Xu Changsheng, one of the four great masters, unexpectedly appeared in Qingcheng Mountain.

It was beyond Gu Bingxi's expectation.

When she heard Xu Changsheng's words of "swearing to kill Chen Yang", Gu Bingxi's face darkened, "Uncle Xu, you must know that Chen Yang is my father's sworn brother, if you attack Chen Yang, you will attack my father. Aren't you worried that my father will settle accounts with you?"


After Xu Changsheng heard Gu Bingxi's words, he laughed again.

"Gu Bingxi, who doesn't know that your father Gu Zhenhong's meridians were damaged and his strength dropped drastically. He is no longer a strong man of the Earth Profound rank who can be compared with Hong Wudi! Now that Gu Zhenhong is in danger, he still dares to settle accounts with me. He is not afraid of dying in my hands!"

Xu Changsheng's tone of voice was very arrogant.

She didn't pay attention to Gu Zhenhong at all.

Gu Bingxi's eyes suddenly turned to Meng Yulin beside him!

Although Meng Yulin was injured in both hands, he did not leave. He wanted to see Xu Changsheng kill Chen Yang with his own eyes.

Seeing Gu Bingxi's gaze, Meng Yulin smiled, "Junior Sister, I told Grandmaster Xu, it's no secret anymore!"

Gu Bingxi took her gaze back!

She really didn't want to fight Xu Changsheng, but for Chen Yang, Gu Bingxi could only do it.

Chen Yang stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed Gu Bingxi's boneless jade hand, "This man is here to kill me, let me meet him!"

Chen Yang will not hide behind women.

No matter how strong Xu Changsheng is, Chen Yang will not be afraid!

"You have the guts!" Xu Changsheng gave Chen Yang a thumbs-up, "You know it's a mantis arming a car and hitting a rock with an egg, but you still dare to stand up, and I will give you a comfortable death."

"I didn't say I would definitely lose!" Chen Yang stood in front of Xu Changsheng, "It doesn't matter if you are a grandmaster, I'm not afraid."


Xu Changsheng laughed loudly, "I haven't met such an arrogant young man like you for a long time."


Xu Changsheng moved his hand suddenly.

He doesn't look like a master at all.

He punched Chen Yang.

Xu Changsheng is a rare body tempering cultivation method among warriors!

Body quenching is to make the body harder by being beaten!

This kind of cultivation method is very special, and ordinary warriors are not willing to practice it.

But the body-hardened warriors are very difficult to deal with. Although Xu Changsheng is only close to Dixuan, if he really fights his life, even Gu Zhenhong of Dixuan rank will have a headache.

A strong wind hit Chen Yang.

Xu Changsheng is currently the strongest opponent Chen Yang has encountered!

Chen Yang had to cheer up.

He secretly used his true energy, clenched his fist with his right hand, and slammed into Xu Changsheng's fist hard.

"Chen Yang, don't confront him..."

When Gu Bingxi saw that Chen Yang wanted to confront Xu Changsheng head-on, she hurriedly reminded her, but it was too late, and Chen Yang's fist collided with Xu Changsheng's.

How could Chen Yang compare to Xu Changsheng who was close to Dixuan.


The fists of the two collided, and Chen Yang's body suddenly retreated several steps.

He only felt his blood surging, as if he was about to vomit blood!

This is not a good sign.

The strength of this Xu Changsheng far exceeds that of Chen Yang!

What's more, Xu Changsheng is still practicing body tempering, and his body hardness is far beyond that of ordinary people.

It is not what Chen Yang can compare at this time!

Xu Changsheng stood where he was!

Laughing loudly, "It's a joke that even a mere Nascent-ranker wants to fight me. Didn't I say that? Even if Gu Zhenhong's meridians were not damaged, he wouldn't dare to boast in front of me."

Gu Bingxi came over, trying to stop Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang waved his hand, "Bingxi, I don't believe I can't hurt him!"

Chen Yang is very stubborn!

Since Chen Yang got the true biography of the ancestor of the Chen family, he only learned medical skills and mental skills, but he didn't learn much Xuangong!It wasn't until now that Chen Yang realized that he didn't learn Xuangong!

Mysterious Kung Fu is a kung fu method that can exert one's true energy to the extreme!

A set of profound arts "Qiankun Xuangong" flashed in Chen Yang's mind!

This set of profound arts has a total of five levels!

Each level corresponds to a martial skill!

The first level skill of "Qiankun Xuangong" is called "God Explosion"!

This is a martial skill that can increase one's own strength several times, but correspondingly, it will also put a huge burden on the body.

At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't care less about it!

"Xu Changsheng, try my move!"

Chen Yang punched out again!

Xu Changsheng didn't take it seriously, "You dared to come here if you overestimated your own strength. If you're looking for death, then I'll help you."

Xu Changsheng also punched out.

But just when Xu Changsheng's fist was about to touch Chen Yang's, Xu Changsheng's expression changed, "How is that possible? How could you be at the Earth Profound Rank... absolutely impossible!"

A sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, "Xu Changsheng, there is nothing impossible in this world, you just don't know it! Let you taste the power of 'God Explosion'!"

Chen Yang used the first stage of Qiankun Xuangong to explode!

In an instant, his strength was raised to close to the Earth Profound Rank!


The fists of Chen Yang and Xu Changsheng touched together.

Xu Changsheng's body actually flew backwards!


Xu Changsheng was knocked down to the ground by Chen Yang's punch.

At this moment, everyone present was horrified!

Even Meng Yulin couldn't believe it was true, Chen Yang actually sent Xu Changsheng, the master of martial arts, flying out.

Chen Yang stood where he was, watching Xu Changsheng being sent flying by him.

Suddenly, Chen Yang opened his mouth!

A mouthful of blood spit out.

Gu Bingxi hurried over, supported Chen Yang, and asked with concern, "How is it?"


When Chen Yang opened his mouth, he spat out another mouthful of blood!

His body bears a huge burden.

However, seeing Xu Changsheng being beaten flying by him, Chen Yang felt that it was all worth it.

Chen Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and looked at Meng Yulin, "Now it's your turn, Meng Yulin, the two of us have to settle the score!"

But just as Chen Yang finished speaking, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter!


Xu Changsheng actually stood up from the ground.

"It's so cool, I haven't been beaten for a long time...Chen Yang, you helped me a lot just now, and made me stronger!" Xu Changsheng looked at Chen Yang, "Your martial arts are very good , can quickly improve your own strength!"

Chen Yang never expected that Xu Changsheng was fine.

Meng Yulin sneered from the side, "Chen Yang, you know that Grandmaster Xu is a rare tempered body, the more you beat him, the stronger he becomes, you idiot who doesn't even know this, yet dare to confront Grandmaster Xu head-on, it's ridiculous. "

Xu Changsheng walked towards Chen Yang, "I was just playing with you just now, enough playing, I should kill you!"

"My life? You think too much!" Chen Yang said coldly, "God explodes...!"

Chen Yang wanted to forcibly use the first stage of the "Heaven and Kun Mysterious Art" again.

At this moment, Gu Bingxi said lightly, "Let me do it!"


A chill was suddenly released from Gu Bingxi's body.

Everything around Gu Bingxi is freezing!

The cold continued to spread to the surroundings, and more and more places were frozen!

In the blink of an eye, Xu Changsheng was already trapped in a frozen area!

Gu Bingxi is like a nine-day fairy who landed in the world, standing between this frozen area...!

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