The couple unanimously refused, "No."

"Do you agree to be cremated?" Chen Yang asked.

"Of course I don't agree." The woman said, "According to the customs of our hometown, my father's body must be transported back to my hometown. Today we want to let everyone know that this hospital cured my father."

The delicate girl with twin ponytails said, "I've said it many times. I just prescribed traditional Chinese medicine to treat colds. I have a prescription, and I can use it to confront."

"We don't understand traditional Chinese medicine, so you're just fooling us with the prescription." The man said, "In short, your unscrupulous medical clinic killed my father. Besides losing money, you also have to set up a mourning hall for my father. It's not over!"

" are too bullying!" The girl stomped her foot hard, "I want to call the police!"

"Call the police?" The man stood up and snatched the girl's mobile phone. "You have the nerve to call the police? You put my father to death. You are not guilty, but you still want to scare the patient's family with the police... Hurry up, everyone!" Come and take a look, this black-hearted medical clinic is too bullying..."

"Hello, are you the police? There is a dead person at the entrance of a medical center. It looks like he died accidentally. You call the forensic doctor here. The family members of the deceased asked for an autopsy..."

Chen Yang took the mobile phone, stood beside the old man's body, and made a call.

The middle-aged couple was frightened by Chen Yang's call.

The two of them ignored the girl with twin ponytails and rushed towards Chen Yang together.

The man yelled, "We didn't ask for an excision!"

The two of them rushed to Chen Yang!

But before the two of them came to Chen Yang, Chen Yang had already put down the phone, "I have already reported to the police, and the police will come here soon, with a forensic doctor... Don't be afraid of this black-hearted medical clinic, I will help you Justice, the owner of this black-hearted medical clinic must be punished...the real cause of death can be determined after the body is dissected."

"Who told you to meddle in your own business." The man was very emotional, "Let's not dissect!"

At this moment, a middle-aged couple came out from nearby.

When the two of them came to the entrance of the medical center, the man yelled at the girl with ponytails, "Tian Xin, I told you not to treat other people carelessly. I really thought that you could learn some medical skills from your father so that you could treat others." Cure? You are the scourge of our Tian family!"

"Yes, he is a vixen who can only cause trouble everywhere, and he specializes in hooking up with other people's husbands!" The woman also scolded, "It caused me to lose everyone in front of the neighbors in the neighborhood. It is really unfortunate for me to have a sister-in-law like you. Now that people have been put to death, why do you still have the face to stand here, and why don't you get hit by a car!"

This woman is ruthless when she curses at others.

This couple is Tian Xin's brother and sister-in-law.

After Tian Yaosheng scolded Tian Xin, he turned to the couple, "I am her brother, we will compensate you for the money, now please leave immediately!"

"it is good!"

The couple didn't even say a word, they were about to lift the old man's body and leave, but at this moment, Chen Yang stopped in front of them.

"Why did you leave like this? The police are coming soon. Since the hospital killed your father, you should pay for it by killing someone. I will do my best to support you!"

"Get out of the way!" The man yelled at Chen Yang, "This is our family's business, I'm going to take my father's body away now, don't mind your own business, get out of here immediately."

"It's outrageous." Chen Yang said, "Your father was murdered. You, a rebellious son, don't want to seek justice for your father, but you still scold me. If you don't seek justice for your father, then let me do it." .”

Chen Yang stretched out his hand as he spoke, as if he wanted to snatch the old man's body from the hands of the couple!

The couple panicked!

The man wanted to push Chen Yang away, but Chen Yang's hand had already touched the old man's body!

Just this!

The old man who had already "dead" yelled and sat up suddenly.

"My god, it's a scam!"

The onlookers didn't have any mental preparations, they were still watching the excitement, but the dead old man suddenly sat up, scaring the people around him!

The timid people were so frightened that they screamed and ran away.

Someone called the police!

There was chaos all around.

The couple were also dumbfounded.

That's not the plan.

That old man was not their father, but their accomplice.

The old man knew the "Turtle's Breathing Technique". He could hold his breath for a long time, and even stopped his heart for a short time. People who didn't know why thought the old man was dead.

Everything was going smoothly, and the old man played the corpse without any flaws.

The couple couldn't figure out why the old man was touched by Chen Yang's hand, and he immediately sat up.

How did they know that Chen Yang had already seen through that the old man was pretending to be dead, and deliberately pressed on the old man's "acupuncture point", and broke the "turtle's breathing technique" at that time!

"Father, you are alive, the heavens have eyes!" The man was the first to react, he immediately hugged the old man, and burst into tears.

The woman also understood, and wiped her tears, as if weeping with joy.

"Hua Tuo is alive!" The man turned to Chen Yang again, "Your medical skills are so superb, you brought my master back from the dead, and our whole family will definitely remember your great kindness...Father, let's go home! "

The man winked at the old man, and the three immediately got up and ran towards the side of the road.

"Don't run away." Seeing those three people wanting to run away, Tian Xin had realized that these three people were liars, so Tian Xin immediately went after the middle-aged man.

But she was just a girl, and the middle-aged man ran very fast, Tian Xin only chased her for seven or eight meters, and she was already thrown away by the man!

Tian Xin could only stomp her feet unwillingly, then turned around and came in front of Chen Yang, "Could you be with them?"

Chen Yang was amused by Tian Xin's words!

"People say that you have big breasts and no brains. You are not big, so you have no brains."

"Then why don't you help me chase?" Tian Xin asked.

"Why should I chase?"

"You...!" Tian Xin glanced at Chen Yang, "Forget it, thank you for helping me just now, I can't catch them, I shouldn't blame you."

"That's right." Chen Yang said with a smile, "I'm a good person who will help you to the end, so I'll help you catch them back."

"But the three of them have already run away!" Tian Xin said.

"They will come back. I will count to three, and the three of them will come back." Chen Yang said, "One, two, three...!"

As Chen Yang counted to three, he saw the three people who ran away running towards Tian Xin...

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