The young man clearly touched Chen Yang on purpose.

The moment his watch fell to the ground, Chen Yang knew that this guy was deliberately causing trouble.

The moment the young man dropped his watch on the ground, he immediately shouted, "Are you blind? Hit me on purpose!"

Chen Yang looked at the young man, "You hit me, but you hit me on purpose. You should ask yourself what it means."

"You idiot, I bought my watch for 800 million yuan, and it's made of meteoric iron!" The young man snapped, "Now you have broken my watch, and you won't compensate others want to go."

"Meteorite? Just this broken watch? You're lying!" Chen Yang glanced at the broken watch on the ground. As for the Meteorite, it’s clearly ordinary plastic.”

"You dare to say that my watch is an imitation. Do you know who I am? I am Hu Guangtian. I have more than a dozen supercars. How dare you say that I wear an imitation!" The young man said angrily!

"Young Master Hu, there is no need to be angry with this guy!" Zheng Xiaoyi walked over with a glass of red wine in his hand, "This man is called Chen Yang, and he is the son-in-law of the Tang family. It's so expensive, it's just a local turtle!"

Chen Yang saw Zheng Xiaoyi and this man named Hu Guangtian talking together just now, and they looked at Chen Yang from time to time. At that time, Chen Yang felt that Zheng Xiaoyi was going to make trouble.

Now it seems that he guessed right.

This Hu Guangtian came here on purpose to find trouble, and Zheng Xiaoyi came here to ridicule Chen Yang first.

Chen Yang was too lazy to talk to them, he was about to leave, but Hu Guangtian didn't intend to let Chen Yang leave, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Yang's suit collar, "You broke my millions Just leave the watch like this? It's a good idea, if you have no money, let Tang Xueyun pay for it, isn't she rich?"

Hu Guangtian's voice was very loud, and the people nearby looked over for no reason.

Zheng Xiaoyi fanned the flames beside him, "Young Master Hu, didn't you expect Tang Xueyun to find such a useless little boy? Don't talk about you, I'm not reconciled, if I lose to you, I will admit it too. But I didn't expect But I lost to a little boy who ate soft rice, I really don't want to be reconciled in my heart... I didn't expect him to laugh at you for wearing a fake watch, this is simply an insult to you, I can't stand it anymore."

"Hmph, is a little boy worth my anger?" Hu Guangtian snorted coldly when he heard Zheng Xiaoyi's words, "I don't care about him, if this little boy doesn't want to lose money, I'll call Tang Xueyun now, I'd like to see Let's see how shameless Tang Xueyun is!"

This Hu Guangzhen took out his mobile phone, Chen Yang glanced at Zheng Xiaoyi, and saw Zheng Xiaoyi was smiling badly!Obviously, all of this was caused by Zheng Xiaoyi behind his back, just because he and his father lost face at the door just now, Zheng Xiaoyi wanted to find a chance to get this face back!

He deliberately encouraged Hu Guangtian to come over to look for work. Zheng Xiaoyi wished that the matter would get worse and more people would know that Chen Yang was the son-in-law of the Tang family, and that he was a good boy who ate soft food.

"What an idiot." Chen Yang shook his head, this Hu Guangtian was obviously tricked by Zheng Xiaoyi!It is estimated that Zheng Xiaoyi asked Hu Guangtian to come over to find trouble, but Hu Guangtian did not expect that his watch happened to hit Chen Yang, and it fell to the ground and broke!

Hu Guangtian planned to make Chen Yang compensate.

If it were someone else, Hu Guangtian's trick would have succeeded, but Hu Guangtian was very unlucky, the person he met this time was Chen Yang!

"You said it was meteoric iron, so you should know that the outer meteorite is extremely hard and impossible to crush!" Chen Yang said, "but the movement of your watch is imitation, and it will shatter if you squeeze it lightly. !"

Hu Guangtian had already taken his mobile phone. He put down the mobile phone when he heard Chen Yang's words, and sneered disdainfully, "Are you kidding me? You mean my watch is fake? If you have the ability, give me the movement If I crush it, I will admit that my watch is fake, otherwise, you will kneel on the ground and lick the soles of my shoes, and you will pay me 800 million yuan, do you dare to promise?"

A lot of people gathered around to watch, everyone knew that the meteoric iron is the hardest metal, it cannot be crushed!If it is really possible to crush the movement made of Tianwai Meteorite as Chen Yang said, then this watch must be fake.

Of course Hu Guangtian knew that his watch was genuine, the movement was made of extraterrestrial iron, not to mention crushing it by hand, even if it was smashed hard with a hammer, the movement would not be smashed.

Hu Guangtian deliberately wanted to make Chen Yang look ugly, and he couldn't bear the thought of Tang Xueyun, a peerless goddess, being crushed by a man like Chen Yang!

How can Chen Yang, the bottom of the society who has no money and no power, deserve a goddess like Tang Xueyun?

What made him feel even more unbearable was that Chen Yang also said that his product was a counterfeit product, which was slapping him in the face. How will he mess around with Hu Guangtian in the future?Although he knew that Zheng Xiaoyi was instigating him to deal with Chen Yang, this was exactly what he wanted, he just wanted to embarrass Chen Yang in public.

Zheng Xiaoyi said loudly from the side, "Chen Yang, what are you still doing? Didn't you say it's fake? Then show us how to crush the movement in public. If you can't do it, give it to us quickly." Hu Shao licked the sole of his shoe to admit his mistake."

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, Dragon God's voice came over, and only Dragon God was seen walking over from the crowd.

The Dragon God is an absolute powerhouse, even a rich person like Zheng Xiaoyi is afraid when he sees the Dragon God!Besides, Meng Yulin, the host of the banquet this time, is also the senior brother of the Dragon God. This kind of relationship makes everyone fear the Dragon God!

With his appearance, both Hu Guangtian and Zheng Xiaoyi put away their previous arrogance.

Hu Guangtian even hurriedly explained, "Dragon God, this guy broke my 800 million watch. He not only refused to compensate, but also said that my watch is a fake. Isn't this humiliating our Hu family? Our Hu family has a lot of money , How could I wear a fake, if this matter gets out, our Hu family will be ashamed, he said that the movement made of the outer meteorite is plastic, and it will break when squeezed."

Hearing this, Dragon God looked at the movement of the watch. He was already at the entry level, and he could tell at a glance that the movement of the watch was indeed made of hard meteorite, and it was not a fake!

Hu Guangtian continued, "Dragon God, you came at the right time. You can be a notary, so as not to say that I bully others. If he can crush the movement of my watch, I will not only ask him to lose money, but also give him 500 million. If he can’t do it, it means he’s slandering me, and he not only wants to pay me 800 million yuan, but also wants to lick the soles of my shoes in public.”

As soon as Dragon God heard this sentence, he glanced at Chen Yang and said indifferently, "Chen Yang, do you accept it?"

"Of course!" Chen Yang said.

Dragon God sneered in his heart, this Chen Yang really committed suicide!He knew that Chen Yang was a strong cultivator, but even the Dragon God, with his Nascent level strength, couldn't crush the Meteorite.

Chen Yang is doomed to lose this time.

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