When Chen Yang saw Zhao Xiaorou's gaze, his heart skipped a beat.

He knew it was broken.

This account is not Chen Yang's, but his good brother Lu Tianwei's.

Lu Tianwei fell in love with Zhao Xiaorou and always protected Zhao Xiaorou.

Last time, Lu Tianwei asked Chen Yang to help Zhao Xiaorou pay for the trade fair, but the account was in Chen Yang's phone.

Chen Yang just wanted Xiao Bailong to retreat, but he didn't expect to cause Zhao Xiaorou's misunderstanding.

But in the current situation, Chen Yang couldn't tell Zhao Xiaorou the truth directly.

"You are Tianwei?"

Xiao Bailong's eyes were on Chen Yang's body!

Zhao Xiaorou didn't wait for Chen Yang to speak, and took the initiative to take Chen Yang's arm, her dark eyes looked directly at Xiao Bailong, "Yes, he is Tianwei who has always guarded me, I may hurt your heart by saying this , but as you can see, I chose Big Brother Bang!"

"You female Internet celebrities don't have any good things." Xiao Bailong yelled when he heard Zhao Xiaorou's words, "It's all about money, and it's all about getting together with No. [-], one is like this, you The same is true, you female anchors are all damned...!"


Little Bailong stepped on the bouquet of flowers fiercely!

"I can return you all the money you swiped!" Zhao Xiaorou let go of Chen Yang's arm, and looked at Xiao Bailong, "Although I can only get 40% of the reward you gave me, but I I will return the money you tipped to me, and I will return it to you...From now on, I hope that there will be no more contact between us, and you will stop tipping me...Wenwen, You come and ask for his account number."

"No need!" Xiao Bailong snorted coldly when he heard that Zhao Xiaorou wanted to return the money to him, "I'll just use that money to buy you a cemetery, you women should die!"

After Xiaobailong finished speaking, he walked away.

When Liu An heard Xiao Bailong scolding Zhao Xiaorou, he just wanted to stop Xiao Bailong, but Zhao Xiaorou stopped him.

Zhao Xiaorou doesn't want to have anything to do with Xiao Bailong now!

As soon as Xiao Bailong left, Zhao Xiaorou looked at Chen Yang with a smile all over her face, "You are that Tianwei? I still remember that day when I was fighting in the labor union, you gave me [-] rewards for supporting me...that is, One day, you saved me."

"There's a misunderstanding here..." Chen Yang was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I'm not Tianwei, the real Tianwei is my good brother. That day he had something to do and couldn't help you pk online, so he let me log in to him The account will help you PK, my brother is your true fan."

"So that's the case."

The smile on Zhao Xiaorou's face disappeared instantly, and she was even a little depressed.

"Do you want to meet my friend?" Chen Yang felt a little guilty in his heart, always feeling sorry for Lu Tianwei!He doesn't like Zhao Xiaorou, the person who has been protecting Zhao Xiaorou is Lu Tianwei.

"Okay!" Zhao Xiaorou reluctantly agreed.

Chen Yang called Lu Tianwei, told Lu Tianwei about his medical treatment for Xiaotu on the roadside, and asked him if he would like to see Xiaotu on the roadside.

"I want to see you, of course I want to see you!" As soon as Lu Tianwei heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately said, "I'll go there now."

Chen Yang put down his phone, looked at Xiaotu on the side of the road, "Have you met Big Brother before?"

"I've never seen it before." Zhao Xiaorou said.

"That means Lu Tianwei is the first elder brother you met?" Chen Yang asked.

"En!" Zhao Xiaorou nodded.

"Why do I feel a bit like a pimp!" Chen Yang said.


Zhao Xiaorou was amused by Chen Yang's words.

Her right hand lightly tapped Chen Yang's shoulder.

The next second, she took Chen Yang's arm naturally again, "Let's go, let's go to the villa."

Before Chen Yang asked Zhao Xiaorou to pretend to be intimate with him, just to test Liu An's reaction!Who would have thought that Zhao Xiaorou would become a habit, so it made Chen Yang a little unnatural.

There is a dedicated live broadcast room for Zhao Xiaorou in the villa. She used to choose to sing outdoors at night, but since the road collapse accident, Zhao Xiaorou switched to live broadcast in the villa.

She brought Chen Yang to her live broadcast room and introduced her job to Chen Yang.

"I'm here to broadcast live, and I have to put on makeup every day...!"

Zhao Xiaorou introduced it!

But Chen Yang's eyes fell on Zhao Xiaorou's dressing table!

"Do you use all these lipsticks?"

Chen Yang pointed to the row of lipsticks!


Zhao Xiaorou nodded, "Lipstick is very important to women. If you want different effects, you need to wear different lipsticks, such as this lipstick. If I want to be purer, I will wear this lipstick...!"

Chen Yang took one of those lipsticks with his hand, "What about this one?"

"This one...!"

Zhao Xiaorou paused slightly, as if she wasn't too impressed, "I've only used this lipstick once!"

"That means you have used it?" Chen Yang asked.

"Well, I remember that I used it." Zhao Xiaorou said affirmatively, "Just two days ago? However, I don't remember that I bought this lipstick... I have never used the brand on this lipstick."

Chen Yang opened the lipstick, smelled it, and looked at Zhao Xiaorou, "I know how you got poisoned...it's this lipstick!"


Zhao Xiaorou was startled, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

She lowered her voice, "There are only my two assistants in my villa, and Wenwen prepared all my cosmetics for me. Even if she really wanted to poison me, she wouldn't be so stupid, would she?"

"Now it seems that your male assistant, Liu An, is the most suspicious." Chen Yang said, "Judging from the previous reactions, he has a crush on you! He said that you can't be emotional, and only the poisoned person will know that he has fallen in love with you." People can't be emotional, let alone impulsive!"

Zhao Xiaorou immediately took out her phone.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Yang asked.

Zhao Xiaorou said, "Of course I called the police. This is suspected of murder. I want the police to investigate this matter."

"Wait a minute." Chen Yang held Zhao Xiaorou's hand, "To make the poison of Rueqing, you need your hair. If he is really the one who poisoned you, you can definitely find some of them in the place where he lives. Clues, such as your hair!"

"I'll take you to Liu An's room now."

When Zhao Xiaorou proposed to go to Liu An's room, Liu An panicked!

"Go...what are you doing in my room? My room is very messy!" Liu An said, "I seldom clean it up. I'm usually busy with your schedule, often staying up late, and my room is very messy."

Liu An's behavior made people suspicious.

Zhao Xiaorou didn't want to talk to Liu An, so she went straight to Liu An's room with Chen Yang!


The moment the door of the room was opened, Liu An panicked even more!

Liu An's room was tidy, without any mess.

Zhao Xiaorou looked at Liu An, "Didn't you say the room is messy? Your room is very clean!"

"I was worried that you would think it was a mess!" Liu An said.

Zhao Xiaorou looked at Liu An with sharp eyes, "Liu An, you have always been my assistant. I think I treat you well and have always been treated well. I will give you a chance to confess. I am sorry for what you have done. my business?"

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