Bai Wanqing exudes a seductive fragrance. After a man smells it, he will easily feel impulsive.

This Bai Wanqing is a natural beauty.

When Tang Xueyun saw Chen Yang talking close to Bai Wanqing's cheek, she felt an inexplicable sour feeling in her heart.Tang Xueyun bit her lips lightly, reached out and pulled Chen Yang's right hand, "This matter has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in it."

Chen Yang really thought that Tang Xueyun was telling him not to meddle in other people's business, and said with a smile, "Isn't this a chance to get rich overnight? I'm going to crack down on counterfeiting, first set a small goal, and earn hundreds of millions!"

"Bragging." Tang Xueyun said.

When Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun were talking, the fat man had already lifted up the chair again.

He has decided that the chair is a fake!


The fat man threw the chair down with both hands.

The ground is shaking!

The chair's legs and armrests are broken, exposing the material inside.


At the entrance of the storefront of the Royal Building, many spectators immediately recognized that the material was genuine huanghuali.

A knowledgeable person only needs to take a look at it to know the authenticity.

This chair is made of genuine huanghuali, as if it were fake.

At this moment, the fat man was dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

This chair turned out to be real!

"This... how is this possible?" The fat man squatted on the ground, picked up a broken leg of the chair, looked at the material of the break, and muttered to himself like a fool, "This is impossible... this must be fake , how could it be made of can't be true."

Seeing the appearance of the fat man, Hu Tongxuan sneered, "It's your fault. Our Royal Building is a time-honored brand. How could it be a fake? Isn't this smashing our signboard? I think you just want to extort money. Everyone has seen that our furniture is genuine. Huanghuali, what else do you want to say now?"

"The chair I bought is a fake huanghuali. How could this be real? This...impossible!" Fatty was still reluctant to accept that this chair was a real huanghuali.

"Hmph, I've already said that this chair of yours is not sold by us! There are many fakes out there, which are made according to the style of our house. You bought this one outside, and deliberately came to our house to extort money " Hu Tongxuan snorted coldly, "I've seen people like you a lot. Your trick doesn't work for me. This chair is 22 yuan. You should lose money immediately, otherwise, I will call the police. You now His behavior is enough to go to prison for ten or eight years."

This is a chair worth more than 20 yuan, and it was broken by the fat man.

It is also reasonable for Hu Tongxuan to ask Fatty to lose money.

The onlookers all laughed at the fat man for committing suicide. Chen Yang just persuaded the fat man not to be impulsive, but the fat man refused to listen and even scolded Chen Yang.

"It deserves it, this kind of person is just artificial, and he really doesn't deserve sympathy." Someone said.

"That's right, kindness was not rewarded, and he scolded him for helping him!" Another person said, "In my opinion, he just bought fake products and wanted to cheat the shop owner!"

"Why do you want to do this? It's a chair worth more than 20 yuan. It's a pity that it just disappeared. Why don't you give it to me?"

These onlookers said everything, but without exception, no one sympathized with the fat man, and they all thought that the fat man deserved it.

In fact, even Tang Xueyun thought that the fat man should be taught a lesson.

Even if you really bought a fake, you shouldn't come here and make a fuss.

No quality at all!

Chen Yang walked up to the fat man, looked at the fat man squatting on the ground, sighed, and said, "I told you just now that this chair is real, but you refused to believe me."

The fat man raised his head, and when he saw that it was Chen Yang, he gave Chen Yang a hard look, "Are you here to laugh at me? I have money, and I can afford to pay for this chair!"

"Well, I thought you were pitiful and wanted to help you, but since you are rich, then I don't worry about it!" When Chen Yang turned around and was about to leave, he didn't expect that the fat man who said he was rich just now suddenly Standing up, he grabbed Chen Yang's hand, "Brother, help me, I really have nothing left to do, this... I can't get out more than 20 yuan."

This fat man changed his face too quickly.

One second, people thought he was a local tyrant who didn't care about more than 20 yuan, but he didn't expect that he would call himself pitiful in the next second, and couldn't afford more than 20 yuan!

This man is too fickle!

Seeing that Chen Yang was going to help the fat man, Tang Xueyun walked over and said to the fat man who was still selling miserably, "You bought hundreds of thousands of furniture, so you must not be poor. You can't even get more than 20 now. You lied to me." who?"

"Beauty, I really can't get it out!" The fat man said pitifully, "I bought it for a friend, he likes huanghuali furniture, and I know some huanghuali furniture, so... I bought this for my friend." When I moved the chair back home, I bumped it, only to find that it was not a huanghuali inside, so I wanted to come here and ask for compensation, but I didn't expect...!"

When the fat man said this, he wanted to cry but had no tears!

"Wife, I think this person is quite miserable, so let's help him!" Chen Yang said kindly, "Well, I will pay for the chair you just dropped, and be careful in the future, don't be impulsive again. Take today as a lesson!"

"Thank you!"

Fatty is grateful!

Tang Xueyun couldn't understand Chen Yang anymore, what did this matter have to do with Chen Yang, but Chen Yang took the initiative to take him down, the more Tang Xueyun thought about it, the more angry she became, she couldn't help but said, "Are you being taken advantage of?"

"I think he is pitiful, and I want to help!" Chen Yang said!

"Helping people depends on who you help." Tang Xueyun said, "For people like this, you won't be pleased if you help them!"

"Who said he didn't agree." Chen Yang suddenly shouted, "Fatty!"

"Yes!" said the fat man.

"My wife said you wouldn't appreciate me? Is it true or not?" Chen Yang asked in public, and the fat man immediately said, "You are my great benefactor, and I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life!"

"That sounds comfortable!" Chen Yang pointed to a chair next to him while speaking, "Do you like that chair?"

"I like it!" said the fat man.

"I bought that chair for you, and you give me the chair you brought!" Chen Yang said.

"it is good!"

The fat man was overjoyed, and hurriedly picked up the chair, wishing he could grow wings and fly away from here!He was afraid that Chen Yang would repent, so he quickly left the shop with that chair in his arms without the help of others!

"You've been wronged!" Tang Xueyun and Bai Wanqing cursed at the same time!

In the eyes of the two of them, Chen Yang was taken advantage of.

Those onlookers also thought so.

This matter has nothing to do with Chen Yang, but Chen Yang stood up and offered to help the fat man not only compensate for a chair, but also bought a chair for the fat man as a gift!

Isn't this being taken advantage of?

Even Hu Tongxuan thought so, and laughed at Chen Yang for taking advantage of him in his heart, but he didn't show it. He just reminded, "These two chairs are 44 yuan, how do you pay for them?"

"Close the shop door first." Chen Yang said.

Hu Tongxuan asked people to close the store door, and those onlookers left. Only now did Chen Yang smile, "Now, it's time for us to settle accounts..."

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