The tattooed man's right hand was about to slap Lu Tianwei's face, but Chen Yang grabbed it.

The man felt like his right hand was firmly clamped by steel pliers.

Chen Yang looked at the tattooed man, "He doesn't have 100 million, but I do. I can ask my girlfriend to bring 100 million."

"Are you kidding me?" the tattooed man asked.

"If my girlfriend doesn't bring the money, you can eunuch him!" Chen Yang said.

"I don't agree!" Lu Tianwei immediately refused when he heard Chen Yang's words.

"You ask your girlfriend to bring the money now!" Hearing Chen Yang's words, the tattooed man said, "You also stay, if your girlfriend doesn't bring the money, you will end up like him. Both of you are eunuchs, and I will do what I say!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang readily agreed.

Chen Yang made a phone call in front of these people, and then sat in the corner of the room with Lu Tianwei!

"Chen Yang, I really had no other choice, so I asked you for help!" Lu Tianwei explained in a low voice, "I took the 200 million that my dad asked me to buy as a reward to the female anchor, and I'm too poor recently."

Chen Yang glanced at the girl in the suspender skirt, "This look is worth 200 million rewards? Have you lost your head?"

"It's not her!" Lu Tianwei said, "I just met her today, she took the initiative to invite me to her house, and I came here, who would have thought that this is a fairy dance, and I didn't dare to call the police, so I had to find you. "

"You deserve it!" Chen Yang snorted coldly, "When I was studying, I told you not to flirt with girls, but you refused to listen, do you regret it now? I shouldn't have come, and someone should eunuch you. "

"Don't worry, we are brothers." As soon as Lu Tianwei heard Chen Yang say this, he hurriedly said, "I really thank you for your willingness to lend me 100 million. Don't worry, as long as you let me delay for a month, I will definitely give you the money next month." for you."

"No need to pay it back!" Chen Yang said.

Lu Tianwei's eyes lit up when he heard Chen Yang's words!

This is 100 million, and Chen Yang doesn't need him to pay it back. You know, he can't even get 100, but Chen Yang is very bold, and he doesn't have to pay back even [-] million.

"Chen Yang, I knew you were a brother and I didn't get along with you. Since your kid got lucky and married a rich wife, you've been generous. That's right, how rich the Tang family is. This one million To others, that is waste paper!" Lu Tianwei smiled excitedly, holding Chen Yang's hand tightly with his right hand, "Thank you, buddy!"

"Why are you thanking me? I didn't say I would lend you money?" Chen Yang said.

"Don't lend me money? Didn't you ask your wife to come over with 100 million?"

"I didn't ask Tang Xueyun to bring the money!" Chen Yang said, "I'm talking about my girlfriend."


When Lu Tianwei heard Chen Yang's words, his eyes were so envious that they were about to fall out of them.

He felt that Chen Yang was so lucky!

Not to mention marrying a rich and beautiful wife, but also having a rich girlfriend!

How come after being cheated on by his girlfriend, this life is turned on its head.

Lu Tianwei felt that Chen Yang was already at the peak of his life.

"You still have a rich girlfriend? Show me someday!" Lu Tianwei said.

"When she comes, you can meet." Chen Yang said, "However, I don't know if she has money!"

"Those who can get 100 million don't have any money?" Lu Tianwei said, "You know those who are worth tens of millions now may not be able to give 100 million. Your girlfriend is definitely rich."

Chen Yang smiled and didn't say much.

Not long after, a knock on the door was heard!

The tattooed man opened the door, and saw a long-legged beauty in jeans standing at the door.

"Is Chen Yang here?" the beauty asked.

"Are you Chen Yang's girlfriend?" The tattooed man's eyes lit up when he saw the long-legged beauty in jeans in front of him.

This beauty is too beautiful!

The jeans were clinging to her long legs with clear grooves!

"Girlfriend?" Hearing the man's words, the beautiful woman raised her lips, "He dares to say, okay, I can barely count it!"

"Come in!"

After the tattooed man let the beauty into the room, he closed the door directly.

"Brother, is this your girlfriend? What good deeds did you do in your last life? How can you be so lucky!" Lu Tianwei's eyes lit up when he saw the beautiful woman walking in. Sexy, especially this beauty has an unusual sassy temperament, which is very fascinating.

The beauty who came in was Sun Yiran.

After she came in, she looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, you say I'm your girlfriend?"

Chen Yang heard Sun Yiran's words and explained with a smile, "You are my female friend, referred to as girlfriend."

"You are quite good at explaining." Sun Yiran said.

After Sun Yiran came in, she only focused on talking to Chen Yang, completely ignoring the three men in the room.

Tattooed men just want money!

He said directly to Sun Yiran, "Don't waste time, give me 100 million quickly."

"100 million?" Sun Yiran heard the tattooed man's words, her dark eyes looked directly at the tattooed man, "Are you asking me for this?"

"Aren't you here to give money?" The man with the tattoo swept his eyes over Sun Yiran, his eyes gleaming with hot light, "If you don't bring any money, then leave someone to accompany me, my wife Let your boyfriend's friend play, you can play with me, it's compensation!"

Chen Yang and Sun Yiran didn't speak, but Lu Tianwei jumped up, "Who is playing with your wife? You are a fairy dance. I was tricked by you! Don't go too far, this matter has nothing to do with my friend, You let them go, I stay... Isn't it 100 million? I have money!"


Just as Lu Tianwei finished his sentence, a young man next to him kicked over and kicked Lu Tianwei in the stomach!


Lu Tianwei was kicked and fell to the ground.

"You didn't take out the money just now, and now you say you have money, you really think we are fools!" The young man spat at Lu Tianwei, "Be more honest with your mother."

Chen Yang looked at Sun Yiran, "They want you to stay and play with them, I have no objection, do you agree?"

"A wimp!" The tattooed man heard Chen Yang's words, and he glanced at Sun Yiran, "Why do you like this kind of wimp, I'll let you experience what it's like to be a real man later...!"


The man laughed!

The other two men laughed too.

"You are really looking for death!" Sun Yiran's eyes flashed two sharp cold lights, "It's not good for you to provoke anyone, but you want to provoke me...!"


Sun Yiran suddenly made a move!

He kicked it, right in the crotch of the tattooed man!

At that moment, Chen Yang seemed to hear the sound of the man's egg breaking...

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