The invincible fairy doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 131 I am the owner and my boss

Tang Xueyun decided to move out of the Tang family overnight.

She has always acted decisively and without procrastination.

Tang Xiaowu drove Tang Xueyun and Chen Yang to the downstairs of Repulse Bay No. 1!

Tang Xueyun's house is also here!

"Xiao Wu, you don't have to drive to pick me up from now on, I will drive myself." Tang Xueyun said!

"Miss, there is no need for you to get into trouble with the master, the master still loves you very much!" Tang Xiaowu said.

"I know." Tang Xueyun just said perfunctorily, reaching out to get the suitcase, but Chen Yang took the first step and took Tang Xueyun's suitcase in his hand, "Honey, let's go!"

Tang Xueyun's house is located in 1901, and the house is very quiet. Although Tang Xueyun doesn't come to live in it, someone regularly comes to clean it.


Chen Yang put Tang Xueyun's suitcase in the master bedroom, sat down on the bed, and patted the big bed, "This bed is very suitable for two people to sleep in!"

"Your room is next door!" Tang Xueyun said.

Seeing Tang Xueyun bent over to pack her luggage, Chen Yang said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to refuse to divorce me? Don't you worry that I really angered Gu Zhenhong and he will take revenge on your Tang family?"

"You do things properly!" Tang Xueyun said, "However, let me clarify, it's not that I don't want to divorce you, but that I can't divorce you!"


Chen Yang patted his head, "Look at my memory, I actually forgot, if we divorce, the 10% of Zhongtian Group shares we hold will be gone, that's tens of billions!"

While Chen Yang was talking, he suddenly came in front of Tang Xueyun, and hugged Tang Xueyun by the waist.

"Put me down!" Tang Xueyun panicked the moment she was picked up by Chen Yang, and she subconsciously put her arms around Chen Yang's neck!


Chen Yang threw Tang Xueyun on the bed!

Immediately afterwards, he also rushed forward, pressing Tang Xueyun under him.

"You have to know that I'm your husband. If I divorce, won't you get nothing?" Chen Yang deliberately threatened.

"You rascal!" Tang Xueyun said angrily.

"I'm such a rascal!" Chen Yang said with a smirk, "There is only one way in front of you now...!"


Before Chen Yang finished speaking, Tang Xueyun's knee was already on Chen Yang's crotch.

At that moment, Chen Yang got up from Tang Xueyun's body, covered his crotch, and said, "Are you serious? I was just joking!"

"You deserve it!" Tang Xueyun rolled over and sat up, her chest heaving violently, her dark eyes staring directly at Chen Yang, "If you act recklessly again, be careful that I will castrate you, I will do what I say!"

Chen Yang got off the bed and asked seriously, "Have you really thought it through? Contradicting your grandfather for me is not worth the loss!"

"I have no way out!" Tang Xueyun said, "This is my last chance, I have to seize it firmly, otherwise, I may have nothing."

At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang!

Boom, boom!

Accompanied by a loud knock on the door.

Chen Yang glanced at Tang Xueyun, "I'll go and have a look."

He reached the door and opened the door.

At the door of the house, property manager Liao Hongsheng stood at the door with four security guards.

Chen Yang remembered that Liao Hongsheng was the general manager of the property company. When Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun moved here, they happened to meet Liao Hongsheng who was about to get off work. Liao Hongsheng greeted Tang Xueyun with a flattering smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Liao Hongsheng dared to bring the security guards to smash the door hard. Could something have happened?

"Manager Liao, what's the matter?" Chen Yang asked.

When Liao Hongsheng saw Chen Yang, the corners of his mouth turned up, showing a disdainful expression!

This surprised Chen Yang.

Liao Hongsheng didn't treat him like this before.

At this moment, Tang Xueyun also arrived at the door.

Liao Hongsheng said directly, "I'm here to supervise your removal!"

"Supervise us to move away?" Tang Xueyun immediately darkened her face when she heard Liao Hongsheng's words, and said displeasedly, "What do you mean supervise us to move away? This is my house. You are a property manager, so bold. How dare you let me move out? I think you, the general manager of the property, don't want to do it anymore!"

"Miss Tang, that's not what I meant!" Liao Hongsheng said, "It's what Master Tang meant!"

"My grandfather?" Tang Xueyun was startled!

At this moment, the elevator door suddenly opened.

Tang Rui came out.

"Master Tang!" When Liao Hongsheng saw Tang Rui coming, a flattering smile flashed on his face, and he hurried up to meet him, "I'm bringing people to help Miss Tang move!"

"Miss Tang? Hmph, she won't be Miss Tang soon!" Tang Rui twitched her lips and came to Tang Xueyun, "Cousin, do you still have the face to live here? Move out!"

When Tang Xueyun saw Tang Rui, she said coldly, "This is my house, why should I move out?"

"Your house?" Tang Rui couldn't help laughing when she heard Tang Xueyun's words, "Cousin, this house belongs to grandpa, how could it be yours, grandpa asked me to take over the house, since you choose not to Divorce this useless trash, there is no other way, Grandpa can only take back everything from you, leaving you with nothing, when the time comes, let’s see if you still have the courage not to divorce this trash.”

"I want to call grandpa." Tang Xueyun was about to call Tang Yaozu, but Tang Rui waved his hand and said to Liao Hongsheng, "What are you still doing in a daze? Help!"

"I don't see who dares!" Tang Xueyun immediately stopped at the door when she heard Tang Rui's words!

"Miss, don't make things difficult for me." Liao Hongsheng said, "We must listen to Mr. Tang. If you don't let me go, then I have no choice but to apologize!"

"Do you dare to do it?" Tang Xueyun looked directly at Liao Hongsheng with two sharp eyes, and Liao Hongsheng took a step back, but Tang Rui said, "Manager Liao, what are you afraid of? She will soon be nothing, the future president of Zhongtian Investment Group It can only be my father... why are you hesitating?"

As soon as Liao Hongsheng heard this sentence, he immediately said to Tang Xueyun, "Miss Tang, I'm sorry, come here, please get Miss Tang out!"

As soon as the four security guards behind heard Liao Hongsheng's words, they rushed over to Tang Xueyun.

This is a rare opportunity. Normally, they can only look at Tang Xueyun, the goddess, but dare not touch her!Now that he has listened to Liao Hongsheng's order, even if something happens in the future, it will be Liao Hongsheng's business.

These four people planned to take advantage of the opportunity, but when they rushed over, Chen Yang had already dragged Tang Xueyun behind him!


Chen Yang kicked over.

He just kicked a security guard in the stomach, and that security guard fell backwards, knocking down the other three security guards!

Plop, plop!

All four security guards fell to the ground.

As soon as Tang Rui saw Chen Yang move his hand, he snorted coldly, "Chen Yang, what are you, you dare to stand out, Manager Liao, what are you still doing? Hurry up and drive this useless trash out !"

"Chasing me? I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications." Chen Yang snorted coldly, "I'm the owner here."

"The owner?" Tang Rui laughed loudly, "How can you afford a house here even if you are poor?"

"What should I do as the owner?" Chen Yang asked.

"If you are the owner, I will take your surname!" Tang Rui blurted out.

"Master Tang..." Liao Hongsheng stammered, "He is really the owner."

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