Liao Hongsheng knelt in front of Chen Yang!


Liao Hongsheng raised his hand and slapped himself hard.

"I'm just a bastard, Doctor Chen, please save my daughter, she is dying, the doctor said only you can save her...!"

Liao Hongsheng burst into tears.

Standing in front of Liao Hongsheng, Chen Yang watched Liao Hongsheng kneeling in front of him begging for mercy, "What's wrong with your daughter?"

"Heart disease!" Liao Hongsheng said, "Congenital heart disease, the doctor said that only a heart transplant can survive, but... But there has never been a suitable heart, she can't survive now..."

Chen Yang didn't say a word!

Boom, boom, boom...!

Seeing that Chen Yang didn't agree, Liao Hongsheng immediately kowtowed to the ground.

This Liao Hongsheng did not expect to love his daughter so much.

For his daughter's life, Liao Hongsheng didn't care about face at all.

"Doctor Chen, please save my daughter, I kowtow to you!"

Tang Xueyun heard the sound of the door from inside, and when she came to the door, she saw Liao Hongsheng kowtowing to Chen Yang.Tang Xueyun was tough on the outside, but her heart was weak. Liao Hongsheng's attitude towards Tang Xueyun was not friendly just now, but Tang Xueyun felt sorry for her daughter.

"Chen Yang, if you can save him, you can help!" Tang Xueyun said, "He's not a bad person, he's just a bit of a philistine!"

"Miss Tang, you are really a good person. I treated you like that just now, and you still speak for me. I, Liao Hongsheng, am not alone!" Hearing what Tang Xueyun said, Liao Hongsheng felt ashamed!

"Okay, take me there now." Chen Yang said.

Liao Hongsheng was overjoyed, and quickly got up from the ground, thanking him repeatedly.

"Don't say thank you first, wait until I have a look." Chen Yang said, "Before I see the patient, I am not sure that I will be able to save it."

Liao Hongsheng's daughter was temporarily transferred from another hospital to Zhonghai Hospital.

Zhonghai Hospital is the best hospital in the city. If it cannot be saved here, Liao Hongsheng's daughter can be sentenced to death.

A teenage girl is lying on a hospital bed next to a ventilator!

When Chen Yang arrived at the girl's bedside, he didn't need to look at the medical records. He just checked the girl's heart with his see-through eyes, and his face immediately sank. The girl was in danger, and he had to be rescued!

Chen Yang gave the needle immediately to save the girl's life!

Liao Hongsheng was just outside the ward like ants on a hot pot, anxiously waiting for news.

The girl's grandfather and grandmother couldn't help sighing. They felt sorry for this well-behaved granddaughter. Although she was young, she was very sensible and never worried them.

Suddenly, the door of the ward opened!

Chen Yang came out of the ward.

Liao Hongsheng hurried forward and asked with a trembling voice, "Chen... Dr. Chen, is my daughter?"

"He's saved!" Chen Yang said, "She doesn't need a heart transplant!"


When Liao Hongsheng heard Chen Yang's words, he wept with joy!

He held Chen Yang's hand tightly with both hands, "Thank you, Dr. Chen, are my benefactor!"


Both grandpa and grandma shed tears of joy.


Suddenly, Chen Yang raised his hand and slapped Liao Hongsheng hard!

Liao Hongsheng didn't have any precautions, and was slapped by Chen Yang's slap and fell to the ground.

Everyone present was shocked.

No one thought that Chen Yang would suddenly slap Liao Hongsheng across the face.

Liao Hongsheng covered his face. He thought that Chen Yang was resentful because of the previous incident, so he never did anything, until now.

"Doctor Chen, I know what you did before was a jerk. If you still have resentment, hit me hard, and I promise not to move!" Liao Hongsheng closed his eyes!

"Don't fucking fart, I'm not a small-minded person!" Hearing Liao Hongsheng's words, Chen Yang cursed on the spot, "I beat you because you are a bastard father, who the hell is your daughter?" Tell you it is congenital heart disease? Tell you, your daughter was poisoned, and the poison was a small dose, at least five years...!"


Everyone, including Liao Hongsheng, was shocked when they heard Chen Yang's words.

"You... you said my... my daughter didn't have a congenital heart disease? Was... she was poisoned? Liao Hongsheng asked with a trembling voice!

"Nonsense!" Chen Yang has never been so angry like this. He didn't expect someone to be so cruel, poisoning a girl in his teens, and poisoning for at least five years. All good things.

Chen Yang looked directly at Liao Hongsheng, "Listen to me, your daughter's poison can only be taken by those around you, and it has lasted for five years. Think about it carefully, who told you that your daughter has a congenital heart disease?" of?"

"My wife!" Liao Hongsheng said.

"Your daughter's mother is a doctor?" Chen Yang asked.

"No, she's a stepmother!" Liao Hongsheng said, "She works as a nurse in the hospital. Five years ago, my daughter suddenly fell ill. She helped me find a doctor in the hospital. At that time, it was confirmed that it was a congenital heart disease. Over the years, We have been looking for a suitable heart, and she has been taking her daughter to see a doctor...!"

When Liao Hongsheng said this, Liao Hongsheng already understood it completely!

"Damn it, where is she?" Liao Hongsheng suddenly went berserk, only to realize that his wife was gone sometime. Liao Hongsheng's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he was going to kill someone!

There was a sound of footsteps, and Sun Yiran rushed over with two colleagues.

"Chen Yang, you said someone was poisoned, who is it?" Sun Yiran asked.

When Chen Yang was treating the girl, he discovered that the girl had been poisoned, so Sun Yiran rushed over immediately!

"It should be his wife!" Chen Yang pointed to Liao Hongsheng, "The girl's stepmother is a nurse, and she has always said that the girl has a congenital heart disease, but in fact, the girl's heart was damaged after being poisoned... And still understand medical knowledge."

"Where is your wife?" Sun Yiran asked.

"I'm looking for her too!" Liao Hongsheng said with red eyes, "She was still here before!"

"Xiao Wang, arrest him immediately!" Sun Yiran said.

"No, I'm here!" A woman in her 30s came over!


Like crazy, Liao Hongsheng grabbed the woman by the neck and asked fiercely, "Why are you so cruel?"

The woman was almost suffocating, but she did not give in, but stared at Liao Hongsheng, "It is you who are really cruel, just because of your damn daughter, you have never wanted our children, I want children, but you only want Thinking of this damn thing, I hate her... As long as she dies, I will have my own child!"

"You vicious woman, I'm going to kill you!" Liao Hongsheng went berserk, really wanting to strangle the woman to death.

Two of Sun Yiran's colleagues stepped forward and dragged Liao Hongsheng down. Sun Yiran took the handcuffs and directly handcuffed the woman's hands!

The woman was taken away by Sun Yiran's colleagues.

Chen Yang looked at Sun Yiran, "Officer Sun, do you want to have a drink together?"

"Now?" Sun Yiran asked.

"Yeah!" Chen Yang said.

"Okay!" Sun Yiran actually agreed.

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