Gu Zhenhong lives reclusively and rarely shows up.

But this time, Gu Zhenhong will also be there.

Gu Bingxi hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I will go."

"Junior Sister Bingxi, I will personally pick you up to the banquet site." The man said.

"No need." Gu Bingxi directly refused.

The man smiled, "Then I'll wait for Junior Sister Bingxi at the banquet."

Chen Yang has never seen this man before, but he feels that this man's aura is very unusual. Although the man has a smile on his face, he always feels that this man hides a knife in his smile and is an extremely dangerous guy.

"His name is Meng Yulin, and he is my father-in-law's apprentice. He is in the State Intelligence Department!" Song Ruxue whispered next to Chen Yang, "This man is very dangerous. Don't contact him."

The National Intelligence Service is the country's three major spy organizations with great power.

As a master of martial arts, Gu Zhenhong has taught many disciples, and most of these disciples have entered the military and intelligence organizations. Therefore, no one in the country would dare to provoke Gu Zhenhong.

Even if Song Ruxue didn't introduce Meng Yulin, Chen Yang didn't intend to get to know Meng Yulin.

After Meng Yulin and Gu Bingxi finished talking, their eyes fell on Song Ruxue's face, "Sister-in-law, I heard that Bao'er was sick, so I brought a doctor friend of mine here to see Bao'er, Xue Pai, why are you still standing there? Meet my sister-in-law."

A man in his 40s came from behind Meng Yulin. This man was wearing a dark coat with long sleeves. His hands were slender, which was different from ordinary people!

"Madam, my name is Xue Pai, and I am the closed disciple of Zhang Chenteng, a master of traditional Chinese medicine." Xue Pai spoke in a soft voice, which made people feel very comfortable. "I don't know where Madam's daughter is? I want to treat her face to face."

When Song Ruxue was about to speak, Chen Yang's hand suddenly touched Song Ruxue's buttocks from behind. This movement was extremely subtle and difficult to be noticed.

Chen Yang had met Zhang Chenteng's closed disciple, and when he heard Xue Pai's words, he knew it was a fraud and specially reminded Song Ruxue.

Song Ruxue's heart skipped a beat, she looked at Xue Pai, and said, "My daughter is cured, thank you for your concern."

"Sister-in-law, let Xue Pai take a look. My senior brother only has Bao'er as a child. He's gone now. I don't want anything to happen to Bao'er." Meng Yulin said.

"Bao'er is fine." Song Ruxue was unmoved and insisted on refusing to let Xue Pai see Bao'er.

Seeing Song Ruxue's insistence, Meng Yulin didn't say any more. He just waved his hand, and Xue Pai retreated behind Meng Yulin!Meng Yulin smiled and invited, "Sister-in-law, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to my banquet?"

"I need to take care of my daughter, so I won't participate in any activities." Song Ruxue refused!

Meng Yulin seemed to have expected that Song Ruxue would refuse, and the smile on his face did not change at all, "Well, I will visit my sister-in-law again after I finish the banquet."

Meng Yulin's eyes finally fell on Chen Yang's face.

When he got off the car just now, he saw Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi talking alone.Gu Bingxi is like an iceberg, she rarely talks to men on weekdays.

Even Meng Yulin rarely had the chance to talk to Gu Bingxi alone, but Chen Yang did.

The corners of Meng Yulin's mouth rose slightly, showing a disdainful smile. He turned around, glanced at Xue Pai, and then walked past Xue Pai.

Xue Pai understood, and held a hair-thin poisonous needle between his fingers, and walked towards Chen Yang.

"I don't know what your name is?" Xue Pai took the initiative to greet Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang!" Chen Yang said.

"My name is Xue Pai. Nice to meet you." Xue Pai offered to shake hands with Chen Yang.

Xue Pai hid the poisonous needle as thin as a hair between his fingers. Even if Xue Pai knew that there was a poisonous needle in Xue Pai's hand, it would be difficult for ordinary people to see the poisonous needle with their naked eyes.

Xue Pai wanted to take advantage of shaking hands with Chen Yang, and directly plunge the poisonous needle into Chen Yang's palm.

The poisonous needle is as thin as a hair. If Chen Yang is pierced by the poisonous needle, he will hardly feel any pain. The poisonous needle will enter Chen Yang's hand, and the poison will flow all over his body along with the blood. died.

This kind of poisoning and assassination method can only be done by professionals.

Xue Pai's hand was right in front of Chen Yang, Chen Yang didn't raise his hand immediately, but looked at Xue Pai's hand.

Seeing Chen Yang like this, Xue Pai smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Chen, do you dislike me as unworthy to shake hands with you?"

"Of course not." Chen Yang smiled, "I just didn't expect your hands to be so beautiful, and I was fascinated by them for a while."

Chen Yang raised his right hand while talking!

Seeing the opportunity, Xue Pai was about to take the opportunity to stick the poisonous needle into Chen Yang's hand. Chen Yang raised his other hand, and directly held Xue Pai's raised right hand with both hands. !

Xue Pai almost scolded his mother!

Is there such a handshake?

His right hand became a fist.

For a moment, Xue Pai felt a slight pain in his palm.

There was a thump in his heart, no, he held the poisonous needle into the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the venom had flowed into his blood.

Although he has the antidote, he can't drink the antidote in public.Xue Pai's hand was still tightly held by Chen Yang. He wanted to shake off Chen Yang's hand, but Chen Yang had no intention of letting go.

"Mr. Xue, we can have a good chat." Chen Yang said.

"Let go, let go quickly..." Xue Pai was worried that if he didn't drink the antidote, he would be finished. He couldn't bear it anymore, and with all his strength, he pulled his hand out of Chen Yang's hand, and ran outside go.

When Chen Yang saw Xue Pai, he disappeared in the blink of an eye, and said with a smile, "You run so fast."

Xue Pai ran to the door of the villa in one breath, and hurriedly drank the antidote.

Although the poison was detoxified, the needle was still in the body.

Xue Pai found the part where the needle was, it was inside the blood vessel of the arm, and it hadn't entered his arteries yet.

He summoned his true energy and popped the needle out of the blood vessel.

At this moment, it is really safe.

Xue Pai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Useless waste." Meng Yulin got into the car, and he said contemptuously, "Xue Pai, didn't you say that within a day, the killing array you set up could kill Song Ruxue without anyone noticing it? But I think she's fine now, she doesn't look like she's going to die at all, just now I asked you to kill an ordinary person, but you almost killed yourself, tell me, what's the use of me wanting you? You should go back to yours Prison!"

When Xue Pai heard this, he hurriedly said, "Director Meng, if you give me another chance, I promise to kill them all."

"Song Ruxue doesn't need it." Meng Yulin said, "It's that young man who got very close to Gu Bingxi. No matter what, he must get rid of him. I can't let him become my obstacle."

"Yes!" Xue Pai agreed.

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