Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang had a quarrel because of Tang Shidong.

Tang Xueyun was angry and ignored Chen Yang.

When she arrived at the Tang family's villa in Tang Shidong's car, she realized that Chen Yang hadn't followed him all this time, and she didn't even make a phone call, so Tang Xueyun panicked.

This time it's the Tang family's party!

Although the members of the Tang family didn't want to recognize Chen Yang, Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun were legal couples, so Chen Yang should also be present.

Of course, the most important thing was that Chen Yang was by Tang Xueyun's side. Tang Xueyun had confidence in her heart, and Chen Yang gave her a sense of security.

For a long time, Tang Xueyun was isolated and helpless in the Tang family.

But after marrying Chen Yang, Tang Xueyun felt that she was not alone.

Tang Xueyun called Chen Yang, but Chen Yang didn't answer.

Tang Xueyun didn't know that Chen Yang had received the news of his father's car accident and was rushing to the hospital, so he didn't notice Tang Xueyun's call.Tang Xueyun simply thought that Chen Yang was still angry.

Jiang Yuzhi saw Tang Xueyun and Tang Shidong coming in together, but did not see Chen Yang. She asked angrily, "Tang Xueyun, isn't your shameless husband here?"

"He is behind, he should come later." Tang Xueyun said.

Last time, Chen Yang exposed the scandal between her and the driver, which caused her to lose face in the Tang family, and even made troubles to the point where Tang Shifeng wanted to divorce him.

Jiang Yuzhi hated Chen Yang to the core.

She wanted to humiliate Chen Yang when she saw her today, but she didn't expect that Chen Yang didn't come.

"Niece, I think your face is not very good. Could it be that you had an argument with Chen Yang?" Tang Shijing walked in front of Tang Xueyun, "Rumors about you are flying all over the Internet now. Of course, our Tang family knows that you and Shidong have nothing to do with each other. What is it, but people outside don't know, after all, you have a very bad reputation, and I even thought you liked women at one point."

Tang Xueyun glanced at Tang Shijing, "Third uncle, you don't need to worry about me, Chen Yang and I have a very good relationship."

In the restaurant!

The Tang family sat around Tang Yaozu!

Tang Shifeng and his wife, Tang Rui, Tang Shijing and others were all there, but Chen Yang hadn't shown up until now.

"Xueyun, urge your husband again." Tang Shidong sat beside Tang Xueyun and said to Tang Xueyun in a low voice.

Tang Xueyun was very anxious.

She had already called Chen Yang a few times just now, but Chen Yang never answered.

Tang Xueyun misunderstood that Chen Yang was still angry, so she couldn't contact Chen Yang. Tang Xueyun didn't know what to do for a while.

Tang Shifeng looked at Tang Xueyun, "Where's Chen Yang?"

"He has something to do, come later!" Tang Xueyun could only find an excuse, but in fact, she didn't know whether Chen Yang would come or not.

"He doesn't need to come!" Tang Shifeng said in a bad tone, "Our Tang family didn't regard him as their own family. If you are willing to marry him, that is your business, but don't make our Tang family ashamed...!"

"I think Chen Yang is more self-aware than someone else, knowing that he is not welcome here, so he simply doesn't come here." Jiang Yuzhi sarcastically said, "It's not like someone, who knows that people in the family don't want to see her, but still has the cheek to say no. Walk."

"Mom, is this person you're talking about my cousin?" Tang Rui asked intentionally.

"I didn't say it was her!" Jiang Yuzhi didn't name her in front of Tang Yaozu, "Who knows who I'm talking about. It always causes a lot of trouble in the family."

There was a coughing sound.

Tang Yaozu said, "Shidong is back. Today is our Tang family's reunion dinner. Don't mention anything else."

"For Shidong's sake, I won't say more!" Jiang Yuzhi looked at Tang Shidong, "Shidong, how are you abroad? Didn't you say that you have met your biological father?"

"The Tang family has always been my family, and I only have one father!" Tang Shidong said.

Tang Shidong's words made Tang Yaozu very satisfied. He smiled and said, "Shidong, you should get closer to your biological father!"

When Tang Shidong came back, the Tang family surrounded Tang Shidong, and no one talked to Tang Xueyun. Tang Xueyun seemed to be the most inconspicuous person!As for Chen Yang, everyone didn't even bother to mention it!

Suddenly, Uncle An walked in from the outside!

He came straight to Tang Yaozu's side and whispered a few words.

"What did you say? Is it the He Qiushan in the collection world?" Tang Yaozu asked.

"Yes!" Uncle An nodded and said, "I think he should be that He Qiushan. Back then, I accompanied the master to visit him, but he didn't see the master at that time. It should have been ten years ago."

He Qiushan is a real boss!

Many people spared no expense to ask He Qiushan for appraisal.

Back then, Tang Yaozu also wanted to ask He Qiushan to help him identify him, but He Qiushan did not meet Tang Yaozu alone, but only helped him identify Tang Yaozu!Tang Yaozu didn't expect this boss to want to see him!

"Please come in quickly." Tang Yaozu stood up unexpectedly, wanting to pick up He Qiushan in person!

At this moment, Tang Rui suddenly said, "Grandpa, this He Qiushan is probably here to ask for money!"


When Tang Rui said these words, everyone's eyes turned to Tang Rui.

Tang Yaozu frowned, calmed down, and sat back in his seat.

The Tang family and He Qiushan didn't know each other. He Qiushan suddenly came to visit the Tang family. This was obviously something!

Tang Yaozu looked at Tang Rui, and asked with a sullen face, "What's the matter? Did you provoke He Qiushan outside?"

"Grandpa, it's really not me this time!" Tang Rui's face was full of grievances, "I'm also innocent. If you want to blame, you can blame that bastard Chen Yang. He spent 60 yuan in the gallery today, bought a broken painting, and sold it to He Qiushan has 800 million yuan, Chen Yang is clearly cheating He Qiushan, he is here to ask for debts, grandpa, if you don’t believe me, you can ask my uncle, he is also present.”

Tang Yaozu looked at Tang Shidong and asked, "Shidong, is this true?"

"Dad, I knew that He Qiushan did buy a painting from Chen Yang for 800 million yuan, and that landscape painting was sold by someone else in the gallery!" Tang Shidong said, "But I think this He Qiushan is from the collection industry. Boss, since he is willing to spend 800 million to buy Chen Yang's painting, maybe that painting is an ancient painting, that is..."

Tang Shidong paused!

"What is it?" Tang Yaozu asked.

Tang Shidong glanced at Tang Xueyun beside him, and continued, "It should be that Chen Yang didn't know how to protect the painting. After buying that painting, he didn't protect it with a painting tube, but rolled the painting into a ball. The famous painting is destroyed!"

Hearing Tang Shidong's words, Jiang Yuzhi suddenly said, "No wonder Chen Yang didn't dare to come? He knew that He Qiushan would come to ask for money. This is a joke. Tang Xueyun, look at the husband you are looking for. It's just causing trouble for our Tang family!"

Tang Yaozu now knew the cause and effect of the matter, he stood up and said, "Invite He Qiushan to the living room, I will wait for him there!"

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