Chen Yang suddenly stood up and stopped those prosecutors!

"Wait a moment!"

When Tang Shijing heard Chen Yang's words, hope surged in his heart.

Unexpectedly, it was Chen Yang who stood up to help him at this time. Tang Shijing's eyes were shining with longing, and he almost reached out his hand to give Chen Yang a warm hug.

Chen Yang was his last hope. He hoped that Chen Yang could say something to save him, but in the next second, he heard Chen Yang say to the prosecutor, "Does this mean that my marriage with Tang Xueyun is valid?"

"Yes!" the prosecutor said, "We will announce this case to the public later. Mr. Chen's marriage is legal and valid and protected by law."

"Thank you!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he stepped aside and completely gave way.

Tang Shijing's face was ashen.

He thought that Chen Yang was here to save him just now, but he didn't expect that Chen Yang didn't mention anything to him at all.

The prosecutor took Tang Shijing and Shen Hong away, and Chen Yang looked at Tang Yaozu, "Old Tang, you heard clearly just now, the marriage between Tang Xueyun and I is legal and valid, and the agreement is still valid. With a 10% stake in Zhongtian Group, it is still the majority shareholder of the group.”

Tang Yaozu didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Thinking that this case had something to do with him, Tang Yaozu suddenly covered his heart with his right hand.

"Grandpa!" When Tang Xueyun saw Tang Yaozu's appearance, she hurriedly got up and wanted to see Tang Yaozu's situation, but Tang Shifeng stopped Tang Xueyun, "It's you who made the old man angry, and you still have the face to care about the old man!"

Tang Rui took the opportunity to come over and greet Tang Yaozu in front of him.

Tang Xueyun had no choice but to sit back in her seat.

"Grandpa, I'll call you an ambulance!" Tang Rui immediately called for an ambulance.

At this moment, Chen Yang stood up and walked outside without saying a word.

"Chen Yang!" Tang Xueyun hurriedly called Chen Yang when she saw that Chen Yang was about to leave.

The last time it was Chen Yang who saved Tang Yaozu, but now facing the sick Tang Yaozu, Chen Yang wanted to leave.Tang Xueyun wanted Chen Yang to save Tang Yaozu, but Chen Yang had no intention of stopping.

Tang Xueyao had no choice but to chase her out!

"Chen Yang, stop for me." Tang Xueyun ran a few steps quickly and caught up with Chen Yang.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yang looked at Tang Xueyun.

"My grandfather is sick, you are a doctor, how can you leave?" Tang Xueyun asked.

"I'm a doctor, but that doesn't mean I'm going to save your grandpa." Chen Yang looked at Tang Xueyun, "I never owe you the Tang family, let alone your grandpa...what I should do has already been done. It's over!"

"Chen Yang, what do you want?"

With Tang Rui's support, Tang Yaozu chased him out. In the corridor of the meeting room, Tang Yaozu asked loudly.

"Dad, Tang Rui has already called an ambulance, and I will take you to Zhonghai Hospital now!" Tang Shifeng said, "That is the best hospital in China, and any expert is better than Chen Yang."

"Shut up!" Tang Yaozu scowled angrily with a sullen face, "I was almost poisoned to death back then, and none of those useless doctors in Zhonghai Hospital could be counted on."

Tang Shifeng was scolded by Tang Yaozu, and immediately fell silent.

Chen Yang looked at Tang Yaozu, "Old Tang, shouldn't you apologize to Tang Xueyun first?"

"Chen Yang, don't talk nonsense, my grandfather did nothing wrong, so there is no need to apologize." Tang Xueyun was startled by Chen Yang's words, and hurriedly dissuaded Chen Yang, but just after she finished speaking, Tang Yaozu had already said, "Okay , I apologize, this matter about Xue Yun is indeed my fault, the marriage certificate between you and Chen Yang was invalidated by me through the relationship between your third uncle, and I also authorized Lawyer Shen to declare the agreement invalid."

As soon as Tang Yaozu said these words, Tang Shifeng's face changed drastically.

He didn't expect Tang Yaozu to tell the truth directly.

"Mr. Tang, since you are so forthright, I won't go around in circles anymore!" Chen Yang said, "Let Tang Xueyun continue to be the president of the group, and at the same time cancel Tang Shifeng and Tang Shijing's positions!"

"Chen Yang, you fart!" Tang Shifeng cursed suddenly when he heard Chen Yang's words, "What do you think you are, dare to talk to the old man in an orderly tone, and cancel Shijing and I's positions, Have you lost your mind..."

"I agree!" Tang Yaozu said suddenly.


Tang Shifeng thought he heard it wrong!

"Dad, are you crazy? You actually listened to him? This idiot is nothing!" Tang Shifeng shouted.


Before Tang Shifeng finished speaking, Tang Yaozu raised his hand and gave Tang Shifeng a slap in the face.

"Unseemly!" Tang Yaozu sullenly said, "How dare you talk to me in such a tone!"

Tang Shifeng was calmed down by Tang Yaozu's slap, he knew he shouldn't talk to Tang Yaozu like this here, and apologized, "I was wrong!"

"Come into the meeting room for me!" Tang Yaozu said coldly.

Both Tang Shifeng and Tang Rui went to the conference room to wait for Tang Yaozu.

Tang Yaozu stood in front of Chen Yang, "I can agree to these things, but I also have a request, you let Shijing be released."

"Grandpa, my third uncle's arrest has nothing to do with Chen Yang." Tang Xueyun heard Tang Yaozu's words, and she hurriedly explained to Chen Yang, but before she finished speaking, Chen Yang had already said, "Okay, I will call the prosecutor's office of……!"

Tang Yaozu clutched his heart, Tang Xueyun quickly supported Tang Yaozu!

Tang Yaozu glanced at Tang Xueyun, and said eccentrically, "Xueyun, you have found a good husband, and the Tang family will rely on you in the future."

"Grandpa, you misunderstood, I really didn't ask him to report it!" Tang Xueyun hurriedly explained.

Tang Yaozu ignored Tang Xueyun, but looked at Chen Yang, "I have agreed to all your requests, can you help me see a doctor now?"

"Mr. Tang, you haven't cleared up the remaining poison. I can help you clear up the remaining poison right now." As Chen Yang spoke, he had already arrived in front of Tang Yaozu, and his right hand was placed on the acupuncture point on Tang Yaozu's right wrist!

Now that Chen Yang has the Spiritual God Orb, it is easy to remove the residual poison in Tang Yaozu's body!Chen Yang has always wanted to help Tang Yaozu get rid of the remaining poison, but he didn't find a suitable opportunity, but he didn't expect to use it today instead.

If Tang Yaozu hadn't remembered that Chen Yang had mentioned that there was still poison in his body, he would never have easily agreed to Chen Yang's request today.

The Lingshen Pearl sucked away all the remaining poison in Tang Yaozu's body, and Tang Yaozu felt full of energy, as if he had been reborn, and he was full of energy in his speech!

He's back in the meeting room!

At this moment, the board members are still waiting for Tang Yaozu.

Tang Yaozu sat on the chairman's seat and announced, "I now announce that Tang Xueyun will still be the president of the group, and that Tang Shijing and Tang Shifeng will be removed from all positions in the group!"

The members of the board of directors talked a lot!

No one expected that the situation would change rapidly. One second, Tang Shifeng was still the acting president of the group, and the next second, Tang Shifeng was out of any position, and Tang Xueyun continued to be the group president.

"There is one more thing!" Tang Yaozu continued, "I said I would retire, but now I have changed my mind. As the chairman of the group, I cannot ignore Zhongtian Group. From today onwards, the group's affairs must be reported to me regularly. .”

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