A different point guard path

Chapter 571 Reversal of G1, G2 with crazy start.

Although Howard is still at his peak, every time he meets Dayao, he will contribute to this background.

Dayao seemed to restrain Howard.

"Haha, Howard is too miserable. Every time he meets Dayao, he is devastated."

"Although Dayao's condition has declined, he still has no problem playing Warcraft."

"Eat, sleep, and fight monsters."

"Da Yao is awesome!!"

Lin Rui also went over to give Dayao a high-five to celebrate.

Dayao was cheerful.

Knicks attack.

Lin Rui dribbled the ball.

Dayao just finished slapping Howard, and he became interested, and he asked Lin Rui for the ball.

Dayao blocked Howard with his left hand and raised his right hand high.

Lin Rui also saved face and gave the ball to Dayao.

As soon as Dayao got the ball, he started smashing Dayao.




With continuous impacts, Howard lowered his center of gravity and was slowly pushed by Dayao.

It is impossible for Dayao to crush Howard to dunk at the basket like this.

But what Dayao does is to gain space, and Dayao turns around and makes a small hook along the baseline.

It's a close hook.

The arc is pretty standard.


The basketball falls into the hoop.


Dayao threw his fist in celebration.

The fans in the Madison Garden Arena also shouted excitedly.

Lin Rui also had a smile on his face.

Lin Rui is very happy to see Dayao still in this state.

How much fuel is in Dayao's fuel tank also depends on how far the Chinese men's basketball team can go in the future.

Magic offense.

Howard also asked for the ball inside.

Howard wants to get the rhythm back.

Turkoglu gives the ball to Howard.

After Howard got the ball, it was still Dayao's single defense.

Dayao's movements are obvious, there is no need to pinch, he will take care of it.

Although known as the league's number one center, Howard's inside skills are really lackluster.

Howard made continuous impacts, and then jumped to the front jump hook.

Dayao sent interference.


Howard's small hook hit the rim.

Dayao turned around to protect the rebound.

Dayao couldn't help but teased Howard: "Dwight, come and report to my training camp in summer, and I'll teach you the hook."

Howard held back the trash talk to Yao.

Facing Dayao is really stressful.

Dayao gave the ball to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui dribbled the ball to the frontcourt.

Nelson and Turkoglu continued to flank Lin Rui.

Lin Rui changed direction and passed between the two of them.

Lin Rui's breakthrough was very sharp this time. Howard did not assist in the defense. Lin Rui took off three steps slowly and made a layup.


Van Gundy called off again.

From leading to falling behind, the fighting spirit of the Magic team has also dropped to the lowest point.



This timeout did not save the Magic's decline.

The Magic tried to get close to the score, but in the end they were suppressed by the Knicks with counterattacks again and again.

The Knicks eventually beat the Magic 124-114.

Won the first win of the series.

The Knicks completed a super reversal.


The number on each data bar is greater than five.


Magic over there.


In terms of statistics, Warcraft is very perfect, 30+20, but for a player of his level, statistics are far less important than victory.

tnt studio.

Barkley said: "Compared to the last round of crushing rounds, the Knicks have obviously encountered more challenges in this round of the series. The Magic have played out their strength, but they did not withstand the Knicks' counterattack. Let the Knicks play momentum, if this rhythm continues, the Magic have a chance to win."

Smith said: "Yes, it's a pity for the Magic. They didn't keep up with Lin Rui's rhythm at the critical moment, and they were eventually reversed. They need to do better in the next game, so that they can also break the Knicks. The curse of his winning streak in the playoffs."

The commentator and the fans have the same mentality, and they all want to see if the Knicks will lose.

If the Knicks lose, the game will be more exciting.

They are all a little tired of the Knicks winning. The Knicks' continuous winning makes the efforts of other teams meaningless.

Even Knicks fans feel that if the Knicks advance after encountering some setbacks, it will be more effective for the enjoyment of the game.


"Warcraft is very good, but it was restrained by Dayao."

"Lin Rui's statistics are really good."

"Hey, the Knicks won the game again."

"The Magic are very close to victory, but unfortunately, they met the tenacious Lin Rui."

"Lin Rui is absolutely the core style of play on the court. He stood up when everyone was a little flustered."

"The Knicks had an incredible second half."

"Magic is a pity."

The fans are also feeling sorry for the Magic. In the first half of this game, most fans thought that the Magic could win.

On the sidelines, Howard also threw the towel on the floor in frustration.

Losing in this situation is disgusting.

Nelson, Turkoglu and others were also in a bad mood.

in the locker room.

Howard solemnly said to everyone: "We need a meeting, we can beat them, and we need to do better in the next game."

"it is good!"

"no problem!"

Magic players nodded.

Everyone felt that it was necessary to make a summary for tonight's game.

As far as the first half of the game is concerned, the Knicks are not without weaknesses, but they need to continue this rhythm into the second half.

Over there in the Knicks locker room.

Lin Rui was spraying medicine to relieve soreness on his hands and legs.

Not just in this game, from the first round, the opponents fouled him more and more severely.

Most of the time, because Lin Rui's physical talent is too strong, the referee will not blow Lin Rui's confrontation with other players.

This also led to defensive players getting more and more ruthless.

At the post-match press conference.

D'Antoni said: "The referee needs to protect Lin Rui more. There are many fouls against him that are not called. This should not be done."

D'Antoni also criticized the referee after winning the game. He needs to put pressure on the referee, otherwise Lin Rui will definitely suffer more malicious violations in the next game.

Lin Rui didn't emphasize the fact that he was violated by many malicious things. Lin Rui said: "Our players played very hard, and everyone was united. This also helped us overcome the difficulties we encountered in the first half."

"The next game we need to be nervous from the very beginning of the game."

"We can't be careless, or we'll be in trouble too."

"I still want us to win every playoff game, it means a lot to us."

Lin Rui was full of confidence when facing reporters.

The reporter asked: "Do you think the Magic have a chance to win a game with you?"

Lin Rui said: "Of course, they are a strong team. They have a chance to win. As long as we give them a chance, I mean, if we don't give them a chance, then they won't win."

Lin Rui answered confidently.

Magic over there.

Howard did not have the laughing and joking scenes in the past. On the contrary, he said to reporters very seriously: "We made a lot of mistakes on the court. We need to sum up this. The opponent is the strongest team in history. We have to make every round. Do the details."

Howard is more mature than in previous seasons.

Nelson also said: "We didn't play at the level in the second half of the game. If we play like this, we have no chance of winning. We need to make changes."

Turkoglu said: "They have become more mature than last season, which makes them more terrifying. We were the better team tonight, but we didn't win the game."


"The Knicks reversed the Magic and won the Eastern Conference Finals g1! "

"Lin Rui led the team to complete the reversal. "

"The Knicks showed great tenacity. "

"The Magic staged a game against the Knicks in the first half. "

"It's a crazy game. "

"The Knicks have been challenged. "

"D'Antoni was fined $2.5 for attacking referee after the game. "

"D'Antoni: A large part of the reason why we fell behind in the first half was that there were many fouls against Lin Rui that were not called. "

"Lin Rui hit the super triple-double data again to help the Knicks complete the reversal. "

"Magic held a player meeting other than the coach! "

"Warcraft is becoming more mature. "

on the second day.

Lin Rui once again hit the headlines of the nba.

After entering the playoffs, Lin Rui will occupy such headlines for a long time, mainly because Lin Rui's data is unique.

Compared with Lin Rui's other super giant data, it looks too ordinary.


In the past, their stats were eligible to top the headlines, but after meeting Lin Rui, their stats didn't seem to be enough for Lin Rui to explode.

Lin Rui himself rarely pays attention to external news, he is concentrating on preparing for the g2 game.

G2 is still played at Madison Gardens.

At the pre-match press conference.

Van Gundy was asked about the player meeting.

Van Gundy said: "I know they had a meeting. I won't go to understand the content of their meeting. If necessary, I believe they will tell me that our players are mature enough to deal with various situations that arise."

Howard said: "We are ready, we will cause them more trouble tonight."

Howard's words are very strong, just on the court.

The Knicks didn't give the Magic too many opportunities. They still used a single-defense strategy against Howard, preventing the Magic's shooters from appearing open and cutting off their passing support.

The Magic are stuck in singles.

Then the Knicks counterattacked with various magic tricks on the offensive end.

As long as the Magic's singles miss, the Knicks' counterattack will rush.

5 minutes 11 seconds.

Howard missed Dayao's hook in the paint.

The rebound pops out.

Lin Rui got it.

After Lin Rui took the ball, he rushed forward quickly.

Lin Rui didn't rush inside, but lowered his tempo to collect the ball, and fired decisively one meter beyond the three-point line at the top of the arc! !

The basketball draws a beautiful arc.


An arrow through the heart! !


This converted three-pointer brought the gap between the two teams to 16 points.

The Magic's full-team player meeting didn't do anything.

They would love to replicate the pressure they had on the Knicks in the last game, but the Knicks have made a change.

The Knicks team worked very hard on the defensive end, and everyone was running, which put a lot of pressure on the Magic.

The Magic's offense is back.

Howard didn't go singles against Yao this time, and the efficiency of singles against Yao was very low.

Howard passes inside to Turkoglu.

This time the ball was intercepted by Tucker again.

The Knicks' defensive pressure is very high, as long as the Magic's players pass the ball a little carelessly, they will pay the price.

This time Nelson hugged Tucker ahead of time, not allowing the Knicks to fight back.

Serve again.

Tucker gave the ball to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui dribbled the ball to the frontcourt.

Lin Rui didn't ask for a pick-and-roll, but signaled his teammates to just pull away.

Lin Rui singled out Turkoglu.

Continuous directional shaking combined with rhythmic changes.

Turkoglu swayed to Lin Rui's rhythm.

Lin Rui pretended to move to collect the ball to shoot a three-pointer, and directly shook Turkoglu.

This is an extremely fine Buddha worship action.

Lin Rui broke through.

Howard paid attention to Lin Rui's pass, but he didn't expect Lin Rui to pass Turkoglu in this way.

Howard was not prepared enough, and when he found out, Lin Rui stepped into the air and rushed towards him.

Just as Howard took off, he was suppressed by Lin Rui.

Lin Rui grabbed the ball with one hand and smashed it into the basket through Howard!


This is an extremely domineering partition.

8 is better than 26

After Howard was dunked, he also fell to the ground.

The impact brought by Lin Rui was too strong.

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Beautiful job!!!"

"nice shot!!!"

The fans at the scene howled.

The fans saw the demeanor of Lin Rui knocking the so-called number one center in the league to the ground.

After completing the dunk, Lin Rui also shouted at Howard who fell to the ground: "It's better to avoid my dunk."

Howard didn't react at all, and when he stood up, Lin Rui retreated.

Howard really wanted to rush over to beat Lin Rui, but his rationality told him that it was best not to do so. If he did, he must be the one who would be embarrassed.


Van Gundy called helplessly to stop the game.

The Magic's start was suppressed so badly that Van Gundy could not have imagined.

Magic as a whole is really too passive.

The Knicks seem to have found their rhythm.

The timeout didn't change much for the flow of the game.

After the first quarter, the score was 18-40.

The Knicks led by as many as 22 points at home.

Lin Rui played more than 7 minutes in the first quarter, and in less than 8 minutes, he scored 14 points and 7 assists. His performance is still phenomenal.

At the beginning of the second quarter, D'Antoni signaled for Lin Rui to continue to rest.

The Magic also found an opportunity to recover some points.

But soon, Curry stood up and hit them again.

Curry hit two consecutive three-pointers to help the Knicks stabilize the situation.

After Lin Rui came on stage, the Knicks once again took the initiative.

The first half of the game ended quickly, and the score was fixed at 42 to 77.

The Knicks led by 35 points at halftime! !

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