Yu Xiaolong's words were like a thunder in the clear sky, which shocked Zhang Chenteng!

This is a shocking big secret!

Chen Xiao's disappearance may have something to do with Gu Zhenhong!

"This matter is extraordinary, and it is absolutely impossible to make false claims!" Although Zhang Chenteng was honored as the top ten national doctors, that was just a title, and there was a medical sage Song Xianzhi on top of him.

He has always been careful!

The disappearance of the medical sage Chen Xiao has a great impact, not only involving the chaebols, wealthy families, but even the royal family.

"This matter can no longer be concealed, it has already spread in the imperial city." Yu Xiaolong said, "If you have any relationship in the imperial city, you will hear this rumor."


Suddenly, a powerful coercion hit.

Chen Peng felt as if a thousand weights weighed on his body!


Kneeling on the ground at that time.

Zhang Chenteng also felt a heavy object pressing down on him, and his legs couldn't stand anymore!

At this moment, a hand was placed on his back.

The feeling of a heavy weight suddenly disappeared.

Looking back, Zhang Chenteng saw Chen Yang's left hand on Zhang Chenteng's back, and the other arm around Zhang Xueyao's waist.

Zhang Chenteng's heart suddenly moved!

He thought that Chen Yang was just an ordinary college student who had just graduated, he had no family background, he was just an insignificant person, but at this moment Zhang Chenteng realized that Chen Yang was not simple.

The dragon god appeared in the courtyard.

He walked towards Yu Xiaolong step by step!

Boom, boom...!

With every step, the ground shook.

Dragon God deliberately released coercion.

He has the strength of the Nascent level!

Divided according to strength: Elementary Profound Rank, Nascent Profound Rank, Earth Profound Rank, Sky Profound Rank, Emperor Profound Rank...!

Now the spiritual energy is thin, and it is difficult to practice!

Among the four great masters, only Gu Zhenhong and Hong Wudi, two of the Earth Profound Rank, are already at the pinnacle of warriors!

The other two masters are only half-steps of Dixuan!

It is said that Wang Shouxin, a prodigy 200 years ago, reached the Tianxuan rank, but that is just a legend, no one has ever seen Wang Shouxin.

"Entering the Profound Rank?" Feeling the pressure of the Dragon God, Yu Xiaolong swept his eyes over the Dragon God, "I didn't expect you to have reached the Profound Rank at such a young age, no wonder my master obviously doesn't like Gu Zhenhong, It is still agreed that Miss will marry Gu Zhenhong's son, Gu Zhenhong is a master of martial arts by no means in vain, he really has something!"

The Dragon God came in front of Yu Xiaolong, "My lady has already warned you Song family not to talk nonsense, but you dare to spread rumors behind my master's back, I will never forgive you!"

A murderous aura was suddenly released from Dragon God!

Yu Xiaolong took two steps back, a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Although you are at the entry level, I, Yu Xiaolong, am not afraid of you, it is still unknown who will die!"

At this moment, a figure appeared between the two and shouted angrily, "Stop!"

This person turned out to be Chen Yang.

The aura released by the Dragon God just now has already calmed down everyone present.

Although the bodyguards of the Zhang family were nearby, no one dared to come up because of the aura of the Dragon God.

Chen Peng even knelt on the ground, not daring to move!

Who would have thought that Chen Yang would suddenly jump out at this time, angrily shouting at the two masters, Xiaolong and Dragon God.

Both Dragon God and Yu Xiaolong's eyes fell on Chen Yang!

Chen Yang stood between the two masters, without fear, and angrily said, "One is the chief steward of the Song family in the imperial city, and the other is a direct disciple of the martial arts master, but you two are fighting in their backyard, do you know Knowing that there is still a dying Mrs. Zhang in the house, the Song family and the Gu family's faces have been completely lost by the two of you, bah, you are still a master, not even a beggar!"

Chen Yang's words made Chen Peng, who was kneeling on the ground, very happy!

"This idiot who doesn't know how to live or die must want to be a hero in front of Zhang Xueyao! Isn't this asking for death? What is it? At that time, I will still marry Zhang Xueyao and become Zhang Chenteng's son-in-law."

Chen Peng looked smug, waiting to see Chen Yang being beaten to death.

Chen Peng was happy, but Zhang Xueyao was terrified.

He was about to step forward and pull Chen Yang back.

But as soon as she moved, she was grabbed by Zhang Chenteng, "Xueyao, don't go there, it's dangerous over there."

Zhang Xueyao shook Zhang Chenteng's hand away, "Father, my junior brother stood up for my mother, no matter how dangerous it is, I will be with him!" Chen Peng remained motionless, "The son-in-law you are optimistic about is still kneeling on the ground and not daring to move. You should see if your son-in-law is scared to death!"

What Zhang Xueyao said made Zhang Chenteng's face burn!

This Chen Peng is really embarrassing. Is this the son of a medical sage?

Zhang Xueyao rushed over and covered Chen Yang with both hands.

"This is my home, you all get out of here!"

Zhang Xueyao was very brave. Facing the murderous Dragon God, Zhang Xueyao bravely opened her arms to protect Chen Yang behind her.

This is the only thing she can do for Chen Yang.

All along, it was Chen Yang who helped her and protected her, now it's time for her to protect Chen Yang.

Even if her strength is negligible, she will do her best to protect the man she fell in love with at first sight.

The dragon god's murderous aura disappeared.

He looked at Yu Xiaolong, "Don't let me meet you outside Qingcheng Yaju, I will make you pay for what you said today."

"I'll accompany you anytime."

As soon as the dragon god turned around, he walked away.

At this moment, Zhang Xueyao breathed a sigh of relief!

She quickly grabbed Chen Yang's hand and pulled Chen Yang aside, "You...are you stupid? What if they attack you?"

Her pink fist lightly beat Chen Yang's chest, and tears rolled in her eyes.

"I'm fine!"

Looking at Zhang Xueyao's appearance at this moment, Chen Yang couldn't help but want to laugh.

No matter what Chen Yang said, he was the uncle of the Dragon God, and the Dragon God always respected his teachers!

No matter how dissatisfied he was with Chen Yang, he would never dare to do anything to Chen Yang, his uncle.

As for Yu Xiaolong, Chen Yang was even less afraid.

In terms of strength, how can Yu Xiaolong compare to Chen Yang who is at the advanced level.

"you are stupid!"

Zhang Xueyao wrapped her arms around Chen Yang's neck, and couldn't help but put her lips on it!

The moment her soft lips touched Chen Yang's lips, Chen Yang couldn't bear the impulse, he hugged Zhang Xueyao by the waist, completely avoided Zhang Chenteng's sight, and hid by the wall ...!

Chen Peng knelt on the ground, his eyes followed Chen Yang and Zhang Xueyao all the time!

When he saw Zhang Xueyao's seductive lips pressed against Chen Yang's lips with his own eyes, Chen Peng was on fire with jealousy!He was chosen by Zhang Chenteng to be the son-in-law of the Zhang family, and Zhang Xueyao was his woman, and the only man who could kiss Zhang Xueyao's alluring lips was him!

But now, he saw that the woman who should belong to him was kissing another man, and it was still in front of his face, which made Chen Peng feel like he was being cuckolded!

In the next second, he actually saw Chen Yang holding Zhang Xueyao and hiding by the wall!

Chen Peng was emotional and was about to stand up, but as soon as he moved, he found that his legs were numb from kneeling for a long time, and his body fell forward.


Chen Peng ate shit like a dog, and his face came into close contact with the ground!

He only felt the Venus spinning around in front of him, and he almost fainted!

"father in law……!"

Chen Peng didn't care about the injury on his face, he struggled to sit up, pointed with his right hand to the hiding place of Chen Yang and Zhang Xueyao, and wanted Zhang Chenteng to stop Chen Yang and Zhang Xueyao from making out!

But at this moment, I heard Yu Xiaolong say loudly, "Doctor Zhang Guo, you should believe my words now, right? The son of the medical sage Chen Xiao is dead, this is a fake! Song Yichuan is the genuine Song family." Heir, my master said that as long as you marry our Song family, our Song family will help you become a medical saint and be as famous as Song Xianzhi!"

As soon as Zhang Chenteng heard "Medical Saint", his eyes lit up...

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