The invincible fairy doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 147 This Money Cannot Be Borrowed

Tang Xueyun had no face to see Chen Yang.

When she thought of taking off her clothes in front of Chen Yang, she felt her cheeks burn!

"It must be because of the medicine, I am innocent."

Tang Xueyun kept comforting herself.

Doorbell rang!

This time the person who came was Bai Wanqing.

"Xue Yun, something serious has happened." Bai Wanqing immediately held Tang Xueyun's hand when she saw Tang Xueyun, "That Zheng Xiaoyi has become a vegetable."

This is the happiest thing Tang Xueyun heard today.

"This is his retribution." Tang Xueyun said, "Do I still want to call the police? They actually plotted against me. If Chen Yang hadn't arrived in time, I might..." Tang Xueyun glanced at Chen Yang, thinking of her and Chen Yang With an affectionate look, an inexplicable blush appeared on his cheeks.

As soon as Bai Wanqing saw Tang Xueyun's reaction, she suddenly said, "That means you've made your nominal husband cheaper? That's not bad, you've finally become a woman too!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Tang Xueyun blushed immediately, and he glanced at Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, send Secretary Lin back."

Tang Xueyun wanted to drive Chen Yang away.

Chen Yang was also sensible, took his coat, and went downstairs with Lin Zhenmin!

Lin Zhenmin's car is a white domestic car, as the secretary to the president of the group, it is too low-key!

Lin Zhenmin opened the car door, "I'm leaving first, take good care of the president!"

But to Lin Zhenmin's surprise, Chen Yang opened the car door and got in the car.

"Xue Yun asked me to take you home, of course I will listen to Xue Yun's words!" Chen Yang fastened his seat belt and leaned back, "I still don't know how to drive? Just learn to drive... Secretary Lin, drive now .”

Lin Zhenmin drove the car and left Repulse Bay.

"Secretary Lin, can you cook?" Chen Yang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly asked.

"Yes, but not how to do it." Lin Zhenmin said.

"Then let's eat at your house today, don't you still owe me a meal?" Chen Yang said, "Don't worry, I will cook today and let you taste my skills."

"My family is small, so it may not be convenient." Lin Zhenmin said.

"Small? How small?" Chen Yang said.

"It's only suitable for one person." Lin Zhenmin said.

Chen Yang thought that Lin Zhenmin didn't want him to go, so he said so.

According to Lin Zhenmin's income, it is not a problem to buy a house of hundreds of square meters in a remote place in Zhonghai City. As for the house in the city center, it is very expensive, starting from several million or tens of millions!

When Chen Yang arrived in front of Lin Zhenmin's house, he realized that what Lin Zhenmin said was true!

Lin Zhenmin's house is located in the old community, with an area of ​​about 30 square meters, which is similar to Chen Yang's house.

"Is this really your house?" Chen Yang stood at the door, looking at Lin Zhenmin uncertainly.

"Hmm!" Lin Zhenmin walked in and hung the bag on the hook on the door, "Are you coming in?"

"Of course come in."

Chen Yang walked in!

Lin Zhenmin's house is very simply furnished, the kitchen and bathroom are just inside, there is a single bed inside, and Lin Zhenmin's clothes are hanging on the window!Although the area is small, Lin Zhenmin has kept it clean and feels very warm.

"Secretary Lin, Xue Yun and I will give you a raise!" Chen Yang said.

"Mr. Tang treated me very well." Lin Zhenmin took off his coat and hung it on the clothes rack. "I only have instant noodles and some kimchi at home. I eat at the company on weekdays. There is no food at home! I will change it." Clothes, let's eat outside."

"Is there a vegetable market nearby?" Chen Yang asked.

"There is a small market next to it." Lin Zhenmin said.

"Then I'll go around, you wait for me at home." Chen Yang said.

As soon as Chen Yang came out, Lin Zhenmin chased him out!She changed the hip skirt and wore a corset suspender skirt!At this moment, Lin Zhenmin is no longer the sexy and capable president's secretary, but a pure and gentle girl next door!

Lin Zhenmin's change made Chen Yang dumbfounded, "If I hadn't seen you coming out of the house with my own eyes, I would have thought I had met your twin sister?"

"I've been very busy with work, and I rarely have time to go out to buy groceries!" Lin Zhenmin said, "I want to try it today too."

"It still looks good like this." Chen Yang was very blunt, "Your company's outfit makes men unable to control it. There are a few men who don't like to see you in a hip skirt, it's too sexy!"

"What about you?" Lin Zhenmin said.

"I like it too." Chen Yang said.

"Aren't you worried that the president will be jealous?"

"Your Mr. Tang doesn't like me." Chen Yang said, "If I hadn't saved her grandfather, how could she have taken a liking to a poor boy like me... I know how to measure... Secretary Lin, you now Shouldn't you hold my arm and comfort me? I always act like this in TV dramas!"


Lin Zhenmin smiled for a long time.

She stretched out her hand and took Chen Yang's arm, "Is this all right?"

"Let me tell you, my mother just wants me to find a gentle girl next door like you as my wife." Chen Yang said, "Why don't we make an agreement, one year later, if you haven't married yet, I will marry you."

"But I don't want to marry a married man." Lin Zhenmin said.

"Isn't it okay to have a fake marriage?"

"What about the marriage certificate? Is it real or fake?"

"Really!" Chen Yang said.

"This is terrible, that's a married man." Lin Zhenmin and Chen Yang were joking and joking, when suddenly a man about 34 or [-] years old got out of a taxi!

After the man got out of the car, he ran towards Lin Zhenmin.

As soon as Lin Zhenmin saw this man, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and the hand holding Chen Yang's arm also let go!

"Zhenmin, I thought I was reading it wrong just now? I didn't expect you to look like a girl next door today, so beautiful!" The man stretched out his hand as he spoke, as if he wanted to hug Lin Zhenmin.

But Lin Zhenmin's face darkened, and she said displeasedly, "Brother-in-law, what do you want me for?"

The man stopped, and said helplessly, "Zhenmin, didn't I ask you to borrow money? Your sister spent all the money at home a few days ago, and the tuition fees for the children's schooling have not yet been settled. My company can't pay you." I really have no choice but to ask you to borrow some money so that I can get over the difficulties in front of me first!"

"I'll call my sister and ask!" Lin Zhenmin was about to make a call, but the man hurriedly said, "Zhenmin, don't call your sister, she is... actually cheated out of money, this The matter is too embarrassing, if you ask her, she will have no face to say it. I will just borrow 3000 yuan and wait until I get through this month."

"You said the same thing last month." Lin Zhenmin said.

"I promise it will be the last time." The man said, "Your sister likes to eat sweet-scented osmanthus cakes from the south of the street. I also wanted to buy sweet-scented osmanthus cakes for your sister, only to realize that I ran out of money...!"

"Three thousand, I'll transfer it to you!" Lin Zhenmin said!

Just when Lin Zhenmin was about to transfer the money, Chen Yang grabbed Lin Zhenmin's hand, "This money cannot be borrowed!"

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