Zhu Yanwen just slapped him, and the man flew out of the hotel!

Everyone present was shocked!

Who would have thought that Zhu Yanwen would be so powerful.

The rest of the men didn't dare to act rashly.

Li Feifei bit her lips tightly!

She was very afraid of Zhu Yanwen.

Although she was unwilling, Li Feifei still smiled and said, "Since I'm a friend of Young Master Zhu, I won't pursue it anymore, and let's leave this matter alone."

"Thank you, Miss Fei, for your understanding." Zhu Yanwen said with a smile, "Sister Fei, welcome to Zhonghai City!"

Li Feifei left with someone.

No one thought that just a few words from Zhu Yanwen could make Li Feifei, a woman who is not easy to mess with, leave in despair.

Everyone present was stunned!

They all looked at Zhu Yanwen, wanting to know who Zhu Yanwen is.

"Zhu Yanwen, why are you here?" Chen Yang asked!

"Come and see the fun!" Zhu Yanwen said.

"Excitement? What excitement?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Do you know Chen Xiao, the medical sage?"

The medical saint Chen Xiao is said to be the person closest to the medical god.

The legendary Chen Xiao has superb medical skills. He can not only open people's veins, but also bring them back to life!

Everyone who studies medicine knows Chen Xiao's name!

At present, it is mainly based on the mysterious medical school!

The founder of the mysterious medical school is Chen Yi, the god of medicine, and this Chen Xiao is said to be Chen Yi's descendant.

Chen Yang didn't speak, but He Qianqian said beside him, "How could anyone not know Chen Xiao, the medical sage? He is a god-like figure. It is said that he can help people open up the veins. My grandfather spent a lot of money to find Chen Xiao."

He Qiushan wanted to practice with all his heart, but he couldn't because of his physique!

He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to find Chen Xiao who could open the pulse door, but he has never been able to find Chen Xiao.

Zhu Yanwen smiled, "That's it, it is said that Chen Xiao's son Chen Tianpeng will also come!"


When Zhu Yanwen said these words, everyone present exclaimed.

Even He Qiushan's expression changed, and he took two quick steps, before reaching Zhu Yanwen, "Who did you listen to?"

"Don't Mr. He know?" Zhu Yanwen asked!

"I don't know!" He Qiushan said.

"This story has already spread. Recently, a young man named Chen Tianpeng appeared. He has the rare book "The Book of the Living Man". This person claims to be Chen Xiao's son! He is also on the blind date list!" Zhu Yanwen said, "I just received this news and came to Qingcheng Mountain specially to see Chen Xiao's son with my own eyes."

"That's great!" He Qiushan couldn't help being overjoyed, "If you can find Chen Xiao, you can help me continue to open the pulse door, and there is hope for me to practice!"

Although Chen Yang helped He Qiushan open a vein door, but for He Qiushan who is over 60 years old, this is far from enough!He urgently needed to cultivate his true energy in a very short period of time, and he needed to open at least eight channels.

I'm afraid that only Chen Xiao can do it in the whole world.

Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat.

This Chen Tianpeng turned out to be Chen Xiao's son, who owned the "Book of Living Man".

Chen Yang also wanted to see him.

Just when Chen Yang was about to speak, Chen Yang's cell phone rang suddenly.

This call is from Jiang Yanting.

Chen Yang went to the side with his mobile phone and answered the call.

"Chen Yang, is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

"Dean Jiang, tell me!" Tang Xueyun was the only one beside Chen Yang!

In Chen Yang's heart, Tang Xueyun had already been regarded as a trustworthy person, so there was no need to carry Tang Xueyun behind his back.

When Jiang Yanting heard this, he said, "The files you want to check are gone!"

"Disappeared?" Chen Yang was taken aback!

"Yes, the files of the period you want to check are missing!" Jiang Yanting said, "More precisely, the files of the day you were born...the hospital doesn't know why it doesn't exist!"

Chen Yang frowned!

This incident is too coincidental!

How could there be less files for that day.

"There is one more strange thing." Jiang Yanting said, "Just a few days ago, someone came to the hospital to check the files of that month...the person who came was the National Intelligence Service!"

Chen Yang realized that this matter was a bit involved!

Why is the Intelligence Department involved?

But if Meng Yulin also suspects Chen Yang's identity and wants to investigate Chen Yang, is it necessary to investigate that month?

You can check the day Chen Yang was born!

Chen Yang's birthday is not a secret.

"Dean Jiang, don't tell outsiders about this matter." Chen Yang urged, "Just pretend it never happened!"

"I understand." Jiang Yanting said.

Chen Yang put down the phone, Tang Xueyun blinked her dark eyes, and looked at Chen Yang, "What happened?"

"It's nothing." Chen Yang smiled, wrapped his right hand around Tang Xueyun's waist, and looked at Zhu Yanwen!

At this moment, Zhu Yanwen was talking to He Qianqian.

Zhu Yanwen seemed to be very interested in He Qianqian, and he was flattering He Qianqian with a smile on his face, but obviously He Qianqian didn't like Zhu Yanwen and didn't want to talk to Zhu Yanwen at all.

"This Zhu Yanwen should be chasing He Qianqian!" Chen Yang said.

"Why do you care about He Qianqian? Could it be that you are also interested in He Qianqian?" When Tang Xueyun said this, she was obviously jealous!

Chen Yang patted Tang Xueyun's plump back with his hand, and said with a smile, "Don't be jealous, I'm not interested in He Qianqian, I only have one person in my heart!"

"Your senior sister Zhang Xueyao!" Tang Xueyun said jealously.

"No, only you!" Chen Yang said!

Tang Xueyun gave Chen Yang a blank look, "I'm not a little girl, you can't fool me with sweet words."

However, the smile on the corner of Tang Xueyun's mouth betrayed her heart.

Zhu Yanwen originally wanted to stay in this hotel. After hearing that Chen Yang planned to change to another hotel, Zhu Yanwen immediately said, "It's not easy to book a hotel near here! You must know that many people travel thousands of miles to find Zhang Chenteng. Seeing a doctor, plus Zhang Chenteng is going to recruit a son-in-law this time, it's not easy to find a hotel nearby... However, I do have a villa nearby!"

"You have a villa and you still come to stay in a hotel?" Chen Yang asked!

Zhu Yanwen glanced at He Qianqian next to him, and said in a low voice, "Aren't I here to get close to He Qianqian? Why don't you do me a favor and ask He Qianqian to live there too, how about it?"

"I knew you came to Qingcheng Mountain for a purpose!" Chen Yang smiled lightly when he heard Zhu Yanwen's words, "Okay, leave this matter to me!"

"He Qianqian has a very temper, I don't think she will agree to go!" Zhu Yanwen said.

"Look at me!" Chen Yang went straight to He Qiushan, "Mr. He, I got a prescription recently, which is very good for your meridians, do you want to try it?"

When He Qiushan heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, "Where is the prescription?"

"I'm going to live with my friend now. If Mr. He is interested in the prescription, you can move in and live with me!" Chen Yang said, "I just happen to be able to dispense that medicine."

"Liar!" Without waiting for He Qiushan to speak, He Qianqian twitched her small cherry mouth slightly, and snorted coldly, "Grandpa, don't believe what he said, nine of his ten sentences are lies, and the remaining one is half-truth Fake."

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