
The bloody bone nail was thrown on the ground by Chen Yang.

A crisp voice made everyone present widen their eyes, staring at the bone nail in disbelief.

Who can believe that this bone nail was sucked out from the neck of the young security guard.

When Tang Xueyun was in the medical clinic before, she saw Chen Yang suck out five identical bone nails from the woman pretending to be a pregnant woman, but when she saw it again, Tang Xueyun still subconsciously covered her cherry lips.

It's scary!

The security guard was lying on the ground, motionless.

Like passed out!

"Send him to the hospital." Chen Yang told Liao Hongsheng, "do a full body check to make sure he has no other problems."

"Okay!" Liao Hongsheng hurriedly agreed.

"I want to take a look at the surveillance!" Chen Yang said, "Didn't it mean that the security guard brought a young man into the community? Call out all their surveillance cameras."

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and call out the surveillance!" Liao Hongsheng urged the security guard.

Liao Hongsheng personally pulled two chairs for Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun!

Last time, after Chen Yang saved his daughter, Liao Hongsheng thanked Chen Yang from the bottom of his heart.

"I've seen this person before." After seeing the young man in the surveillance, Chen Yang said, "This person is Zhao Xiaorou's No. [-] name...Xiao Bailong, yes, this is the person."

"No. [-]?" Tang Xueyun looked at Chen Yang when she heard Chen Yang's words, "You said she was the No. [-] female Internet celebrity?"

"Yes!" Chen Yang said.

"I didn't expect you to be obsessed with female Internet celebrities." Tang Xueyun said sourly, "Why did she fascinate you?"

"I'm jealous!" Chen Yang said.

"No!" Tang Xueyun denied, "I just asked casually."

"It's a long story, but I really haven't watched her live broadcast." Chen Yang said, "Watching her live broadcast is better than watching you directly, you can touch it!"

Chen Yang put his hand around Tang Xueyun's pretty waist.

In front of Liao Hongsheng and others, Tang Xueyun was not used to it, just when she was about to shake off Chen Yang's restless hand from her waist, she suddenly heard Chen Yang say, "They went to the No. [-] building where we live! "

At this moment, Chen Yang frowned, and it seemed that things were very bad.

"What's wrong?" Tang Xueyun asked puzzled.

"This little white dragon is not simple." Chen Yang said, "Zhao Xiaorou asked me to see a doctor before, and I found out that she had suffered from a kind of voodoo. At that time, I suspected that this incident had something to do with her fans. It's Zhao Xiaorou's No. [-], maybe Xiao Bailong did this...!"

Chen Yang asked someone to adjust the elevator monitoring.

"19th floor!"

Seeing Xue Longfei go to the 19th floor, Tang Xueyun suddenly said, "Isn't that the house I live in? After Grandpa took my house back, no one should live in it!"

"That's not necessarily true." Chen Yang suddenly looked at Liao Hongsheng, "Who lives in 1901 now?"

Liao Hongsheng looked at Tang Xueyun and said hesitantly, "Yes...it's Tang Rui!"

When Tang Xueyun heard that Tang Rui lived in her house, she stood up abruptly, with a sullen look on her brows, "Who made him live there? That's my house, no, I'm going to find grandpa! Even if grandpa Take back my house, and don't let Tang Rui live in it."

Tang Xueyun was about to go out angrily, but Chen Yang stretched out his hand, grabbed Tang Xueyun's wrist, and said, "Honey, don't worry, wait a minute!"

"What are you doing?" Tang Xueyun was furious, and there was only one thought in her head, to go to her grandfather to get the house back.

"Look!" Chen Yang pointed to the monitor playback screen!

The monitoring is outside the building!

I saw a man climb outside from the window on the 19th floor.

The man was like a Spiderman, and quickly went downstairs with the help of the air conditioner hanging outside.

This man's skill is extraordinary, he can jump over the roof and walk over the wall.

Liao Hongsheng and the others stared wide-eyed. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it was true.

"Is this a human?" Tang Xueyun exclaimed.

Even Tang Xiaowu, who she thought was the strongest, couldn't do this.

"He is a cultivator!" Chen Yang said with certainty.

As long as the cultivator controls the true energy well, he can use the true energy to reach the level of flying over the wall.

As for going downstairs from the 19th floor with bare hands, it is not difficult, Chen Yang can also do it.

After Chen Yang confirmed that the person who came down from the 19th floor was Xiao Bailong, he further confirmed that the person who poisoned Zhao Xiaorou was Xiao Bailong!

Even sending the coffin to his clinic, manipulating a woman to attack Chen Yang, etc., are all directly related to Xiao Bailong.

"What is he carrying in his trouser pocket?" When Chen Yang landed on the ground, he suddenly saw that there seemed to be something in Xiao Bailong's pocket, and asked people to zoom in on the picture, and they saw that it turned out to be a pair of men's underwear!

Liao Hongsheng said next to him, "He sneaked into the 19th floor just to steal a pair of men's underwear, right?"

"Is Tang Rui the only one in that house?" Chen Yang asked Liao Hongsheng.

Liao Hongsheng nodded, "I'm sure Tang Rui lives alone."

"Interesting!" Chen Yang laughed.

Tang Xueyun opened her mouth, as if she had discovered a surprising secret, "Could it be that this young man likes my cousin? Should I tell my cousin about it?"

"What if he is Tang Rui's lover!" Chen Yang saw that Xiao Bailong stole a pair of Tang Rui's underwear, and he was confident. He put his right hand around Tang Xueyun's waist, "Honey, let's go home, this is Tang Rui's." Let's leave it alone."

"Okay!" Tang Xueyun agreed!

Tang Xueyun suppressed her smile!

When she and Chen Yang returned home, Tang Xueyun couldn't bear it anymore!


Tang Xueyun laughed, "My cousin was actually taken by a man and even stole a pair of underwear, haha... I can't help it, I laughed so hard!"

Seeing Tang Xueyun laughing so hard, Chen Yang reached out and hugged Tang Xueyun in his arms!

"What are you doing?" Tang Xueyun asked.

Chen Yang's hand had already slipped into Tang Xueyun's clothes, the palm touched Tang Xueyun's delicate skin, and slid down Tang Xueyun's waist, "You are very beautifully dressed today, you are not just here to participate in the opening of my medical center, right?" ?”

"Then what do you think I want to do?" Tang Xueyun put her hands on Chen Yang's shoulders, her dark eyes looked at Chen Yang's eyes!

"You are competing with Gu Bingxi!" Chen Yang's palm had already touched Tang Xueyun's hip bone, "You are like a jealous jar today, you have been jealous all the time!"

"Nonsense!" Tang Xueyun denied, "I'm not jealous!"

Chen Yang suddenly supported Tang Xueyun's cheek with one hand, and looked straight at Tang Xueyun, "Don't deny it, you are already in love with me, Tang Xueyun, have you ever thought about making the two of us a real couple... …”

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