As soon as Manager Du said these words, Cai Pingping and the others were shocked.

None of them thought that Zheng Mingyue was going to drive them out.

Then Zheng Mingyue is a big shot in Zhonghai, Cai Pingping and others really can't figure it out, how did they offend Zheng Mingyue?

Liu Houcheng smiled all over his face, and hurriedly said, "Is there some misunderstanding? We haven't offended Boss Zheng...and I have some business dealings with your boss."

Liu Houcheng's so-called business dealings are actually just that he delivered goods to a company under Zheng Mingyue's name.

He is now trying to build relationships, and wants to do business with the Zheng family's logistics company.

When Manager Du heard Liu Houcheng's words, he snorted coldly, "Misunderstanding? What's the misunderstanding? Whoever offended our boss knows in his heart!"

Manager Du was talking, and his gaze was already on Chen Yang.

In an instant, everyone understood that it was Chen Yang who had offended Zheng Mingyue after arguing for a long time.

Before, Chen Yang was exposed by Manager Du as not being Tang Yaozu's grandson-in-law, and the Liu family was already dissatisfied with Chen Yang.

Cai Pingping and the others didn't want to see their daughter and son-in-law's family at first, just because Chen Yang became Tang Yaozu's grandson-in-law, and their whole family thought that they could embrace the Tang family's thigh, and from then on, they would also be able to flourish.

Then Liu Houcheng spent even more money and decided to invite the whole family to Zhonghai Restaurant for dinner.

As a result, after a long time of trouble, they were all tricked by Chen Yang.

Not only was Chen Yang not the Tang family's door-to-door son-in-law, but he also offended Zheng Mingyue, a big shot in Zhonghai City.

"Chen Yang, you loser!" Cai Pingping suddenly yelled, "I was so blind that I believed your words. You are just like your father, you are full of lies."

"How can I have a nephew like you." Liu Houcheng said sarcastically, "Thanks for not inviting me to this meal, I really think I have been taken advantage of!"

The Liu family changed their faces in an instant, and stared at Chen Yang with disgust.

Manager Du didn't care how much Liu's family disliked Chen Yang, and snorted coldly, "Go home and make trouble, don't make trouble with me. Now, get out immediately, or I will let the security guard drive you out now."

Cai Pingping is most afraid of losing face.

It would be embarrassing to be kicked out of the restaurant.

She will be strong for a lifetime, and she must not be ashamed when she is about to enter the coffin.

"What are you talking about, let's go." As soon as Cai Pingping spoke, the rest of the people also walked outside.

Chen Aiguo and his wife didn't expect things to turn out like this, they hurried over to comfort their son!But Chen Yang smiled, "You don't need to comfort me, I don't know what kind of people my grandma's family is like?"

"Brother is right!" Chen Wanwan echoed, "The people in my grandma's house usually treat us badly."

"Let's go!" Chen Yang put his arms around Chen Wanwan's shoulders and walked out of the private room.

Outside the private room, Zheng Mingyue stood beside the sexy young woman with his arms around her.

Zheng Mingyue was clearly waiting for Chen Yang to come out.

Chen Yang didn't show up, but the Liu family came out first instead.

As soon as Liu Houcheng saw Zheng Mingyue, he immediately licked his face and put on a friendly face, "Boss Zheng, my name is Liu Houcheng, and I had the honor to meet you once."

How could Zheng Mingyue remember Liu Houcheng, his eyes glanced at Liu Houcheng's face, "What's your relationship with Chen Yang?"

"Him? I don't know him!" As soon as Liu Houcheng heard Zheng Mingyue's words, he immediately distanced himself from it!

"Isn't he your nephew?" Zheng Mingyue asked.

"I haven't seen this nephew since he was born," Liu Houcheng said.

When Cai Pingping and the others knew that the man in front of them was Zheng Mingyue, they all stated that they were not close to Chen Yang's family!Then Zheng Mingyue was not something people like them could offend, especially Liu Houcheng was still counting on doing business with the Zheng family.

In Liu Houcheng's eyes, Chen Yang actually offended Zheng Mingyue, all of this was Chen Yang's own fault, and he wanted to disown Chen Yang now.

Chen Yang also came out just now, and when he heard the words of his grandma's family to distance themselves from him, Chen Yang couldn't help feeling that his grandma's family was really snobbish.Chen Yang had no expectations for his grandma's family, so even if he got rid of the relationship, he would not be disappointed.

It's just that Liu Yueru was a little sad. She didn't expect that her brother and mother would separate their relationship with Chen Yang because they were worried about getting into trouble.


When Zheng Mingyue heard what the Liu family said, he actually laughed out loud, "Chen Yang, did you hear that? Your relatives despise you, so you can imagine how disgusting you are. People like you shouldn't have been born."

Chen Yang smiled, "Is this for yourself? You are more disgusting than me, and your son, Zheng Xiaoyi, is an asshole just like you... Oh, yes, I heard that Zheng Xiaoyi Something happened? I don’t know what happened? For the sake of my acquaintance with him, if he has been buried, please tell me where the cemetery is. I will send him a bouquet of flowers to congratulate him for finally It will no longer endanger society."

Chen Yang's words completely frightened the Liu family.

Cai Pingping, Liu Houcheng and the others, eager to grow two more legs, ran out immediately.

They didn't want to have anything to do with Chen Yang.

The Liu family ran away in the blink of an eye, and only Chen Wanwan and Chen Aiguo were left.

Zheng Mingyue's face was extremely ugly, he looked directly at Chen Yang, and said fiercely, "Chen Yang, I remind you to walk carefully, otherwise you will be beaten to death."

When Chen Yang heard Zheng Mingyue's words, not only was he not afraid, but he laughed, "Your words are threatening me."

"Hmph, so what if I threaten you?" Zheng Mingyue said, "In my eyes, you are just an ant. I can crush you to death with just one finger."

Chen Yang's eyes swept over Zheng Mingyue's face, "I see that your seal is black, and I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster. Mr. Zheng, you should walk carefully."

"Manager Du!" Zheng Mingyue suddenly shouted.

Manager Du immediately ran over, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"Have someone throw him out of the restaurant." Zheng Mingyue said, "I mean throw him out, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Manager Du nodded, "Come here!"

Immediately, several men rushed over, and Manager Du pointed at Chen Yang, "Throw him out of the hotel."

Just when these men were about to rush over, they didn't want to hear a sudden noise.

Immediately afterwards, several well-trained men rushed over and surrounded Zheng Mingyue.

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