In the intensive care unit of the hospital!

A woman in her 30s put her hand on the man's face, "My heart aches when you look like this. Why are you going to rob? Is the money I gave you not enough?"

"Fair, I just... want to buy you a birthday present!" Although the man saved his life, he will never be a man again!

Chen Yang scrapped him.

The woman's hand stroked the man's face, "I'm very moved when you say that, but I heard that you were attracted to the woman in the car, it's your fault, I hate my man for being unfaithful to me the most .”

"May'er, don't listen to them, it's a rumor!" Hearing what the woman said, the man hastily defended, "I really just want to grab some money to buy you a gift, and I hope to buy you a gift with my own strength !"

"You don't need to explain, I will avenge you, you can leave with peace of mind!" The woman's eyes suddenly glanced at the female nurse beside her, who injected the injection that had been prepared into the man's body!

The man struggled, trying to make a sound and shout for help!

But the woman's hand covered the man's mouth!

The man finally stopped struggling!

The woman walked out of the ICU as if nothing had happened, and lit a cigarette!

Just as she was walking to the elevator, she suddenly heard the exclamation of a female nurse from the intensive care unit, "The patient has complications, hurry up...!"

The woman stepped into the elevator, and the elevator door slowly closed!

Wake up!

Chen Yang suddenly found that he and Tang Xueyun were hugging each other!

Tang Xueyun's rosy lips were right in front of Chen Yang, Chen Yang almost couldn't resist the urge in his heart, and kissed Tang Xueyun hard!

Tang Xueyun's head rested on Chen Yang's arm!

If Chen Yang wanted to get up, Tang Xueyun would definitely be awakened.

He didn't move, just looked at Tang Xueyun's pretty face.

Those soft lips, skin that can be broken by blows and blows, and a beautiful face... Tang Xueyun at this moment is like a painting, so beautiful!

Any man who sees Tang Xueyun's appearance at this moment will be deeply fascinated.

Suddenly, Tang Xueyun turned over!

I don't know what kind of dream Tang Xueyun had, she kept saying, "Get out of the way, don't come here... ah...!"

Suddenly, Tang Xueyun woke up!

She opened her eyes and saw Chen Yang lying beside her. In an instant, Tang Xueyun blushed and sat up suddenly!

"You... why are you in bed?"

"We slept in the same bed last night." Chen Yang also sat up, "You allowed it!"

"I... did I say anything just now?" Tang Xueyun asked guiltily.

"Could it be that you had some kind of sexual dream just now?" Chen Yang asked.

"You're just having sex dreams!" Tang Xueyun hurriedly denied, "I had a nightmare. In the dream, you pounced on me like a pervert, and I beat a pig's head...I'll go wash up first, don't come here!"

Tang Xueyun ran into the bathroom as if fleeing.

"Damn it, why did I dream about him!"

When Tang Xueyun thought of the dream just now, her cheeks felt hot...

Hotel door!

Two black cars stopped.

Seven or eight men in suits got out of the car and walked straight to the front desk of the hotel.

"Which room does Chen Yang live in?"

asked a man!

"Our hotel does not provide guest information." The female front desk said.

"What if I want it?"

A woman in her 30s came to the front desk and took off her black sunglasses to reveal her face.

The lobby manager next to her ran over as soon as she saw this woman!

She had a flattering smile all over her face, "Sister Fei... Miss Fei!"

In Qingcheng Mountain, there is no one who does not know Li Feifei!

Li Feifei nicknamed Black Widow!

She has been married three times!

Every time he was a big boss on the road, but all three husbands died unexpectedly.

Li Feifei has countless lovers!

As long as the man she falls in love with, none of them can escape her clutches!

Li Feifei looked at the lobby manager in front of her, "I don't want to talk nonsense, I want to know which room Chen Yang lives in?"

"Sister Fei, our hotel can't just...!"

The lobby manager wanted to explain a few more words, but when her eyes met Li Feifei's, the lobby manager was so frightened that he took back what he was about to say, and immediately changed his words, "Sister Fei, I'll let someone investigate now!"

"Hurry up!" Li Feifei said.

"Okay!" The lobby manager agreed!

At this moment, Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun just walked out of the elevator with their luggage.

From the fact that Song Yichuan was attacked, Chen Yang thought that there was a big problem with this hotel!

Someone set up a feng shui killing array under Song Yichuan's bed!

Even if it wasn't done by someone inside the hotel, it was done by someone who is very familiar with this hotel!

Chen Yang thinks it is not safe to live here.

On the other hand, it was also because this hotel canceled the room that Chen Yang reserved, which angered Chen Yang, and Chen Yang wanted to change to another hotel no matter what.

Tang Xueyun has been avoiding Chen Yang since the morning!

Normally Tang Xueyun always liked to chat with Chen Yang, but at this moment Tang Xueyun didn't even look at Chen Yang anymore.

Chen Yang asked Tang Xueyun to wait in the lobby lounge area of ​​the hotel, and he took the room card to the front desk!

"check out!"

Chen Yang put the room card on the front desk.

At this moment, the female receptionist is busy looking up Chen Yang's accommodation information!

The manager in the lobby was also worried, for fear of offending Li Feifei!

Seeing that Chen Yang was about to check out, the lobby manager said impatiently, "Why are you in such a hurry to check out, don't you see that you are busy? Let's talk later!"

“Couple Room 707!”

The female receptionist found Chen Yang's accommodation information!

"Couple room 707?" Li Feifei waved her hand when she heard the room number, and the men she brought went straight to the elevator!

Li Feifei did not leave in a hurry, but looked at Chen Yang.

Obviously, Chen Yang aroused Li Feifei's interest.

"Young man? What's your name?" Li Feifei asked!

"What are you doing?" Chen Yang asked!

"Make friends." Li Feifei said.

"Not interested." Chen Yang didn't give Li Feifei a good face, he pushed the room card to the female receptionist, "Can you check me out now?"

"room number!"

"Couple room 707!" Chen Yang said lightly.


For a moment, everyone present was stunned!

Li Feifei never expected that the person she was looking for was right in front of her.

"You are Chen Yang?" Li Feifei asked suddenly!


After Chen Yang said "yes", the seven or eight men who were almost at the elevator door ran back immediately!

They surrounded Chen Yang!

Li Feifei's face completely sank, her eyes looked directly at Chen Yang, "I'm here to settle accounts with you!"

"Looking for me? I don't seem to know you!" Chen Yang looked at Li Feifei, "Did you recognize the wrong person?"

"That's right!" Li Feifei said, "It's you who abolished my man...!"

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