The invincible fairy doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 233 Just Want to Make a Big Money

Tang Xueyun was drunk.

When she faced Tang Shifeng, Tang Xueyun vented all the resentment that had been pent up in her heart for years.

At this moment, Tang Xueyun no longer backs down!

Tang Shifeng's face was extremely ugly, "Tang Xueyun, do you know what you are talking about? You have not belonged to our Tang family from the beginning to the end!"


Tang Xueyun swears in public!

Even she herself was taken aback.

But in the next second, Tang Xueyun felt inexplicably refreshed.

Anyway, at this point, she still has nothing to worry about.

"Look carefully, my name is Tang Xueyun, and my father's name is Tang Shijun! The Zhongtian Group was founded by my father!" Tang Xueyun met Tang Shifeng's gaze without the slightest evasion, "You and third uncle have always wanted to drive me out of Tang Shifeng. My family, the reason why I tolerated it is that besides wanting to protect the company my father founded, there is another important reason, I suspect that the death of my parents has something to do with you...!"


When Tang Shifeng heard Tang Xueyun say this, he suddenly raised his hand, and slapped Tang Xueyun hard on the face!

Just when Tang Shifeng's hand was about to touch Tang Xueyun's face, Chen Yang grabbed Tang Shifeng's wrist!

"She's crazy!" Tang Shifeng's eyes widened, and he said angrily, "I'm going to wake her up!"

"That's because she has been bullied by you all these years, and she has never had a chance to vent!" Chen Yang pushed Tang Shifeng's hand, and hugged Tang Xueyun by the waist!

"Put me down, I haven't finished yet!" Tang Xueyun struggled!

"Stop making trouble!" Chen Yang carried Tang Xueyun to Bai Wanqing, and put Tang Xueyun down, "You drink too much, go to sleep!"

Chen Yang tapped Tang Xueyun's sleeping point with his hand.

Tang Xueyun immediately fell asleep.

"What happened to Xue Yun?"

Tang Shidong came over and asked with concern.

"She is asleep." Chen Yang looked at Tang Shidong, "She is my wife now, I will not only take good care of her, but also protect her, Tang Shidong, how did you become the president, I should be very clear in my heart .”

"I only found out today!" Tang Shidong argued, "I didn't want to be the president!"

"You can keep lying to Xue Yun, I won't believe it." Chen Yang said.

Tang Shifeng came to see Chen Yang this time because of his son. Although Tang Xueyun's words just now made Tang Shifeng extremely angry, Tang Shifeng still tried his best to calm himself down!

He stood in front of Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, I came to you for my son! Tang Rui fell ill suddenly, Mao Jishi and Jiang Yanting both recommended you to me, only you can save Tang Rui."

"Give me a reason, why should I save Tang Rui?" Chen Yang asked.

Tang Shifeng had long thought that Chen Yang would say this, "I won't go around in circles with you, you can make a price, how much will you be willing to save my son?"

"Tang Shifeng, you are very straightforward!" Chen Yang looked at Tang Shifeng, "Okay, since you are talking about money with me, then I will bid directly, 100 million!"

"Deal." Tang Shifeng accepted without hesitation, "Isn't it 100 million? I'll give it to you now."

"I'm talking about 100 million visits!" Chen Yang said, "I haven't seen Tang Rui's situation yet, how can I draw conclusions easily!"

Tang Shifeng's anger flashed between his brows, "Chen Yang, you're such a big talker, with 100 million outpatient visits, even Song Xianzhi, the medical sage, doesn't need 100 million!"

"Then please invite Song Xianzhi!" Chen Yang said lightly, "I want to send Xue Yun home, so farewell!"

As soon as Chen Yang turned around, Tang Shifeng was already scared, "100 million is 100 million, Chen Yang, you come with me to Zhonghai Hospital now!"

Chen Yang asked Bai Wanqing to take care of Tang Xueyun, and he came to Zhonghai Hospital with Tang Shifeng and Tang Shidong.

Inside the emergency room!

Tang Rui was still screaming!

His belly bulged like a ball!

Like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in October.

"It hurts me to death...Kill me...I want to die...."

Tang Rui begged!

Painkillers are completely ineffective.

"Chen Yang is here..."

Tang Shifeng led Chen Yang outside the emergency room.

Jiang Yuzhi has always looked down on Chen Yang, but now, in order to save her son, Jiang Yuzhi changed from her previous arrogance and said to Chen Yang in a low voice, "Chen Yang, save Tang Rui!"

Chen Yang came to the emergency room!

As soon as he saw Tang Rui's bulging stomach, Chen Yang already knew that this matter had something to do with Xue Longfei!

Xue Longfei sneaked into Tang Rui's house and took away a pair of Tang Rui's underwear!

Xue Longfei definitely didn't do this because he had a crush on Tang Rui. He mistook Tang Rui for Chen Yang, and mistakenly thought that the underwear belonged to Chen Yang.

The person Xue Longfei wanted to deal with was Chen Yang, but he didn't expect Tang Rui to be the last person to deal with.

"Help...Chen me quickly, I'm going to die..."

When Tang Rui saw Chen Yang, his eyes were full of begging light!

He took Chen Yang as a lifeline.

After seeing Tang Rui, Chen Yang went outside.

Jiang Yuzhi hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Hurry up and save my son!"

"I can save Tang Rui, but...!"

"Just what, tell me quickly!" Jiang Yuzhi urged.

"I haven't paid the 100 million for my outpatient visit yet!" Chen Yang looked at Tang Shifeng, "When are you going to pay me?"

"Hurry up and give 100 million to Chen Yang!" Jiang Yuzhi only wanted to save Tang Rui, and urged Tang Shifeng!

Tang Shifeng was actually not willing to give it, but at this time, he had no choice but to transfer 100 million to Chen Yang!

"One million is the doctor's fee!" Chen Yang said, "Tang Rui is not sick, but a witchcraft. He must have offended someone. The other party hated Tang Rui so much that he used this vicious trick." Witchcraft! It's very troublesome to break this kind of witchcraft... I'm afraid the price is a bit high, are you willing to accept it?"

"Chen Yang, tell me, how much does it cost?" Jiang Yuzhi said directly!

"1000 million!" Chen Yang said.

"1000 million?" Jiang Yuzhi's eyes widened. He didn't expect Chen Yang to be such a lion. First, the medical fee was 100 million, but the treatment fee was 1000 million!

"Chen Yang, did you do it on purpose!" Tang Shifeng scolded angrily, "You don't think we are being taken advantage of by just opening our mouths for 1000 million!"

"As I said, this is a kind of witchcraft, and ordinary people can't break it!" Chen Yang said, "I also need to find someone to help. If I don't want to, then forget it. Anyway, it is Tang Rui who hurts, not me!"

"You...!" Tang Shifeng was so angry that Chen Yang couldn't speak!

Hearing his son's screams, Jiang Yuzhi gritted his teeth and agreed, "Okay, 1000 million, and treat Tang Rui immediately!"

"What if you play tricks?" Chen Yang looked at Jiang Yushuang, "How about Director Jiang as a guarantee!"

Jiang Yushuang didn't expect Chen Yang to let her be a guarantee!

1000 million is not a big amount for their Jiang family.

But she hated Chen Yang very much, and wanted to refuse at first, but after thinking about it, Tang Rui's disease was very strange, and she didn't believe that Chen Yang could really cure Tang Rui's disease.Plus, Jiang Yuzhi was looking at her, so it was hard for her to refuse.

"Okay, I'll guarantee it!" Jiang Yushuang agreed.

"Then I'll start calling for help!" Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and made a call, "Come to Zhonghai Hospital, I have a business introduction for you."

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