Gu Bingxi's words made Chen Yang dumbfounded.

"This is a big joke." Chen Yang smiled awkwardly, "I can easily take it seriously."

"What I said is true." Gu Bingxi looked at Chen Yang with her clear eyes, "I saw you today just to show my heart. I like you and want to give me to you!"


Chen Yang opened his mouth. He once thought that today was April Fool's Day. How could a girl like Gu Bingxi, who is pure and pure, say such words.He looked around, thinking that this was trying to trick him.

At this moment, Gu Bingxi had already walked in front of Chen Yang.

Before the people arrive, the fragrance has arrived.

Gu Bingxi's refreshing aroma made Chen Yang feel hot in his lower abdomen.

There is no man who does not desire a beauty like Gu Bingxi.

The same is true for Chen Yang.

When he saw Gu Bingxi for the first time, there was an instinctive desire in his heart, but Gu Bingxi was like a nine-day fairy, out of reach.

But right now, this unreachable fairy confessed to Chen Yang on her own initiative, and even wanted to dedicate her to Chen Yang. At this moment, Chen Yang once thought it was a dream.

"Could it be that Gu Bingxi had a feeling for me the last time he opened the 64 door to Gu Bingxi?" Chen Yang thought of the erotic scene when he opened the [-] door to Gu Bingxi, and there was a faint impulse in his heart.

At this moment, Gu Bingxi had already arrived in front of Chen Yang.

Her cherry lips opened slightly. Chen Yang thought that Gu Bingxi was taking the initiative to kiss him. Chen Yang pouted his lips slightly, waiting for Gu Bingxi's soft and fragrant lips to stick to his lips, but he heard Gu Bingxi kiss him. He said softly, "I'm being watched."

Gu Bingxi's words made Chen Yang wake up instantly, presumably Gu Bingxi's words just now were intentional.Chen Yang's lips pouted slightly, and his hand was already on Gu Bingxi's waist, but when he heard Gu Bingxi's words suddenly, the scene was a bit awkward for a while.

Fortunately, Chen Yang reacted quickly enough. After knowing that he had misunderstood Gu Bingxi, he hugged Gu Bingxi suspiciously, and said in a low voice, "I already guessed that your reaction just now was abnormal, and I cooperated with you on purpose. "

Gu Bingxi is not a three-year-old girl, so of course she would not be fooled by Chen Yang's words, but Gu Bingxi did not expose it, and continued, "But what I just said is true."

"Which sentence?" Chen Yang asked.

Gu Bingxi didn't answer, her lips suddenly stuck to Chen Yang's lips.

Gu Bingxi's lips were cold.

This has something to do with Gu Bingxi practicing "Xuan Bing Jue" since childhood.

Gu Bingxi's lips were very soft. When Gu Bingxi's lips touched Chen Yang's, Chen Yang only felt a wonderful feeling that could not be described in words.

At this moment, Chen Yang had only one thought in his head: Is this the unreachable Gu Bingxi?

He must have suspected that Gu Bingxi in front of him was a fake.

His hands subconsciously slid down from Gu Bingxi's waist, and landed directly behind Gu Bingxi's elastic and powerful body...!

At this moment, Dragon God suddenly heard loudly saying by the lake, "Miss is seeing Chen Yang, but she didn't say she wanted to see you."

"Dragon God, don't blame me for ignoring the feelings of my classmates." Meng Yulin's voice came over, "Get out of the way!"

Meng Yulin's voice revealed anger!

Both Gu Bingxi and Chen Yang could hear clearly, Gu Bingxi's lips parted from Chen Yang's and whispered, "He's here."

"Are you waiting for him?" Chen Yang asked.

"Yes." Gu Bingxi said.

"In other words, you kissed me just now because you wanted him to see you, right?" Chen Yang asked.

"Not only that." Gu Bingxi only said this sentence, but didn't say the rest.

Just as Chen Yang wanted to move his hand away, he heard Gu Bingxi whispering in Chen Yang's ear, "Take it away when he arrives."

Chen Yang really can't figure out Gu Bingxi's thoughts now.

Gu Bingxi used Chen Yang as a pawn, but Chen Yang always thought that Gu Bingxi was telling the truth.

Dragon God didn't stop him, but gave way.

Meng Yulin strode to the small building in the middle of the lake.

He saw Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi hugging each other at a glance, especially when his eyes swept over Chen Yang's hand that was placed behind Gu Bingxi, there was a cold light in his eyes.

At this moment, Meng Yulin was already murderous.

"Junior Sister!" Meng Yulin shouted loudly.

Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi separated. Chen Yang only felt that Gu Bingxi's body fragrance was still on his hands. He glanced at Gu Bingxi, but found that Gu Bingxi had already looked at Meng Yulin.

At this moment, Chen Yang really understood that he was just a pawn in Gu Bingxi's heart.

Meng Yulin came in front of Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi, "Bingxi, I heard that you came to Huxin Xiaozhu, so I came here specially to look for you."

"It should be following me!" Gu Bingxi said.

"How is it possible?" Meng Yulin said, "You are my junior sister, and I will never follow you."

Chen Yang interjected, "That's weird. I just arrived here, why did you come here? You're not following Bingxi, could it be that you're following me?"

Meng Yulin snorted coldly, "I don't have the patience to care about your affairs...Chen Yang...."

"Call Master Uncle."

Meng Yulin gave Chen Yang a hard look, but still said, "Uncle Chen, you are Bingxi's uncle, please stay away from Bingxi in the future, and pay attention to your identity."

Chen Yang held Gu Bingxi in his arms, "As long as Bingxi is willing, no matter how close we are, no one else can say anything, but you, don't keep pestering Bingxi, she doesn't like you."

That's my thing. "Meng Yulin's eyes looked at Gu Bingxi, "Junior Sister Bingxi, I still hope you will think about me. Among the many senior brothers, I am the one who treats you best and is also the most suitable person to be your husband." "

"I made it very clear, I have someone else in my heart." Gu Bingxi said.

Meng Yulin looked at Chen Yang, and a sneer of contempt appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Only by him? Why should he protect you... Bing Xi, can I have a chat with you?"

"Let's talk." Gu Bingxi said.

"I just want to talk to you alone. Once this matter gets out, it will be a disaster not only for you, but also for Master." Meng Yulin looked at Gu Bingxi, "I believe that after listening to what I said, you will definitely be willing to share with me. I'm married."

Gu Bingxi glanced at Chen Yang, "I want to have a few words with senior brother, please wait for me first."

Chen Yang nodded and walked aside.

At this moment, Chen Yang's cell phone rang.

The call was from Sun Yiran, and Chen Yang answered the call.

After listening to Sun Yiran's words, his expression changed, and he looked at Meng Yulin...

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