Chen Yang's words made Hu Ke's eyes widen.

Chen Yang actually said that he was "seriously ill and will die soon"!

Hu Ke said angrily, "I am in good health, so you don't need to worry about it. You should take care of yourself. You are young, ignorant, hopeless."

The rest of the people also shook their heads.

Chen Yang looked at Hu Ke, and said lightly, "Director Hu, have you checked your blood?"

"My blood? What happened to my blood?"

"If you believe me, check your blood now." After Chen Yang said this, he looked at Jiang Yanting, "President, I think it is necessary to seal off the hospital and not allow anyone to enter or leave the hospital...! "

"Chen Yang, what do you want to do?" Hearing what Chen Yang said, Hu Ke shouted angrily, "Stop pretending to be mysterious here!"


Chen Yang said the name.

In an instant, everyone in the conference room was shocked!

Everyone knows the horror of this infectious disease.

The fatality rate of this infectious disease is extremely high.

"Nonsense!" Hu Ke yelled at Chen Yang, "Do you think I'm infected with a virus?"

Hu Ke only took one step forward, but everyone in the conference room distanced themselves from Hu Ke, and some even rushed towards the door of the conference room.

These doctors are well aware of the horror of this disease.

Jiang Yanting frowned!

"Don't panic!" Jiang Yanting, as the dean, was unusually calm at the moment.After all, he is a top expert in internal medicine, he knows that the most important thing now is to avoid infection!

Jiang Yanting looked at Hu Ke, "Director Hu, do you have any symptoms now?"

"No symptoms at all." Hu Ke said disapprovingly, "Dean Jiang, don't listen to his alarmist words, this man is just trying to scare us."

"I believe Vice President Chen is definitely not scaremongering." Jiang Yanting has great trust in Chen Yang, "Now you must be checked, and the rest of the people must also be checked, just... a temporary physical examination of all the staff is required, and all medical staff are required to do it. Virus inspection...Dean Hu, you have rich experience, I will leave it to you!"

"Okay." Hu Jiangyu immediately made arrangements.

He was the dean before and knew how to deal with this situation.

In the dean's office!

Chen Yang and Lin Zhenmin sat on the sofa, waiting for Jiang Yanting to come back.

"Chen Yang, are you really sure?" Lin Zhenmin is still dubious now, Chen Yang can conclude that there is a virus in Hu Ke's blood just by looking at Hu Ke, which is too mysterious.

Chen Yang motioned Lin Zhenmin to put his ear close, and whispered in Lin Zhenmin's ear, "I'm only telling you one person. I actually have the ability to see through and see people's meridians and blood. I saw that Hu Ke had Ebola in his blood. Virus."

"Do not believe!"

Of course Lin Zhenmin didn't believe Chen Yang's words.

The so-called perspective ability only exists in novels and TV.

"You don't believe it?" Chen Yang asked.

"Do not believe!"

"Then let's make a bet!" Chen Yang said, "I can prove it to you now, but if you lose, you will be punished!"

"What punishment?" Lin Zhenmin asked.


As soon as Chen Yang said these words, Lin Zhenmin's dark eyes looked directly at Chen Yang.Chen Yang thought that Lin Zhenmin would get angry, and was about to change his words, but he didn't want Lin Zhenmin to agree, "Okay!"

"How do you want to try?" Chen Yang asked.

Lin Zhenmin put her hand into her pocket, "I have something in my hand now, what do you think it is?"

"Car keys." Chen Yang said.

"This doesn't count!" Lin Zhenmin said.

She put her hands behind her back and held out two fingers.

"How many fingers am I now?"


Lin Zhenmin stretched out four fingers again, "What about now?"


"You peek!" Lin Zhenmin said.

"You still don't believe me, do you? Then I'll just tell you the color of the underwear you're wearing."

As soon as Chen Yang said this, Lin Zhenmin subconsciously put her hands between her legs, "I believe it!"

"Then come on." Chen Yang put his face closer.

That meant to let Lin Zhenmin kiss his face, but Chen Yang didn't expect Lin Zhenmin's fragrant lips to stick to Chen Yang's lips.

The moment those soft lips touched, Chen Yang stretched out his hand subconsciously, and slid to Lin Zhenmin's waist!Just when his hand was about to slide all the way down, the door suddenly opened, and Jiang Yanting hurried in from the outside.


Just as Jiang Yanting said this, he saw Chen Yang and Lin Zhenmin hugging and kissing!

Jiang Yanting hurriedly turned around, "I'll go out first!"

"Dean Jiang, you misunderstood. Secretary Lin got something in her eye, and I'm helping her blow it out." Seeing that Lin Zhenmin was a little embarrassed, Chen Yang immediately found a reason to help the two of them out.

Lin Zhenmin also reacted, "Thank you, Dean Chen, for blowing my eyes. I feel much better."

Chen Yang and Lin Zhenmin separated.

Jiang Yanting handed Hu Ke's test results to Chen Yang, "Director Hu's blood test results came out, and the virus was indeed found in his blood...The test results of other medical staff in the hospital will come out one after another...This matter is getting bigger, It must be reported!"

"Don't worry." Chen Yang said, "In my opinion, except for Director Hu, other department directors have not been infected, and there is no large-scale transmission in the hospital. I'll go see Director Hu first."

Chen Yang got up, and Lin Zhenmin wanted to follow, but Chen Yang waved his hand, "Don't follow, this virus is very contagious, I can see where there is a virus...!"

Chen Yang pointed to his eyes while talking.

His eyes can see through, so he can naturally see where the virus is.

Lin Zhenmin nodded and stayed in the dean's office.

As soon as Chen Yang arrived at the isolation ward, Hu Ke seemed to see a savior, "Dr. Chen, help me."

The fatality rate of this virus is extremely high, and there is currently no specific medicine, and even Hu Ke is worried that he will die.

In his eyes, Chen Yang is already a peerless miracle doctor.

"Director Hu, don't worry, I have the confidence to cure you!" Chen Yang said, "However, this treatment is a bit special, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"Doctor Chen... No, Dean Chen, as long as it can cure me, I can accept any treatment plan." Hu Ke said.

"Front your head down, your legs up, stand on your head first!" Chen Yang said.

With the help of others, Hu Ke leaned against the wall with his head down and his legs up.

Chen Yang squatted down, "Director Hu, think about it carefully, who have you seen a doctor these two days?"

"I... I can't remember."

Hu Ke felt his brain congested!

He couldn't think of anything.

"Think hard, this can help cure your illness." Chen Yang said.

"I... I have consulted with the patients in the VIP ward!" Hu Ke said.

"VIP ward?"

When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately got up and walked out.

Hu Ke is still on his head, standing on his head!

Jiang Yanting asked puzzledly, "What kind of treatment plan is this? Haven't seen it before? I have to write it down, it can be used as a backup plan in the future."

"This is not a treatment plan." Chen Yang said, "Dean Jiang, you don't have to remember, I just want him to concentrate. Later, I will prescribe a traditional Chinese medicine for him, which can completely cure his illness!"

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