The door of the couple's room!

With the room card in his hand, Chen Yang swiped open the door!

The moment the two of them entered the room, their eyes were straightened!

Neither Chen Yang nor Tang Xueyun lived in a couple's room!

This couple room is specially prepared for couples.

Ambiguous lighting, all kinds of sex toys, a round double bed surrounded by red curtains...!

All this left Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang stunned!

"No, I can't live in this room!"

Tang Xueyun couldn't help blurting out!

"The hotels around here are full. At this time, I can't find a room!" Chen Yang looked at Tang Xueyun beside him, "Unless the two of us sleep on the street!"

Tang Xueyun's dark eyes looked directly at Chen Yang, "Do you really want to live here?"

"I'm tired. If you want to live somewhere else, you can find a room first!" Chen Yang ignored Tang Xueyun and came to the room with his luggage!

He put his luggage on the ground and sat down directly.

Tang Xueyun bit her lips tightly, "You must have done it on purpose? You canceled the room, and then pretended to have a couple's room, trying to trick me. All of this is your conspiracy, despicable, shameless, and indecent!"

Chen Yang took off his shirt directly, and glanced at Tang Xueyun, "It's not that you refuse to take a taxi, but you want to show kindness and help some old man! That guy can tell that he is not an old man at a glance, just believe it, you You really should get a pair of glasses, I suspect you are nearsighted."

Chen Yang was also annoyed by Tang Xueyun's words, and said bluntly.


Tang Xueyun wanted to fight back when she heard Chen Yang's words, but she couldn't find a suitable reason!

What Chen Yang said was right, if she had taken a taxi honestly, she would have come to the hotel long ago, so why did she delay until now?

Chen Yang ignored Tang Xueyun, opened the suitcase, and took out the pajamas!

"I'll take a shower first!" Chen Yang said, "A bed, you can choose to sleep on the sofa or the floor!"

"Chen Yang, you are a man, how can you let me sleep on the floor?" Tang Xueyun shouted angrily, "I want to sleep on the bed!"

"Then I... sleep on the bed too!" Chen Yang said.

Chen Yang is taking a shower!

Tang Xueyun bit her lips lightly and sat on the bed.

She was searching for nearby hotels with her mobile phone.

There aren't many hotels around here, and they're all fully booked.

Suddenly, Tang Shidong sent a video invitation!

Tang Xueyun was watching the situation of the hotel when she suddenly received a video invitation, she subconsciously accepted it, and ended up having a video chat with Tang Shidong!

For a moment, Tang Xueyun felt an embarrassment of dying.

"Where are you?" Tang Shidong asked.

"Hotel...couple room!" Tang Xueyun blushed, "It's all my fault for Chen Yang, the hotel he chose, the room we reserved was cancelled, and there was only one... couple room left!"

"Xue Yun, I think Chen Yang did this on purpose!" Tang Shidong said, "He deliberately canceled the room just to be able to live in a couple's room with you!"

"Uncle, this is an accident and has nothing to do with Chen Yang." Tang Xueyun can't say that she caused the current result!

At this moment, I heard Chen Yang's voice coming from the bathroom, "Tang Xueyun, I'm done washing, you can take a bath...!"

"Uncle, I... I'm dead!"

Tang Xueyun was worried that Tang Shidong would find out that she and Chen Yang were fake couples!

Hurry up and hang up the video!

The moment the video hung up, Tang Shidong threw his phone hard to the ground.


The screen of his phone shattered instantly.

"Chen Yang……!"

Tang Shidong bit his lip tightly, he was no longer that gentle man...

Tang Xueyun had no choice but to take a bath!

She had confirmed that there was no other room nearby, so she could only spend the night in this room with Chen Yang.

Although she and Chen Yang had slept in the same bed before, it was an accident after all!

Tang Xueyun has been washing for a long time!

When she came out in her pajamas, she saw Chen Yang holding a leather whip in his hand, sitting on the bed and fiddling with it!

"You...what are you doing?"

Tang Xueyun panicked!

There are a lot of props in this couple's room, Tang Xueyun blushes and her heart beats when she sees it!

When she saw Chen Yang holding a whip, she couldn't help but think of a restricted-rated movie she had seen, in which men liked to torture women with a whip!

"I just want to see what material this leather whip is made of!" Chen Yang hurriedly threw the leather whip aside, and said, "I sleep on the sofa, you sleep on the bed!"

Chen Yang took the initiative to get up and went to the sofa next to him.

Tang Xueyun went to bed!

"Good night!" Chen Yang said.

He turned off the light.

The whole room was pitch black.

Tang Xueyun was lying on the bed, looking at the sofa next to her, and Chen Yang was curled up on the sofa.

Tang Xueyun couldn't bear it, "Why don't you go to bed...!"

"it is good!"

Chen Yang jumped onto the bed immediately!

"I warn you, don't touch me!" Tang Xueyun lay on the bed, distanced herself from Chen Yang!

"I promise I won't touch you!" Chen Yang said.

Just as Chen Yanggang finished speaking, he suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from the next door!

Boom, boom!

There was also the sound of the bed shaking.

Both Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang were embarrassed!

"This... the sound insulation in this room is not very good!" Chen Yang took the initiative to break the embarrassment, "Tomorrow we will change hotels!"

"Well, change the hotel and never stay here again!" Tang Xueyun responded in embarrassment!

Neither of them said a word!

Only the screams of women and the shaking of the head of the bed kept ringing!

After a long time, it finally stopped.

Both Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun were relieved at the same time!

"Good night...!" Chen Yang said.

"good night!"

The two talked again!

But in the next second, there seemed to be the sound of the bed shaking from the other side!

This time the frequency of the shaking was even greater!

Both Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang became short of breath!

At this moment, Chen Yang's hand accidentally touched Tang Xue's hand!

At that moment, Tang Xueyun seemed to be electrocuted!

Suddenly sat up from the bed!

"I...I'm going to take a shower, and I'm sweating!" Tang Xueyun hurriedly got out of bed, and soon, there was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom...!

Chen Yang on the bed was panting heavily!

"I will never live in this damn couple's room in the future!" Chen Yang thought in his heart...!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside!

And screams!

That's definitely not the sound of making out, but something happened.

Chen Yang couldn't fall asleep at first, but when he heard the voice, he immediately got dressed!

"Xue Yun, something happened outside, I'll go and have a look, you must not go out!" Chen Yang reminded, "I'll be back soon."

"Then be careful!" Tang Xueyun said.

"I know!" Chen Yang agreed, and immediately walked out of the room.

Inside the bathroom!

Tang Xueyun stood under the shower head, and the cold water sprayed down from above, completely enveloping Tang Xueyun's delicate body!

She is very hot inside!

Tang Xueyun just wanted to calm herself down...!

Tonight is destined to be a difficult night....

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