Zhang Xueyao and Tang Xueyun were sitting in the living room!

Neither of them spoke!

But both of them had eyes on each other.

Like the calm before the storm.

Zhu Yanwen, who got into trouble, hid aside, lit a cigarette comfortably, and just moved a small stool, took some melon seeds, and sat beside him to watch the play.

Suddenly, Zhang Xueyao's cell phone rang.

When Zhang Xueyao saw the call, she directly pressed the reject button!

When the call came again, Zhang Xueyao refused to answer again and turned off the phone.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?" Tang Xueyun said suddenly!

"My father's phone number." Zhang Xueyao replied.

Tang Xueyun bit her lips lightly, "Director Zhang, it's just the two of us here, let's talk about it, I don't think you are good enough for Chen Yang!"

Zhang Xueyao's eyes looked at Tang Xueyun.

She felt jealous from Tang Xueyun's tone.

When Zhang Xueyao publicly confessed to Chen Yang, she had already made a choice and would never back down.

"Mr. Tang, what about you? Do you think you are worthy of Chen Yang?" Zhang Xueyao asked back.

Tang Xueyun didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to ask her back!

This place has become a Shura field.

"I am his wife." Tang Xueyun said.

"You are an agreed couple!" Zhang Xueyao said, "You will be divorced after one year. This is what my junior brother told me personally."

That's what Tang Xueyun thought at the beginning.

She also told Chen Yang clearly.

This is the hole Tang Xueyun dug for herself.

Tang Xueyun looked at Zhang Xueyao, "So what? At least as long as the marriage lasts, I will never be ambiguous with other men! Unlike you, Director Zhang, who claim to love Chen Yang, but promise to marry another man .”

Tang Xueyun's words hit Zhang Xueyao's vitals.

Zhang Xueyao bit her lip tightly, almost bleeding from the bite.

"I was forced!" Zhang Xueyao said slowly, "It is because of this experience that I know to cherish Chen Yang and never let him go!"

"I'm warning you again, he is still my husband in name, if you want to chase him, please do so after we divorce!" Zhang Xueyao shouted!

The two face each other!

No one will give in.

Footsteps sounded.

With his right hand supporting his waist, Chen Yang went downstairs alone.

Gu Bingxi did not follow Chen Yang.

Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi have just completed double training, and they are obviously refreshed.

"Sister, you came just in time, I was just looking for you!" Chen Yang came to the living room, just as he was sitting on the sofa, Tang Xueyun suddenly got up and sat in Chen Yang's arms.

Tang Xueyun's seductive body fragrance floated into Chen Yang's nose!

Chen Yang didn't expect Tang Xueyun to be so active. Tang Xueyun's elastic and powerful back was pressed against Chen Yang's leg, and Chen Yang could only feel the heat that had just disappeared in his body move again.

When Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi practiced together just now, Gu Bingxi's seductive body almost broke Chen Yang's waist!

A large amount of spiritual energy was continuously transmitted from the spirit pearl into Chen Yang's body, and was transformed into true energy by Chen Yang.

In a short period of time, Chen Yang recovered all the zhenqi he had consumed.

Just after Chen Yang finished his double cultivation, he met Tang Xueyun, who was very proactive!

At that moment, Chen Yang felt the heat rushing again.

Tang Xueyun felt Chen Yang's impulse, but she pretended not to feel it, and put her right hand around Chen Yang's neck!

She is swearing sovereignty to Zhang Xueyao.

A hint of jealousy flashed in Zhang Xueyao's eyes, she was jealous of Tang Xueyun.

But Zhang Xueyao was more concerned about Chen Yang's body, "Student, are you really in good health?"

"Well, I have recovered!" Chen Yang said, "Senior sister, let's talk about your mother's illness. Your mother is only under my control temporarily, but I am worried that if Chen Peng treats your mother tomorrow, It will kill your mother. You have seen it too, that Chen Peng is a fake! I think Meng Yulin just treats your mother as a tool, he doesn't care about your mother's life or death at all... I know your father definitely won't Listen to me, you can persuade your father to avoid a tragedy."

Zhang Xueyao shook her head!

"I have already persuaded my father, but he refused to listen to me." Zhang Xueyao was very disappointed, "I can't change his decision, he is already possessed, and he desperately wants to save my mother!"

Zhang Chenteng is in a hurry to go to the doctor right now.

He is a doctor himself, and he knows it very well, but he always has a fluke in his heart, hoping that Chen Peng can save his wife.

"Actually, I know there is a prescription that I can try!" Chen Yang said, "But some of the medicinal materials in the prescription are very difficult to obtain, so I am worried that it will be too late..."

Gu Bingxi's voice came from the stairs, "You don't have to worry about the medicinal materials. Our Gu family has medicinal material suppliers all over the country. I can arrange for them to deliver the medicinal materials you want."

Gu Bingxi's face was rosy, and neither Zhang Xueyao nor Tang Xueyun could feel the cold when they walked over.

Now Gu Bingxi seems to be a different person, there seems to be a faint smile on that beautiful face.

Pop, pop!

Zhu Yanwen suddenly slapped his hands.

His eyes fixed on Gu Bingxi, "Beauty, you are so beautiful, Gu Bingxi, you are even more beautiful now than in the past! No wonder everyone says that women should be nourished by men...!"

As soon as Zhu Yanwen said this, Gu Bingxi's sharp eyes had already cast on Zhu Yanwen, Zhu Yanwen immediately changed his words, "I'll help everyone get some drinks!" After speaking, Zhu Yanwen left immediately.

Gu Bingxi came to Chen Yang's right, stroked her skirt, and sat beside Chen Yang.

Zhu Yanwen's words just now seemed to remind Tang Xueyun, her eyes swept across Gu Bingxi's face, she stretched her right hand to Chen Yang's thigh, and twisted it hard.

"It hurts!" Chen Yang said!

"Deserve it!" Tang Xueyun heard Chen Yang's words, her dark eyes looked directly at Chen Yang, "What did you do with Gu Bingxi upstairs just now?"

Before Chen Yang could answer, Gu Bingxi had already said, "Shuangxiu!"

"Shuangxiu?" Tang Xueyun blushed suddenly, "Bastard!"

Tang Xueyun held a powder fist with her right hand and hit Chen Yang.

Chen Yang couldn't tell because he was suffering, so he could only let Tang Xueyun do it.


Tang Xueyun's wrist was grasped by Gu Bingxi.

A chill suddenly spread from Tang Xueyun's wrist to her whole body.

A sneeze!

Tang Xueyun shuddered subconsciously.

"Tang Xueyun, you may think that our Gu family is just a family of martial arts! In fact, our Gu family is in charge of the Jiangnan underground world, and I am the queen of the underground world. I don't mind if you disappear from Qingcheng Mountain...!"


In an instant, Gu Bingxi unleashed her coercion!

It turned out to be a half-step Dixuan.

For a moment, Chen Yang was shocked.

Although he helped Gu Bingxi open the 64 veins, turning Gu Bingxi into a god of heaven.

But Gu Bingxi broke through the Earth Profound Step in a short period of time and became a half-step Earth Profound!

Its strength is even stronger than the Dragon God.

This Gu Bingxi is simply a genius!

Surpassing his father Gu Zhenhong is just around the corner.

Suddenly, a thought came to Chen Yang's mind!

If he helps Gu Bingxi with all his strength, Gu Bingxi is very likely to surpass Wang Shouxin of Tianxuan rank and become No. 1 in the ages...

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