Jiang Yushuang's face was gloomy, like frost.

Her complexion was not very good, especially when she looked at Chen Yang, there was always resentment.

Jiang Yushuang is currently divorcing Jiang Lu.

Jiang Lu was very firm this time and insisted on a divorce.

Jiang Yushuang didn't want to divorce, but Jiang Lu moved out of their house with her daughter.

Jiang Yushuang blamed everything on Chen Yang and Bai Wanqing!

He thought that if the two of them hadn't instigated her behind her back, how could Jiang Lu have the courage to file for a divorce with her.

"Director Jiang!"

As soon as Sun Guangyi saw Jiang Yushuang coming, he hurried forward to meet him with a flattering smile all over his face.

Jiang Yushuang ignored Sun Guangyi and went straight to Tang Xueyun, "Tang Xueyun, he is an important witness today, you have no right to drive him away."

"An important witness?" Tang Xueyun was taken aback.

Jiang Yushuang did not explain to Tang Xueyun, but glanced at Chen Yang beside Tang Xueyun, "I heard that you opened a medical clinic?"

"Who did you listen to?" Chen Yang asked back.

"Jiang Lu!" Jiang Yushuang said, "He will always be my husband, and I will not divorce him."

After Jiang Yushuang said this, she walked past Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun.

Sun Guangyi hurriedly followed.

Chen Yang was confused, "Xue Yun, is this woman Jiang Yushuang mentally ill? Whether she divorces or not has nothing to do with me? I don't like her as an old woman."

When Jiang Yushuang heard Chen Yang mention the word "old woman", her body shook slightly, but she didn't stop, and continued to walk into the elevator.

Chen Yang completely offended Jiang Yushuang.

President's office hall.

Tang Rui was flirting with Lin Zhenmin.

Tang Rui has long taken a fancy to Lin Zhenmin, but Lin Zhenmin has always ignored Tang Rui.

Pop, pop!

Lin Zhenmin was tapping the keyboard quickly with both hands, typing the materials.

Tang Rui's eyes swept over Lin Zhenmin's slender and white thighs. Lin Zhenmin always wore skirts that covered her hips, showing off her sexy figure to the fullest!Many men in the group have thoughts about Lin Zhenmin, but because of Tang Xueyun, those men are all lustful and have no lust.

Tang Rui didn't care about that!

"Secretary Lin, let's make an appointment for dinner tonight...a new restaurant has opened, and the chef is a top chef from abroad!"

"I have work at night." Lin Zhenmin directly refused.


Tang Rui's fingers tapped on Lin Zhenmin's desk.

"My cousin, the president, will definitely not be able to keep her. Once she leaves, your job will also be lost. However, I need a secretary. The salary must be higher than your current one, and you won't be tired!"

As Tang Rui was talking, his hand had already been stretched out to touch Lin Zhenmin's slender and slender hand!

At this moment, Tang Xueyun's voice was suddenly heard, "Tang Rui, what are you doing here? You are not welcome here!"

As soon as Tang Rui heard Tang Xueyun's voice, he took his hand back!

At this moment, Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun were behind Tang Rui.

"Cousin, I'm here to see you!" Tang Rui had a smug smile on his lips, "I'm worried that if I don't come to see you again, I won't be able to see you again in Zhongtian Group!"

Tang Xueyun's face darkened, and she said displeasedly, "I'm very busy, if you have nothing to do, don't come here again!"

Tang Xueyun directly opened the door of the office and walked in!

Tang Rui also wanted to go in, but Chen Yang stood in front of Tang Rui, stretched out his hand, and blocked Tang Rui, "Didn't you hear Xue Yun's words? Please leave."

Tang Rui looked at Chen Yang contemptuously, "Chen Yang, soon you won't be able to laugh anymore!"


Chen Yang suddenly laughed out loud.

"Aren't I still laughing? When are you going to stop me from laughing?" Chen Yang said.

"After the board meeting is over, you and Tang Xueyun have to get out!" Tang Rui said proudly, "Chen Yang, I'll see if you can still laugh!"

At this moment, Lin Zhenmin got up with the documents and planned to see Tang Xueyun.

But Tang Rui stopped in front of Lin Zhenmin, "Secretary Lin, consider my suggestion, as long as you follow me, you won't have to work so hard in the future."


Chen Yang pushed Tang Rui away!

He stretched out his right hand, and hugged Lin Zhenmin's waist in front of Tang Rui, "Secretary Lin, how about a dinner date tonight?"

"Okay!" Lin Zhenmin nodded!

The two walked into Tang Xueyun's office!


The office door was closed.

"Chen Yang, let's wait and see!" Tang Rui said angrily.

In the office, Tang Xueyun had a sullen face.

What Tang Rui said just now made Tang Xueyun feel uneasy.

Lin Zhenmin put a document in front of Tang Xueyun, "Secretary Liu Chang asked for all the materials of the Fenglingshan project, as well as several projects such as Zhonghai Hospital and New Technology Materials Company Venture Capital, some of which Sun Guangyi participated in. of……!"

"Sun Guangyi?" Tang Xueyun was slightly taken aback, and looked at Lin Zhenmin, "He has already been fired, why does Liu Chang want these project materials related to him?"

"Said Director Jiang wanted it!" Lin Zhenmin said!

Tang Xueyun frowned, already had a premonition that today's board of directors should have something to do with Sun Guangyi.

On the surface, Tang Xueyun fired Sun Guangyi because Sun Xiao provoked Tang Xueyun.

But in fact, it was because Sun Guangyi had several projects involved in the secret operation!

Because Tang Shifeng was involved in all these, and the operation method was very clever, Tang Xueyun couldn't catch it, so she simply found a reason and fired Sun Guangyi.

But I didn't want to leave a hidden danger.

Lin Zhenmin continued, "I have found out all the violations in the projects that Sun Guangyi participated in, and they are all in this document."

Tang Xueyun couldn't help but smile when she heard Lin Zhenmin's words!

She knew that Lin Zhenmin would not let her down. Lin Zhenmin had already made preparations and had prepared all the materials Tang Xueyun needed.

"here you go!"

Tang Xueyun nodded in satisfaction!

"Then I'm going out!" Lin Zhenmin said.

"it is good!"

Tang Xueyun agreed.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly said, "I'm afraid things are not that simple, Xue Yun, do you still remember what Jiang Yushuang said to me in the hall on the first floor?"

"She said she wouldn't divorce her husband?" Tang Xueyun said!

Chen Yang glanced at Tang Xueyun and said, "What's going on in your head? Don't you subconsciously think that I'm interested in that old woman?"

"I just don't know which sentence!" Tang Xueyun said.

"She asked me if I opened a clinic!" Chen Yang said.

"I remember this sentence!" Tang Xueyun said, "What's wrong with this sentence?"

"Don't you think it's strange? Jiang Yushuang would suddenly ask me if I opened a medical clinic!" Chen Yang looked at Tang Xueyun, "I'm afraid this is the focus of this meeting of the board of directors!"

"Does she want to buy your clinic?" Tang Xueyun said!

Chen Yang complained, "You really have big breasts and no brains!"

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