Bai Wanqing is a goblin!

A casual word from her can tickle a man's heart.

Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun did not have a relationship, they were just a couple in name.

Until now, Tang Xueyun has never expressed her love for Chen Yang.

Bai Wanqing's delicate body was pressed against Chen Yang's body, and the refreshing fragrance emanating from her body made Chen Yang feel a cloud of heat in his lower abdomen.

"Haven't you said it yet? Are you related to Xue Yun?" Bai Wanqing asked.

Just as Chen Yang wanted to talk, two cars drove over and stopped at the gate of the villa!

As soon as the door opened, a group of people got off!

"Who are those people?" Bai Wanqing asked Chen Yang!

As soon as Chen Yang saw the people getting off the car, he sighed softly, "A group of very troublesome people...!"

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, his cell phone rang.

The call is from Liu Yueru!

"Chen Yang, your grandma and uncle are going to take a look at the villa you just bought. I said that the house belongs to your daughter-in-law, but they insist on going there, and I can't persuade you!" Liu Yueru said anxiously.

Her natal family didn't listen to Liu Yueru in the first place, and it was useless for Liu Yueru to say anything, so she could only be anxious.

"Mom, I know!" Chen Yang said, "I saw my grandma's whole family in the villa."

"Your dad and I are rushing there too!" Liu Yueru said, "I really haven't told your grandma about our purchase of the villa. Your grandma called and asked me to show her the villa."

"Does it need to be said? My cousin was there when we bought the villa! Mom, don't worry, I will take care of it!"

Chen Yang put down his phone.

Bai Wanqing was standing beside Chen Yang, and she had already guessed what happened when she heard Chen Yang call just now.

She smiled, "It seems that the relationship between you and your grandma is not very good!"

"Our family was very poor before, and the people on my grandma's side disliked our family very much, and we hadn't had any contact with them for many years!" Chen Yang said!

"So that's it!" Bai Wanqing took Chen Yang's arm, "If you can't save face, I can help and drive them away."

"I can handle it myself." Chen Yang said.

Inside the villa, Cai Pingping and her family came to the lobby!

"This is the villa that Chen Yang's rich wife bought?" Cai Pingping looked at the villa, "Although it's not too big, it's still bigger than our house... barely enough to live in!"

"Mom, how many floors does this villa have? You will definitely be fine living here!" Liu Houyuan said, "At that time, we can also conveniently come and see you!"

"That's right!" Qiao Manyun also echoed, "Our house is too small. How can we live in a big villa comfortably? Yueru's family has a small population. I heard that their daughter-in-law bought this villa for them to live in."

"Only a few people live in such a big house? What a waste!" Cai Pingping said, "I think it's enough for you to move here. How nice it is for us to live together as a family!"

Bai Wanqing and Chen Yang had just arrived on the first floor when they heard Cai Pingping's words.

Bai Wanqing smiled at Chen Yang, "Your grandma has already regarded this villa as hers, is this planning to let their whole family come and live here? What are you going to do?"

"I have a solution!" Chen Yang said, "Just watch!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he walked towards Cai Pingping!

"Grandma, why are you here?"

When Cai Pingping and the others heard Chen Yang's words, they all looked over!

They saw Chen Yang and a beautiful woman walking over.

When Liu Houyuan and Liu Haohai father and son saw Bai Wanqing, their eyes lit up!

His eyes fell on Bai Wanqing, and he refused to move away.

Qiao Manyun saw her husband saw Bai Wanqing's appearance, so she deliberately stepped on Liu Houyuan's feet with the heel of her shoe!Liu Houyuan was in pain, and only then did he see his wife staring at him!

Liu Houyuan had ghosts in his heart, so he hurriedly looked away from Bai Wanqing!

But he still peeked at Bai Wanqing's twisting waist from the corner of his eye, his gaze was hot...

"Let's take a look at your villa!" Cai Pingping was so thick-skinned that she had already forgotten what she said before, and her face was full of smiles, "Chen Yang, who is this?"

"She is Xue Yun's best friend, Bai Wanqing, and also my friend!" Chen Yang introduced, "She is sending me furniture today!"

"Send furniture?" Liu Houyuan pointed to the new furniture when he heard Chen Yang's words, "These furniture are very expensive, did they cost a lot of money?"

Bai Wanqing smiled, "It's not much money, maybe a hundred thousand or so, these are my presents to Chen Yang!"

Ten thousand?

Liu Houyuan, Cai Pingping and others were shocked!

How rich is this Bai Wanqing? He bought a hundred thousand yuan worth of furniture, and he even said that he didn't have much money!

Cai Pingping looked at Bai Wanqing and suddenly asked, "Are you married?"

"No!" Bai Wanqing laughed, "I'm single, and I don't even have a boyfriend."

Then Cai Pingping's eyes lit up, "My grandson Haohai is also single, he is Chen Yang's cousin... You can get to know him, my grandson is very good!"

Liu Haohai took a step in front of Bai Wanqing!

At this time, he really should be brave!

Bai Wanqing looked at Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, your grandma wants to introduce your cousin to me, what do you think?"

"I remember that Hao Hai has a girlfriend and is planning to get married!" Chen Yang said.

"Hao Hai's girlfriend has already broken up!" Liu Houyuan said immediately, "Is that so, Hao Hai!"

Liu Haohai nodded, "We broke up, and I'm currently single."

"My grandson is good!" Cai Pingping continued to recommend her grandson to Bai Wanqing!

Bai Wanqing suddenly put her lips on Chen Yang's, and in front of Cai Pingping and the others, Bai Wanqing kissed Chen Yang, put her arms around Chen Yang's neck, and said coquettishly, "Honey, you should put our two Let's clarify the relationship!"


Cai Pingping, Liu Houyuan and others were stunned!

They all looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang didn't expect Bai Wanqing to play this game either.

Bai Wanqing is completely different from Tang Xueyun.

Bai Wanqing is capable of doing anything, the kiss to Chen Yang just now was to misunderstand his grandma on purpose!

But the problem is that Chen Yang has nothing to do with Bai Wanqing.

Just when Chen Yang didn't know how to explain it, he suddenly heard Chen Wanwan's clear and sweet voice, "Don't destroy the marriage between my brother and my sister-in-law, they are in a good relationship!"

While talking, I saw Chen Wanwan, Liu Yueru, and Chen Aiguo walking in.

Bai Wanqing looked at Chen Wanwan, "Are you Chen Yang's younger sister, Chen Wanwan?"


Chen Wanwan replied!

Bai Wanqing let go of her arms around Chen Yang's neck, and walked in front of Chen Wanwan. She whispered a few words into Chen Wanwan's ear, and then she saw Chen Wanwan's eyes light up, and she said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, I won't lie to you!" Bai Wanqing said.

"I'm sorry!" Chen Wanwan actually apologized to Bai Wanqing.

"It's okay, the two of us leave a mobile phone number, we can make an appointment in the future!" Bai Wanqing said.

"Okay!" Chen Wanwan actually agreed!

When Bai Wanqing returned to Chen Yang's side, Chen Yang asked curiously, "What did you say to my sister? Why did she suddenly apologize to you?"

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