The invincible fairy doctor of the beautiful president

Chapter 121 The One Who Cares Most Is You

As soon as Gu Bingxi appeared on the stage, he attracted the attention of the audience, and there were constant exclamations.

A smug smile appeared on Meng Yulin's face.

Ever since he worshiped Gu Zhenhong as his teacher, he has been thinking about Gu Bingxi.

Unfortunately, Gu Bingxi has always been aloof.

Among the many senior brothers, Meng Yulin is not outstanding, he can only bear with it, and vowed in his heart that he must stand out and marry Gu Bingxi.

Now is the chance.

Meng Yulin couldn't wait to propose to Gu Bingxi in public. He believed that Gu Bingxi would not refuse for the sake of the Gu family.

When Gu Bingxi, dressed in white, appeared in front of Meng Yulin, Meng Yulin knelt down on one knee and took the ring box. The moment he opened the ring box, there were exclamations!

It turned out to be a blood crystal ring.

Blood crystals are crystals more precious than gold and harder than diamonds.

The production of blood crystals is extremely rare, and the whole body is red.

This kind of crystal contains rich aura, which is really a treasure for practitioners. For ordinary people, blood crystals can prolong life and strengthen the body.

Meng Yulin had spent all his money, and even proposed with a blood crystal ring.

"Junior Junior Sister, please marry me." Meng Yulin said.

Pop, pop, pop!

There was applause in the venue.

All the guests applauded, and someone shouted, "Promise him...promise him."

Gu Bingxi stood in front of Meng Yulin, as cold as usual, without any expression on his face.

"Bing Xi, I have already agreed." Gu Zhenhong's voice sounded, "Yu Lin will be a good husband. Among my many apprentices, I have always thought that Yu Lin is the most suitable for you."

Meng Yulin looked at Gu Bingxi and said, "Junior Sister, don't worry, I promise to be a good husband, please all the guests present to testify for me, I, Meng Yulin, will value the life of my junior sister more than my own in the future, I won't let my junior sister suffer any harm, I..."

Before Meng Yulin finished speaking, Gu Bingxi said coldly, "I refuse!"

Although Gu Bingxi's voice was not high, the words "I refuse" clearly spread throughout every corner of the venue.

The smile on Meng Yulin's face froze.

What's wrong with this script?

He looked at Gu Zhenhong, he had already agreed with his master before, and Gu Zhenhong also agreed, but why did Gu Bingxi refuse now?

"Junior sister, why?" Meng Yulin blurted out.

"I have someone in my heart." Gu Bingxi said.


When Gu Bingxi uttered these words, let alone Meng Yulin, even Gu Zhenhong's expression changed.

For the sake of the Gu family, Gu Zhenhong knew that Gu Bingxi didn't like Meng Yulin, but he still insisted that Gu Bingxi marry Meng Yulin.

Among his many disciples, Meng Yulin was the one he favored the most, with a ruthless heart and decisive actions.

Under the current situation, only this kind of person can keep the Gu family.

Gu Zhenhong had already made the trade-offs clear to Gu Bingxi. He thought that Gu Bingxi had already agreed, but he didn't expect that Gu Bingxi would refuse in public, especially Gu Bingxi's words of "there is someone in his heart", which surprised Gu Zhenhong even more.

Gu Bingxi was born with "Earth Spirit Vein", which is a unique and rare spirit vein.

If the outside world finds out, Gu Bingxi will be in danger.

In order to prevent outsiders from knowing about Gu Bingxi's "earth spirit veins", Gu Zhenhong asked Gu Bingxi to practice "Xuanbing Jue" since childhood, which eliminated all emotions and desires. This is also the reason for Gu Bingxi's cold temper.

Not happy, not angry, can control emotions well.

Only in this way can Gu Bingxi protect herself.

But now, Gu Zhenhong heard Gu Bingxi say "There is someone in his heart", this is lust!

In the venue, all the guests thought that Gu Bingxi would accept Meng Yulin's marriage proposal, but they didn't expect that Gu Bingxi not only refused, but also publicly said that she had someone in her heart. Everyone wanted to know who the person in Gu Bingxi's heart was, and that she could get Gu Bingxi's marriage proposal. Heart.

"No way, Gu Bingxi actually has someone in his heart!" Zhu Yanwen opened his mouth when he heard Gu Bingxi's words, and made an extremely exaggerated expression, "The man who can make Gu Bingxi fall in love is definitely not a mortal, I really want to know now Who is that man..."

At this moment, Gu Bingxi's gaze suddenly turned to Zhu Yanwen.

Everyone's eyes followed suit, and they all fell on Zhu Yanwen.

Zhu Yanwen was about to eat melons, when he suddenly saw Gu Bingxi looking over, he was a little dumbfounded at the time, "No way, could it be me?"

There are only him and Chen Yang here.

Needless to say, Chen Yang, the Tang family's visiting son-in-law, Gu Bingxi will definitely not like it.

That's only him, Zhu Yanwen!

He is the rich second generation, and he still knows Gu Bingxi, who else could he be?

"After a long time of trouble, the man in Gu Bingxi's heart turned out to be me." A smug smile appeared on Zhu Yanwen's face!

"Young Master Zhu, I didn't expect to be able to embrace a beauty!"

"As expected of Young Master Zhu, you are so suave, even Gu Bingxi is attracted to you."

Some people have come to praise Zhu Yanwen.

Zhu Yanwen was full of joy, straightened his clothes, and stroked his hair with his hands. Just as he was about to walk towards Gu Bingxi, he saw Gu Bingxi walking in this direction from the front.

Wherever Gu Bingxi went, everyone stepped aside, leaving Zhu Yanwen alone.

Gu Bingxi came in front of Zhu Yanwen, Zhu Yanwen was full of smiles, and just said "Bingxi", but before the words fell, Gu Bingxi had already walked past Zhu Yanwen indifferently!

Zhu Yanwen was dumbfounded.

It never occurred to him that he misunderstood, the person Gu Bingxi was looking for was not him.

Chen Yang was also eating melons with relish.

He held a handful of nuts in his hand, leaned on the table, stuffed a nut into his mouth with his right hand, and ate it, but saw Gu Bingxi walking straight in front of him.

Chen Yang threw a nut into his mouth, swallowed it, and pointed to himself with his right hand, "You said just now that the person in your heart is not me, right?"

"Yes!" Gu Bingxi only replied with one word!

For a moment, the scene suddenly became quiet, and it was terribly quiet.

No one thought that the person in Gu Bingxi's heart was an insignificant door-to-door son-in-law...!

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