The invincible fairy doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 255 Don't Want to Leave Alive

Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun walked into Qingcheng Yaju!

Thinking of Wu Yongyi's warning just now, Chen Yang couldn't help but raise his vigilance.

Wu Yongyi has a crush on Zhang Xueyao!

When he was in Zhonghai City, Wu Yongyi attacked Chen Yang because of Zhang Xueyao.

Song Yichuan's attack this time was probably related to Wu Yongyi.

Wu Yongyi is very dangerous.

Qingcheng Yaju was originally a royal garden, and Zhang Chenteng spent tens of millions to renovate it!

Although Zhang Chenteng is looking for his son-in-law, because of his status as a master of traditional Chinese medicine, there are still many sons of famous families who come to him for blind dates!

Among many young heroes, Song Yichuan stands out.

Song Yichuan is a leader among the younger generation of the Song family in the imperial city. He graduated from a world-class university and is young and promising!This time he agreed to a blind date, which was beyond Zhang Chenteng's expectation.

Once in, Zhang An took Song Yichuan to see Zhang Chenteng.

Chen Yang also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Zhang An!

"My master only sees Young Master Song!" Zhang An looked at Chen Yang, "My eldest lady is not with the master, if you want to see the eldest lady, go to the back yard...!"

Zhang An intentionally told Chen Yang where Zhang Xueyao lived.

Chen Yang understood, said thank you, and walked to the backyard with Tang Xueyun.

"Do you think that housekeeper will lie to you?" Tang Xueyun obviously didn't believe Zhang An!

"When we meet someone, we'll know if we inquire!" Chen Yang said with a smile, "We've already entered, so of course we can inquire casually!"

"Are you sure someone in the Zhang family will talk to you well?" Tang Xueyun said!

"Isn't it you?" Chen Yang put his arms around Tang Xueyun's waist, "They regard me as an enemy, but you are not, you can ask for me!"

"Why should I help you?" Tang Xueyun asked!

"Because I plan to help you make a comeback!" Chen Yang said, "Don't you want to take back the position of president of Zhongtian Group?"

"Do you have a solution?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said, "As long as you help me this time, I will help you regain the president of the group, and I will do what I say."

"Deal!" Tang Xueyun said.

While the two were talking, a young girl in her twenties walked towards them.

"I'll go ask!"

Tang Xueyun walked towards the girl!

Just when Tang Xueyun was about to ask, the young girl asked first instead, "Are you Tang Xueyun from Zhonghai City?"

"'s me!"

Tang Xueyun was taken aback!

She didn't expect this young girl to know her, which was too strange.

"My eldest lady wants to see you, please come with me!" said the girl.

"Your eldest lady? Zhang Xueyao?" Tang Xueyun asked!

"Yeah!" The girl nodded.

Tang Xueyun couldn't help being overjoyed, she wanted to find out where Zhang Xueyao lived, but she didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to send someone over!Tang Xueyun turned around and greeted Chen Yang, "She wants to take us to see Zhang Xueyao."

Chen Yang walked two steps quickly, and just arrived in front of the girl, but he didn't want the girl to say directly, "Our eldest lady only wants to see Tang Xueyun, not Chen Yang."

When Chen Yang heard this sentence, the smile on his face disappeared!

Zhang Xueyao must have misunderstood that he killed Zhang Chenyuan, that's why she didn't see him on purpose.

"I want to explain to my senior sister in person that I didn't kill her uncle!" Chen Yang wanted to explain, but the girl interrupted him, "It's inconvenient for my eldest lady to see you...!"

Now that this point has been reached, Chen Yang didn't say any more, just looked at Tang Xueyun, "When you see my senior sister, you must make it clear to her that I didn't kill her uncle, it was a misunderstanding. "

"I know!" Tang Xueyun nodded, "We'll have a video call then."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here!" Chen Yang said.

Tang Xueyun was taken away by the girl, and Chen Yang waited for Tang Xueyun alone.

Chen Yang always felt that there was something weird in it.

He took the phone and called Sun Yiran.

A man's screams came from the phone!

"My leg is about to break, aunt, please forgive me...!"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, "Sun Yiran, what are you doing?"

"Arrest!" Sun Yiran said!

"You are too violent!" Chen Yang said.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are busy, talk about something, hang up if you have nothing to do!" Sun Yiran said.

"It's something!" Chen Yang was really worried that Sun Yiran would hang up the phone, so he said immediately, "Do you still remember that Zhang Chenyuan was taken away?"

"Agent!" Sun Yiran said, "But who took it away, I don't know. Isn't Zhang Chenyuan already dead? Why did you suddenly ask him!"

"People in the Zhang family think that I killed Zhang Chenyuan!" Chen Yang said, "I suspect that someone deliberately pushed Zhang Chenyuan's death onto me, and all of this has something to do with the person who took Zhang Chenyuan away...!"

"What do you want to say? You were framed?"

"Almost!" Chen Yang said, "I'm just confirming this news with you, you should be busy, wait for me to go back to Zhonghai City, and find you for dinner."

Chen Yang hung up the phone, frowning.

Chen Yang vaguely felt that this matter was not simple.

"Chen Yang?" A young man called Chen Yang.

Chen Yang raised his head and saw the young man in front of him with a smile on his face.

You must know that when Chen Yang entered Qingcheng Yaju, the Zhang family did not give Chen Yang a good face. Everyone looked at Chen Yang as if they were seeing an enemy!

It was rare to see someone call his name with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Chen Yang asked!

"My name is Zhang Cheng!" The young man smiled all over his face, "My cousin Zhang Chenteng wants to see you, so let me come to you."

Chen Yang was taken aback!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chenteng would look for him, which surprised him.

"Did Dr. Zhang Guo say why he wanted to see me?" Chen Yang asked.

"My cousin didn't say anything." Zhang Cheng said, "You can come with me now."

Zhang Cheng led Chen Yang through a courtyard, and a small courtyard appeared in front of him!

"My cousin is waiting for you there!" Zhang Cheng said, "Hurry up, don't make my cousin wait too long!"

While talking, Zhang Cheng pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

Chen Yang followed behind Zhang Cheng, and just as he entered the small courtyard, a gust of wind hit him from behind his head.

Chen Yang leaped to the side and avoided it!


The courtyard door is closed!

In the yard, there were more than a dozen young men with knives standing!

The burly man who sneaked up behind Chen Yang with a knife just now spit at Chen Yang, "Damn, you're fucking tough to deal with!"

Chen Yang looked at Zhang Cheng, "Didn't you say that Zhang Chenteng wants to see me? Where is he?"

"Idiot!" At this moment, Zhang Cheng disappeared all the smiles on his face, looked at Chen Yang, and said coldly, "Chen Yang, you don't think our Zhang family doesn't take revenge, do you? You killed our uncle , dare to come to the door, if we let you leave the Zhang family today, will our Zhang family have any face in the future? You don't want to leave alive today!"

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