Chen Yang was still pondering what the Dragon God said, when he thought of Gu Bingxi asking him to come to the banquet, Chen Yang vaguely felt that there was something weird in it.

He sent a message to Gu Bingxi, "Does today's banquet have anything to do with me?"


Gu Bingxi replied with one word.

"Can't you answer two more words?" Chen Yang was dumbfounded by Gu Bingxi's answer.


Chen Yang looked at the word "Yes", and was completely speechless, which really answered two words.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone say, "I didn't expect to see you here again, it's really destined!"

Chen Yang raised his head and saw Xue Pai in a suit standing in front of him.

Chen Yang just met Xue Pai today, and Xue Pai attacked Chen Yang at that time, but Chen Yang saw through it and tricked Xue Pai instead!Chen Yang also knew in his heart that the poisonous needle would not kill Xue Pai, he just wanted to teach Xue Pai a lesson so that this guy would not provoke him.

But he didn't expect Xue Pai to appear in front of him again. For a while, Chen Yang didn't understand Xue Pai's purpose, whether he was planning to come here to show his favor, or whether he was going to continue to attack him.

"It's a coincidence." Chen Yang said, "I thought you went to the hospital."

"Go to the hospital? My health has always been good." Xue Pai pretended to be confused, and said, "I saw that Mr. Chen was there, so I came to say hello."

A waiter holds a tray with wine glasses in his hand.

Xue Pai stopped the waiter, took two glasses of wine, and handed one of them to Chen Yang, "Come, let's have a drink together, to celebrate our meeting again."

Chen Yang held the wine glass, looked at Xue Pai, and said, "Wait a minute!"

"Wait a minute?" Xue Pai was taken aback!

Chen Yang put the wine glass on the table next to him, and he said to Xue Pai, "Come on, let's get to know each other formally, my name is Chen Yang!"

Chen Yang stretched out his hand, signaling to shake hands with Xue Pai.

Xue Pai held the wine glass in his hand, and suddenly saw that Chen Yang wanted to shake hands with him, so he had no choice but to put the wine glass in his hand beside him, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Chen Yang, "My name is Xue Pai!"

After the two formally shook hands, Chen Yang held the wine glass in his hand, "Come on, let's celebrate our acquaintance, cheers!"


Xue Pai picked up another glass of wine and bumped into Chen Yang's.

He watched Chen Yang drink the wine in the glass, Xue Pai showed a smug smile.

Xue Pai is very good at poisoning.

When he was taking the wine from the waiter just now, he quickly put the poison into Chen Yang's wine. Fat to the other party's life.

Xue Pai watched Chen Yang drink down the wine before he drank the wine in his hand!

Having already poisoned Chen Yang, Xue Pai wanted to turn around and leave, but when he was about to turn around, he heard Chen Yang say, "I've seen Zhang Chenteng's closed disciple, that guy is very annoying."

When Xue Pai heard Chen Yang's words, he looked at Chen Yang and said with a light smile, "You mean that I lied?"

"Yeah!" Chen Yang nodded, "That's why I was wary of you, aren't you curious how I knew you had the poisonous needle between your fingers?"

Chen Yang actually opened up the words directly.

Xue Pai believed that Chen Yang would definitely die if he drank the poisoned wine. He didn't mind chatting with Chen Yang for a while. Hearing Chen Yang's words, Xue Pai said with a smile, "Actually, I'm really curious, how did you knew?"

"I saw it." Chen Yang said.

"It's a pity that you won't be able to see anything anymore." Xue Pai said regretfully, "Looking at the affection we talked about, after your death, I will help you collect the body...Brother, go all the way."

Xue Pai's hand actually patted Chen Yang's shoulder.

He confirmed that Chen Yang was about to die from poison, but the moment his hand touched Chen Yang, Xue Pai felt his body go numb.

In an instant, Xue Pai realized that he was poisoned.

He poisoned, of course he knew the toxicity.

Xue Pai knew that he had fallen into Chen Yang's trap again!

Xue Pai had the antidote on him, but in front of Chen Yang, Xue Pai couldn't take the antidote, so he wanted to leave.

But when Xue Pai was about to leave, he was stopped by Chen Yang.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say you want to collect my body? Are you planning to leave me alone?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

The situation is critical now, Xue Pai doesn't want to be held back by Chen Yang!

Without making a sound, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed it hard towards Chen Yang.

Xue Pai came from a family of Fengshui, but his intentions were not right and he went astray!After being sentenced to death, Meng Yulin saw that Xue Pai had some abilities, so he used special means to fish him out and recruit him into the intelligence department!

Xue Pai is Meng Yulin's black glove, specializing in things that are inconvenient for Meng Yulin to do.

Xue Pai pushed Chen Yang's hand. He thought he could push Chen Yang away, but he didn't expect his hand to be pushed on Chen Yang's body like a steel plate. Chen Yang stood there without moving a muscle. .

Xue Pai felt astonished in his heart, but at this moment Xue Pai had no time to think, he felt that the poison had spread on his body, Xue Pai must take the antidote as soon as possible.

He put his hand into his pocket, touched the antidote, just took out the antidote, and wanted to put it in his mouth, but Chen Yang deliberately touched Xue Pai!


Xue Pai shook his body and fell to the ground.

The antidote in his hand also fell to the ground.

"My medicine." Xue Pai yelled out, his hand hurriedly wanted to get the antidote that fell on the ground, but Chen Yang seemed to step on the antidote accidentally, "What's wrong with you? I'm sick Is it? I'm a doctor, I'll help you see your illness!"

"!" Xue Pai's mouth and nose were already bleeding. His condition was very bad and he could die at any time.

"Brother, go all the way." Chen Yang said.

At this moment, suddenly two men in suits rushed over, "Get out of the way!"

These two people came in front of Xue Pai and lifted Xue Pai who was already bleeding from his mouth and nose.

At this moment, Xue Pai was out of breath, and the two men quickly carried Xue Pai out.

Suddenly, the entire banquet hall went dark!

In the next second, a beam of light hit the door of the banquet hall.

In the light, Meng Yulin and a man in his 60s appeared at the door.

This man is Gu Zhenhong, the master of martial arts.

The moment Gu Zhenhong showed up, the entire venue fell silent.

Gu Zhenhong seemed to have a strong invisible pressure, which made people breathless.


Chen Yang's heart suddenly moved!

He didn't expect that Gu Zhenhong could use coercion, Gu Zhenhong has most likely stepped from the Nascent Profound Rank to the Earth Profound Rank!

A living strong man of the Earth Profound rank, this may be the pinnacle of a warrior!

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