Tang Xueyun was dumbfounded at the time!

She never expected that Bai Wanqing would tell Tang Shidong all this.

"Xue Yun, I should be by your side to protect you!" Tang Shidong said, "Otherwise, you wouldn't just find someone to marry. It's all my fault. I'm coming back now to make up for my fault, you Don't embarrass yourself any more."

The smile on Tang Xueyun's face disappeared.

She suddenly stood up from Chen Yang's arms, and looked at Tang Shidong sharply, "Uncle, I don't know what Bai Wanqing said to you, but I can tell you clearly that I am not just looking for someone to marry. I won't stay with people I hate for one more second. I'm tired now and want to rest, so I won't see you off, uncle."

This is Tang Xueyun's eviction order.

Chen Yang got up and said to Tang Shidong, "Uncle, please, don't disturb the two of us to rest."

Tang Shidong stood up, looked at Tang Xueyun, "Xueyun, I understand, you should take a good rest."

Chen Yang sent Tang Shidong out of the room!


He closed the door, and as soon as he turned around, he saw Tang Xueyun's dark eyes looking at him!

"What's wrong?" Chen Yang asked.

Tang Xueyun said word by word, "Let me tell you, I... am not a casual woman!"

"No need to explain, I understand!" Chen Yang came in front of Tang Xueyun, and just wanted to hug Tang Xueyun, but Tang Xueyun didn't want Tang Xueyun to push his hand away, "I want to go back to the room, you are not allowed to eavesdrop!"

"Eavesdrop on what?" Chen Yang asked.

Tang Xueyun said seriously, "I want to quarrel with Bai Wanqing!"


Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun went out together.

Lin Zhenmin was waiting for Tang Xueyun at the door!

Lin Zhenmin wore a hip-wrapping skirt, which outlined her seductive body curves.

Her two slender and straight thighs are so eye-catching, even Chen Yang couldn't help but take a second look.

When Chen Yang passed by Lin Zhenmin, his hand touched Lin Zhen's flexible back intentionally or unintentionally, Lin Zhenmin didn't look on!

After Tang Xueyun got into the car, Lin Zhenmin deliberately went around Chen Yang, twisted Chen Yang's arm secretly, and got into the car quickly.

Chen Yang watched Tang Xueyun leave in the car, and just about to get in the car, he received a call from Xu Jing, "Boss, I'm stuck in traffic, can you pick me up?"

"Can motorcycles be used?" Chen Yang said.

"I just want to ride a motorcycle without traffic jams!"

In the morning traffic jam, it is a good choice to take a motorcycle.

There is a red light ahead!

Chen Yang had no choice but to stop the motorcycle.

Just when he was about to send a message to Xu Jing, the window of the luxury car next to him was pulled down, and Sun Xiao's head was exposed.

"Hey, isn't this my good classmate Chen Yang? Isn't this the son-in-law of the Tang family, why is he still riding a motorcycle?" Sun Xiao's eccentric tone made people very uncomfortable.

Chen Yang did not expect to meet Sun Xiao here.

The world is so small.

Sitting on the motorcycle, Chen Yang laughed when he heard Sun Xiao's words, "It's great to ride a motorcycle, there will be no traffic jams, and the air is fresh early in the morning, so you can breathe more fresh air!"


When Sun Xiao heard Chen Yang's words, he laughed, "I never thought that poor people could speak so freshly and refinedly, so don't pretend, everyone knows that your wife Tang Xueyun has an affair with her uncle, you just use it As a shield...Chen Yang, I really admire you. Wearing a cuckold is also easy to be addicted to. I just wore a cuckold not long ago. If you wear a cuckold, I will obey you...haha!"

Sun Xiao laughed at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is too lazy to talk to someone like Sun Xiao!

Sun Xiao's resentment towards Chen Yang is very deep. His father was forced to leave Zhongtian Group because of Chen Yang.

The red light turned into a green light!

Sun Xiao smiled proudly, "Chen Yang, just slowly become your green-haired turtle!"

Sun Xiao gave the gas pedal a kick, and the car drove straight out.

In front of the bus station!

Xu Jing was waiting for Chen Yang.

Xu Jing was wearing a cardigan-style shirt with a pleated skirt underneath, dressed like an innocent schoolgirl!A lot of men around were looking at Xu Jing, and someone boldly came over to strike up a conversation, but Xu Jing refused!

At this moment, a luxury car suddenly stopped at the bus station!

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the car door opened, Sun Xiao walked over holding a bouquet of flowers.

Sun Xiao specially came to pick up Xu Jing with flowers!

When Xu Jing met her classmates from the health school the day before yesterday, she happened to meet Sun Xiao.Her classmate was working as a nurse in the Third City Hospital. When Sun Xiao saw Xu Jing, she was fascinated at that time!

He deliberately asked the little nurse to ask for Xu Jing's WeChat, and stalked her.

Knowing that Xu Jing took the bus here on time every day, Sun Xiao specially prepared flowers and drove a luxury car to pick up Xu Jing.

"Xu Jing, these are the flowers I specially prepared for you, I hope you like them!"

Sun Xiao gave the bouquet of flowers to Xu Jing in public.

Xu Jing was stunned!

Unexpectedly, Sun Xiao drove a luxury car and gave her flowers in public early in the morning.

Other girls might feel very happy, but Xu Jing felt embarrassed.

She didn't accept it, and it didn't matter if she didn't accept it!

"We don't know each other very well." Xu Jing smiled politely, "Isn't that good!"

"I'm just sending you a bouquet of flowers." Sun Xiao smiled, "Please accept it!"

"Take it!"

Those people around booed one after another!

Xu Jing's face was low at first, and the people around her started booing again, so Xu Jing was forced to take the flowers, "Thank you!"

"Princess, please get in the car!"

When Sun Xiao saw Xu Jing receiving the flowers, he immediately opened the car door, like a knight, and invited Xu Jing to get in the car!


Xu Jing was even more embarrassed.

Xu Jing was holding the flowers, her face full of embarrassment, "I'm not some kind of princess, Dr. Sun, don't be like this."

"You are the princess in my heart!" Sun Xiao said, "I came here specially to send you to work, as long as you are willing, I am willing to escort you like a knight every day...!"

After Sun Xiao said these words, the people around him applauded!

Pop, pop!

Others applauded.

Everyone likes to boo and let Xu Jing get in the car.

Xu Jing's face was full of embarrassment!

Holding flowers in her hands, she didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, suddenly a motorcycle drove over.

The motorcycle almost brushed against Sun Xiao's car and stopped.

Chen Yang took off his motorcycle helmet and walked up to Sun Xiao, "Sun Xiao, what are you doing?"

"It has nothing to do with you!" Sun Xiao said!

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Yang looked at Xu Jing, "Why are you still holding that broken flower? Throw it away!"

As soon as Sun Xiao heard Chen Yang's words, before Xu Jing could speak, he sneered, "Chen Yang, who do you think you are? Throw it away as you say, you...!"


Before Sun Xiao finished speaking, Xu Jing threw the bouquet of flowers into the trash can beside her without hesitation...

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