, and she still has to accept a heavy punishment?

That's right, when she came, 10 minutes had passed since the other students were standing under the sun waiting for her.

Thinking of the upcoming punishment, these people looked at Yin Ruyun with a bit of resentment in their eyes, especially looking at her face with a thick layer of powder, they were so angry that they were dying.

"Report to the instructor, the last team member has returned to the team!"

Su Xiaotian immediately reported to Su Wurang with a military salute.

Su Wurang looked at his watch and said, "This student is 10 minutes late for the final assembly time. According to the previous regulations, you have to run four plus four today, for a total of eight laps, or eight kilometers!"

"What?" Yin Ruyun, who had just returned to the team, lost his voice: "Eight, kilometer, are you killing someone?"

Is this instructor a brain XX disease?

Does she know, what does eight kilometers mean?

Two kilometers can be fatal!

"You are not allowed to speak. Before speaking, you must call the instructor to report, and you can only speak after you get permission! Otherwise, you will practice in extra time!" Su Wurang sternly reprimanded!

Yin Ruyun looks like a fool, and Su Wurang dislikes him so much.

Su Wurang even wondered how such a person could get into university!

"Everyone is there, run away!" Su Wurang shouted loudly, not being unreasonable at all

Meet Yin Ruyun.

In a daze, Yin Ruyun realized that the others had started jogging. Although she didn't want to run around on the playground foolishly, she had no other choice but to keep up.

Su Xiaotian, the commander of the thirteenth company, was the first to run.

She knew that at the beginning, everyone's joints hadn't moved yet, so she took her time slowly, and even reminded the students behind to pay attention to moving their joints during the running process.

Su Xiaotian did this to make everyone get used to it.

Su Wurang was very satisfied with Su Xiaotian's performance.

It seems that after all these years, my sister has not wasted her skills.

However, some people think that Su Xiaotian has too many things to do.

Run as long as you run, what do you care about so much?

When they haven't run?

For this type of people, Su Xiaotian didn't bother to remind them.

People have to be responsible for themselves, others do not have this obligation!

They are not the first to start running.

Other classes have also started exercising.

It may be due to the arrangement before. About half of the class on the playground is running, and the other half of the class is practicing standing in a military posture.

As the company commander, Su Xiaotian ran at the front.

Behind her is a row, which is the boys row.

Boys are generally taller than Su Xiaotian. Before the comparison between the two, Su Xiaotian looks very petite and exquisite.

Su Xiao

At this time, Tian became a sight in the whole school, and even some students from other classes were staring at Su Xiaotian curiously.

Laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. The instructors can naturally see that although Su Xiaotian looks small, she has a good grasp of the rhythm.

Moreover, she is deliberately guiding a group of people behind her.

It's just that those people in the back obviously didn't understand what Su Xiaotian meant, and they ran around in a loose manner like they had a waist but no legs.

On the first day of training, for these students, they were more tolerant, and there was no requirement that they must be in good order.

Just keep running.

Su Xiaotian felt that she was already running very slowly, and tried her best to take care of those in the class who were physically weak, but there were still some people who couldn't keep up.

Among them, the one who couldn't keep up the most was Yin Ruyun.

Yin Ruyun has always felt that she is delicate and weak, and should be taken care of.

But now, she was asked to run with a group of people.

Especially when she was still at the back, the dust and the like brought up by the running people in front flew towards her face.

Yin Ruyun frowned in disgust.

She was already sweating, why didn't she stop?

Why doesn't Su Xiaotian run slower?Can't we just walk slowly in this kind of weather?

Why run so fast?

What a vulgar man!

After complaining about Su Xiaotian, Yin Ruyun began to complain about the expressionless Su Wurang.

(End of this chapter)

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