Known as a genius doctor by Zhao Xiaorou, Duan Tiancheng had a smug smile on his face.

He looked at Chen Yang!

Duan Tiancheng wanted to see Chen Yang's dejected expression, but to Duan Tiancheng's surprise, Chen Yang sneered, "It's not as good as shit, it will only kill people, and Song Xianzhi will lose all face."

As soon as Chen Yang said this, both Duan Tiancheng and Duan Fei's faces darkened.

Duan Fei's eyes widened, "I think you're here to make trouble on purpose, right? Tian Xin, take your dog away, or else, don't blame me for being rude!"

Duan Fei's rude words were already insulting Chen Yang.


Suddenly, Chen Yang raised his hand and slapped Duan Fei on the face.

Duan Fei took two steps back, and there was a slap mark on his face.

Duan Fei covered his right cheek, "If you dare to hit me, I will kill you..."


Before Duan Fei could finish his sentence, a piece of the ceiling had fallen from the place Duan Fei had just stood on and was smashed to pieces.

If Chen Yang didn't slap Duan Fei that slap, the ceiling would hit Duan Fei's head.

Chen Yang looked at Duan Fei, "You don't need to thank me, I'm open-minded, and I don't care about things like you."

Duan Fei covered his burning face, and looked at the shattered ceiling on the ground with lingering fear.

He was almost fired!

But at this moment, Duan Fei was suffering and couldn't tell. He was slapped by Chen Yang, but Chen Yang used the name of saving him, leaving him speechless. He always felt that the slap was for nothing. up.

How did Duan Fei know that Chen Yang deliberately dropped the ceiling, and Chen Yang just wanted to slap Duan Fei in the face to make Duan Fei shut up.

Chen Yang no longer paid attention to Duan Fei, he looked at Zhao Xiaorou, "Actually, you are not sick, but have been poisoned."


When Chen Yang said this, Zhao Xiaorou let out an exclamation.

A pair of watery eyes looked at Chen Yang with a look of disbelief.

Let alone Zhao Xiaorou, even Tian Xin couldn't believe Chen Yang's words.

Tian Xin learned some medical skills from her father, but she was not proficient!

Tian Xin originally studied media, but she just wanted to fulfill her father's last wish, so she came back and insisted on opening the medical clinic!

Looking at Zhao Xiaorou's appearance, Tian Xin didn't seem to have been poisoned.

Duan Tiancheng laughed loudly when he heard Chen Yang's words, "I thought you were capable? It turned out that you were just using such indecent means. You were just bluffing to scare the patients. A liar doctor like you, I I’ve seen you a lot, Ms. Zhao, don’t be afraid. I can assure you that you are not poisoned.”

Duan Tiancheng is confident.

Zhao Xiaorou's appearance doesn't look like she's been poisoned.

What's more, he didn't believe that Chen Yang knew that Zhao Xiaorou was poisoned just by looking at Zhao Xiaorou.

No matter how Chen Yang looked at it, it seemed that he deliberately frightened Zhao Xiaorou.

Zhao Xiaorou actually half believed Chen Yang's words!

Now hearing Duan Tiancheng's words, Zhao Xiaorou looked at Chen Yang with more doubts, and asked Chen Yang suspiciously, "You said I was poisoned, but I went to the hospital for an examination before, and all the indicators were normal!"

"Which hospital?" Chen Yang asked.

"Chinese Medicine Hospital!" Zhao Xiaorou said.

"Don't go to that hospital in the future." Chen Yang said directly, "If even a poisoning can't be detected, this kind of hospital should be cancelled."

"I think you don't want to pay 500 million yuan, but deliberately find various reasons to play tricks." Duan Tiancheng said proudly, "I didn't want to pay you 500 million yuan, but I just wanted to teach you a lesson for arrogant young people. You can leave now, and I don't want the 500 million! If you are young, you will not learn well, and you must walk the right path in the future!"

After Duan Tiancheng said this, he looked at Zhao Xiaorou again, "Miss Zhao, I'll take a good look at you."

Zhao Xiaorou looked at Chen Yang with her clear eyes, and just when she was about to speak, she heard Chen Yang say, "You should have red marks on your body that look like fingers."

Zhao Xiaorou was startled, and blurted out, "How do you know?"

When Duan Fei saw the surprised light in Zhao Xiaorou's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "He must have seen it, Miss Zhao, don't believe him, he must have seen the red mark on your body."

Zhao Xiaorou's expression was a little weird, and she said with certainty, "I'm sure he didn't see my red seal!"

Zhao Xiaorou's red mark is on the root of her thigh, and only she knows where it is.

And it also appeared in the past two days.

Zhao Xiaorou always thought it was caused by blood stasis, and hoped it would disappear in two days.

But now after hearing Chen Yang's words, Zhao Xiaorou realized that it was not an ordinary red seal.

Chen Yang looked at Duan Fei and said contemptuously, "That's the reaction after being poisoned, Duan Fei, you are so ignorant, every poison has its corresponding symptoms, if you don't even know this, you are not worthy of being a doctor …I don’t know Miracle Doctor Duan, but does he know what kind of poison this is?”

Chen Yang looked at Duan Tiancheng.

At this moment, Duan Fei also looked at Duan Tiancheng!

Duan Fei hopes that his father can expose Chen Yang's lies.

Duan Tiancheng coughed, and did not answer Chen Yang's question, but said to Zhao Xiaorou, "Miss Zhao, if our body's qi and blood are blocked, some congestion may occur, I think..."

Before Duan Tiancheng finished speaking, Zhao Xiaorou had already interrupted Duan Tiancheng, "Doctor Duan, I'm sure it's not a blood clot!"

Zhao Xiaorou's words meant that she completely believed Chen Yang's words, and she didn't even want to say anything more to Duan Tiancheng. She grabbed Chen Yang's hand, "What kind of poison have I been poisoned? Is it serious?"

Chen Yang looked at Duan Tiancheng and his son, and said to Zhao Xiaorou, "This is not my clinic, it's not convenient for me to say... If you want to hear, you can go to my clinic!"

"I didn't expect you to be a doctor!" Zhao Xiaorou's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Then where is your medical center?"

"Next door!" Chen Yang said.

Zhao Xiaorou held Chen Yang's hand tightly, "Then let's go."

Chen Yang didn't move, but looked at Zhao Xiaorou's hand that was holding him tightly.

Zhao Xiaorou seemed to understand in an instant, quickly let go of her hand, and apologized, "I was too excited and lost my composure. I apologize to you."

"I'm doing it for your own good." Chen Yang said, "You are a popular Internet celebrity, be careful that some people will use any means to get your popularity... Doctor Duan, I definitely didn't name you, so don't think too much about it, even though your medical skills It's really not that good!"

Duan Tiancheng didn't speak, but Duan Fei couldn't help it, and asked directly, "Chen Yang, did you do it on purpose?"

"Yes, I did it on purpose!" Chen Yang admitted directly, "Our two families will be rivals in the future, and I won't be polite to you... Oh, I suddenly remembered!"

Chen Yang turned to Zhao Xiaorou, "Our medical center will open tomorrow, and you are invited to attend the opening ceremony!"

"Okay, I'll definitely come!" Zhao Xiaorou agreed.

Duan Fei almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He and Duan Tiancheng agreed to invite Zhao Xiaorou to their opening ceremony after seeing Zhao Xiaorou's medical treatment. Who would have thought that Chen Yang would be the first to take advantage of Zhao Xiaorou's huge influence.

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