If Chen Yang hadn't met her today, Chen Wanwan would definitely suffer.

In front of Sun Yiran and Lu Tianwei, Chen Yang did not speak. After they had finished eating and parted, Chen Yang lowered his face and scolded, "Don't see that kind of classmate again. If you have no money, you and I Brother, I said, I have money."

Chen Wanwan held Chen Yang's arm tightly, her pure and lovely face was full of aggrieved, "Brother, if I knew, I would definitely not come, no matter how poor our family is, as long as my brother is by my side, I will feel happy."

Chen Yang squeezed Chen Wanwan's tender face, "Why are you poor? Your brother and I are rich now, so I didn't tell you. I have a mountain villa. When Dad is on vacation this weekend, our whole family will go there." My resort."


Chen Wanwan suddenly pressed her rosy lips to Chen Yang's face without warning, and kissed Chen Yang, "Brother, I have already stamped it, you are not allowed to play tricks."

"Little girl, when did I ever cheat!" Chen Yang held Chen Wanwan in his arms, looked at Chen Wanwan's face, and asked seriously.

Chen Wanwan smiled sweetly, put her arms around Chen Yang's neck, and wanted Chen Yang to carry her on her back!

At this moment, Chen Yang's cell phone rang.

When Chen Yang saw that the call was from Song Ruxue, he lightly patted Chen Wanwan's shoulder, "Don't make trouble, I'll take a call."

Chen Wanwan reluctantly let go of her arms around Chen Yang's neck.

Song Ruxue and Chen Yang made an appointment to set her bones at night, but unexpectedly they called Chen Yang at this time, and when Chen Yang answered the phone, Song Ruxue's hurried voice came from the phone, "Doctor Chen, Bao'er suddenly Dizzy...how...what should I do?"

"Video with me!" Chen Yang said, "I'll watch it first."

Song Ruxue hurriedly made a video with Chen Yang!

Through the video, Chen Yang preliminarily concluded that Bao'er's life was not in danger.

"Don't worry, Xue'er's life is not in danger for now." Chen Yang said.

"Doctor Chen, I only trust you, you will save my daughter no matter what." Song Ruxue said, "Can you come to my house?"

Song Ruxue didn't believe in the hospital at all. The last time Xue'er was poisoned was cured by Chen Yang!She was worried that the poison in Xue'er's body had not been eliminated, and hoped that Chen Yang could rush to her home to treat Xue'er.

"Okay." Chen Yang said, "I'm going to the Longshan villa area now."

"I don't live in my father-in-law's house." Song Ruxue said, "I live in my own house these days."

Chen Yang always thought that Song Ruxue lived with Gu Zhenhong, but he didn't expect that Song Ruxue didn't live with Longshan.Chen Yang let Chen Wanwan go home alone, and he took a taxi to a villa complex by the Erlong Lake according to the address Song Ruxue gave him.

This is the wedding room of Song Ruxue and her husband!

After Song Ruxue brought her daughter back to Zhonghai City, out of safety considerations, she didn't come back to live here, but lived in her father-in-law's Longshan Villa!But she didn't expect to be attacked. If Chen Yang hadn't rescued her, she and her daughter would be in danger.

Song Ruxue considered again and again, but chose to come back here.

For Song Ruxue's safety, Gu Bingxi sent several bodyguards to protect Song Ruxue.

As soon as Chen Yang arrived at the gate of Song Ruxue's villa, he was stopped by two bodyguards.

"My name is Chen Yang, and Song Ruxue asked me to see her daughter." As soon as Chen Yang revealed his identity, the two bodyguards immediately invited Chen Yang in.Song Ruxue has already explained that if Chen Yang arrives, he will immediately invite Chen Yang in.

A white imitation European-style villa with a small fountain at the entrance of the villa.

Just as Chen Yang walked to the entrance of the fountain, he stopped suddenly.

He turned suddenly, took ten steps to the side, and then stopped.

Song Ruxue was waiting in the villa, but unexpectedly, when Chen Yang arrived at the gate of the villa, instead of going in, he walked ten steps to the side, and the two bodyguards were at a loss.

One of them said, "Doctor Chen, what are you doing?"

Chen Yang didn't say anything, he turned around suddenly, and walked in the opposite direction!This time, Chen Yang walked all the way to the southeast corner of the villa and stopped!

"Has anyone been to the villa recently?" Chen Yang asked suddenly.

"We don't know much about this." The two bodyguards said, "We are all bodyguards of the Gu family, sent by the eldest lady to protect the safety of this place. We have just been here for three days."

"Who has been here in the past three days?" Chen Yang asked.

"No." The two shook their heads.

Chen Yang frowned slightly, and didn't ask any more questions!He still didn't rush into the house, walked around the villa again, and finally returned to the main entrance of the villa.

At the main entrance of the villa, Song Ruxue, who was wearing a lace chiffon short-sleeved top and a blue tunic skirt, was anxiously waiting for Chen Yang.

After she knew that Chen Yang was coming, she waited for Chen Yang in the living room, but she didn't expect that Chen Yang didn't come in after waiting for a long time!Song Ruxue couldn't wait any longer, and when she reached the door, she saw Chen Yang pacing leisurely from the side of the villa!

Chen Yang lowered his head and calculated the distance, but he didn't notice Song Ruxue who was waiting at the door.

"Doctor Chen."

Song Ruxue walked towards Chen Yang quickly, but because she was walking too fast, she stumbled in front of Chen Yang.


As soon as Chen Yang saw Song Ruxue falling towards him, he quickly stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Song Ruxue's waist, and supported her.

Song Ruxue's delicate body exuding a mature woman's breath was close to Chen Yang, and Chen Yang's hands were still around Song Ruxue's plump body. Even if Chen Yang reminded him not to think about it, he still felt a ball of heat coming from the bottom of his heart. !

Chen Yang quickly let go of Song Ruxue's arms, and said, "Don't worry, since I'm here, your daughter must be fine."

Song Ruxue held Chen Yang's hand tightly, "Doctor Chen, don't waste time outside, Bao'er just woke up, but she was talking nonsense..., I'm worried that she has been poisoned again, you go in quickly have a look."

Although Chen Yang's hand was held by Song Ruxue, he didn't move. Instead, he stood there and looked at Song Ruxue, "Bring me a shovel!"

"Shovel?" Song Ruxue was confused, her precious daughter was talking nonsense, but Chen Yang wanted a shovel!

But Song Ruxue trusted Chen Yang very much. She believed that Chen Yang definitely didn't just want a shovel, so she immediately asked someone to find a shovel.With a shovel in his hand, Chen Yang walked for about 30 steps along the south side of the villa, when he stopped suddenly!

Holding the shovel, hit the shovel hard at the ground in front of you!

Song Ruxue followed Chen Yang, and when she saw Chen Yang suddenly shoveling the ground with a shovel, she was about to ask carefully, but she saw that Chen Yang had already dug a shovel of soil, and in the next second, Chen Yang spilled the soil inside the shovel, A jade pendant with strange patterns emerged from the spilled soil...

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