Tang Xueyun felt that Chen Yang must be crazy!

What He Qiushan wanted was a spirit paper, not a landscape painting by Chen Yang.

Tang Xueyun was beside Chen Yang, looking at the "landscape painting" that Chen Yang had just painted with her dark eyes!

Although she has never studied art, Tang Xueyun is absolutely confident that she can draw better than Chen Yang.

Chen Yang This is not a landscape painting, but a "graffiti"!

"Are you sure this will work?"

After Tang Xueyun asked this question, Chen Yang smiled, "Xueyun, you don't understand the value of this spirit paper at all!"

"Is this spiritual paper? Isn't it an ordinary piece of drawing paper?"

"It was an ordinary drawing paper before, but after I painted it, it became a spiritual paper." Chen Yang said seriously, "This painting is worth at least 3000 million."

Tang Xueyun gave Chen Yang a blank look, "At this point, you're still joking, I shouldn't believe your words, I'll take care of this matter, I'll have a good talk with He Qiushan, and compensate him for the loss, he should Will not pursue."

Tang Xueyun still didn't believe Chen Yang's words!

Chen Yang rolled up the painting at this moment, and put his right hand around Tang Xueyun's waist, "Don't worry, this painting is really worth 3000 million yuan, I'm not joking about everything!"

Tang Xueyun admitted that Chen Yang really knows how to measure, and he is not an unreliable man.

But when she saw the painting in Chen Yang's hand, she felt uneasy.

"Let's go, don't let He Qiushan and the others wait outside for too long, especially that He Qianqian is a violent man." Chen Yang said.

out the door!

He Qianqian is trying to persuade He Qiushan not to trust Chen Yang.

"Grandpa, why did you believe that liar? He made it clear that he was lying to you." He Qianqian said, "I bet he doesn't have the spirit paper you want at home."

"Qianqian, I can't miss any chance." He Qiushan said, "What if his family really has one?"

While He Qianqian was talking to He Qiushan, the door of the room next door to Chen Yang's house opened. Wang Mei poked her head out and saw He Qiushan and He Qianqian standing at the door of Chen Yang's house. She opened her mouth and asked, "I just heard you What spirit paper?"

"Are you familiar with his family?" He Qianqian asked!

"Of course we are familiar. We have been neighbors for more than [-] years." Wang Mei said, "I watched Chen Yang grow up!"

"Then have you heard of the spiritual paper passed down from his family?" He Qianqian continued to ask.

"The ancestral spiritual paper?" Wang Mei shook her head, "I have never heard of it. How could their family have ancestral things? Chen Aiguo is not the eldest son of the family, he is a foreigner, and that Liu Yueru is a local, but for her Marrying Chen Aiguo offended her natal family, they were too poor to borrow money from everywhere, and they never heard of any ancestral things, this Chen Yang likes to lie the most, don't be fooled by him!"

When Wang Mei said this, He Qianqian immediately turned to He Qiushan, "Grandpa, I knew you were fooled, what are you talking about now? Return the ancestral spirit paper, and you will know it is fake!"

"It's not a good habit to speak ill of others behind their backs." Chen Yang opened the door and walked out.

When He Qianqian saw Chen Yang coming out, her face darkened, "I didn't say bad things behind your back, I just said it in front of your face, you are a liar!"

"Sorry, I didn't talk to you just now, I was talking to my neighbor, Aunt Mei!" Chen Yang said.

Wang Mei was a little embarrassed, she shrank her head back again!


Closed the door.

He Qianqian looked directly at Chen Yang with sharp eyes, "Stop doing this, let me tell you, you must either pay back the money or take out the spiritual paper."


Chen Yang made a silent gesture.

"He Qianqian, it's very late now, can you have some quality, this will affect everyone's rest!" Chen Yang said!

He Qianqian was so angry at Chen Yang's words that she was speechless for a while.

She also felt that speaking loudly was really bad.

Although He Qianqian is arrogant and domineering, she is not an unreasonable girl.

She was only targeting Chen Yang!

"The spiritual paper is here." Chen Yang lifted the drawing paper in his hand, "Let's go downstairs and talk."

Several people went downstairs.

Tang Xueyun was very uneasy.

She knew that what Chen Yang was holding in his hand was just a "graffiti" drawn by Chen Yang, and it wasn't even a painting.

When He Qiushan sees Chen Yang's painting, he will definitely be angry.

He Qiushan might be scruples about his status and would not explode on the spot, but He Qianqian was different. He Qianqian was arrogant and domineering, so there was nothing she dared not do.

Things are going to get really bad.

He Qianqian looked at the rolled paper in Chen Yang's hand, with a sullen face and a sharp tone, "Your paper is ordinary paper, and the ink on your paper is not dry yet, so don't tell me, I just took a piece of paper at home. A piece of paper with a picture drawn on it...."

Tang Xueyun was shocked by He Qianqian's words!

She didn't expect He Qianqian to guess correctly.

Tang Xueyun's eyes looked at Chen Yang, but she saw a calm smile on Chen Yang's face, and she didn't panic because of being guessed by He Qianqian.Chen Yang always looked confident!

"I didn't expect you to be able to see through." Chen Yang laughed when he heard He Qianqian's words, "But it's a pity that you read it wrong... This is a spiritual paper...!"

"Spiritual paper?" He Qiushan also looked at the rolled paper in Chen Yang's hand. Obviously, he didn't believe what Chen Yang said, "This spiritual paper is different from the ones I know!"

"As I said, my spiritual paper is the earliest batch, with sufficient material and good quality!" Chen Yang said, "It is most suitable for making medicine."

Chen Yang's words "the most suitable for medicine introduction" made He Qiushan's heart skip a beat, and he hurriedly asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Chen Yang said, "But..."

"But what?" He Qiushan asked.

"If you want to use spiritual paper as a medicine guide to help you cultivate your true qi, then the refining method is extremely special!" Chen Yang said, "If you put a medicine in the wrong order, the medicine will be completely useless!"


He Qiushan took a breath, "I see!"

He looked at Chen Yang again with a different gaze, "According to what you said, do you know how to refine?"

"My ancestors..."

When Chen Yang wanted to talk about his family's family history, he was interrupted by He Qianqian, "You liar, don't use your family's family history to deceive people. I have inquired about it, and there is no such thing as your family's family history."

"My family has a saying that the elders speak, but the younger ones don't interrupt!" Chen Yang said.


He Qianqian was about to walk in front of Chen Yang, but He Qiushan had already stopped He Qianqian, "Qianqian, listen to Chen Yang's words!"

He Qianqian had no choice but to stomp her foot hard and swallowed her words.

Chen Yang continued, "I know how to make medicine, since Mr. He spent 3000 million to buy my family's ancestral spiritual paper, I can help you make medicine, and the efficacy is guaranteed!

He Qiushan was overjoyed and grabbed Chen Yang's hand, "Now let's refine medicine!"

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