I picked up the compass and looked down.

This compass is very weird, it only has three layers, but the geomantic omen of these three layers is extraordinarily complicated.

The first layer is 120 points of gold for the stitches of the sky plate. This layer is based on the theory of solitude and prosperity, and the tortoise shell is empty and dead.

The second layer is the shrinking sixty dragons, and the third layer is the five elements of the sky and stars. These two layers are used in conjunction to infer good and bad according to the relationship between life and death.

A normal compass must have a sky disk and the innermost Bagua disk.

This kind of abnormal compass can only be used as a township, but has no ability to be used as a geomancy instrument.

Is this the town of Yangjiang?

But with such a town, how could there be so many water ghouls?

I conveniently put the compass in my pocket, and walked quickly towards the center.

When I got close, all the hags of the He family had already surrounded me.

I took a rough look and found that more than one-third of the people were killed or injured, and the remaining more than 60 people also suffered injuries of varying degrees.

In the middle, Grandma He lay quietly on the ground without moving at all.

He Qiyue was crying sadly beside her, looking extremely desperate.

He Zhi was very silent, looking down at Grandma He, her eyes were also red.

Dunkong's small face was tense, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes that couldn't go away.

The red mastiff was at the side, its mouth was trembling, and its blue eyes were full of murderous intent.

"There shouldn't be such a large number. I have inquired from the fishermen... and talked to Ma Baojin a lot..."

"If you know there are so many... I..." Before I could finish speaking, He Qiyue suddenly looked up at me.

She shed more tears.

He Zhi bit her lower lip slightly, her voice trembling slightly.

"Grandma, she hasn't died yet. Now that she is dying, she has a last word to say."

The first half of what He Zhi said surprised me very much.

But the second half of the sentence undoubtedly gave me a basin of cold water, pouring it on my head.

I stepped up abruptly, walked to Grandma He, and immediately squatted down.

The wound on her head was extremely hideous.

The dense teeth marks destroyed the skin on the right side of the head, and even exposed some bones...

However, the teeth marks did not completely bite through the skull.

Otherwise, Grandma He would die suddenly on the spot.

But at first glance, this injury is indeed fatal, and Grandma He didn't move at all just now.

I would have misunderstood that she died. The reason why those He family hags were so crazy just now is also because of the same reason...

It's just... Even if he managed to hold his breath, it would be difficult to live with this kind of injury.

I put my finger on Grandma He's nostrils for a while, her breathing was extremely weak.

Her finger on the ground suddenly moved, and her wrinkled lips twitched.

"July...July..." Granny He squeezed out these two words, her lips became even weaker, only trembling, and there was no sound...

Many ghost women were even more distressed, and He Qiyue was out of breath from crying. She knelt beside Grandma He, with even more despair in her eyes.

"Grandma, I'm here..." He Qiyue answered with a sob, but Grandma He still didn't make a sound.

This depressed emotion spread more and more.

I don't know which ghost woman yelled hoarsely and lowly: "Murder pays with life, debts pay with money, these water ghouls must pay with their lives, even if the river is cut off by some means, they will die!" What he said immediately caused a commotion among the ghost woman.

But while I was depressed, I thought of one thing.

Suddenly, I raised my hand and groped around my waist, took out a needle belt, took out a few silver needles, and pierced Grandma He's body directly.

Immediately afterwards, I went to stab her eyebrows again.

Granny He's eyes suddenly opened, she looked extremely painful, and let out a trembling wail.

"Yin Yang... Grandma is dying... Her injury is fatal... You can't save her life, it will only make her suffer more!" He Zhi raised his hand and grabbed my shoulder.

At this moment, He Qiyue looked at me in astonishment, and those ghost wives looked at Granny He who woke up even more in astonishment!

"Mother-in-law is in pain...don't..." He Qiyue also opened her mouth tremblingly.

"Give me one of the pills from the Liu family." I didn't pay attention to anyone, just turned my head and stared at He Zhi, and said in a low voice.

He Zhi was stunned for a moment.

Her gaze first turned to Dunkong.

My eyes are more serious.

At this time, He Zhi took out a small jade bottle.

After I took it, I immediately poured out a pill.

The blood-colored pill gave off a bloody smell, mixed with a lot of special medicinal fragrance.

At the beginning, Liu Zhengdao used talisman and Taoism overdrawn, so that he ran out of fuel.

Yang Qingshan took out this kind of elixir that only the descendants of the former master can take.

If this elixir hadn't saved Liu Zhengdao, he wouldn't have had time to get out of the dark, and he would have died in Huangquan.

Liu Zhengdao didn't keep all the pills, but gave me two.

I'm going to use these two coins for He Zhi and Dun Kong.

Now He Zhi is not far away from Hei, leaving one for Dunkong is enough.

Without hesitation, I directly stuffed the pill into Grandma He's mouth!

Then, I patted her on the chin, and Grandma He swallowed the pill.

Originally, her pale face turned red in an instant.

Especially the wound on her forehead, which started to bleed!

She had lost her vitality before, but now she has a new vitality, which is why she bleeds.

"Help her stop the bleeding, heal her injuries, and save her!" I whispered.

Immediately afterwards, I got up and backed away.

He Zhi quickly approached Granny He, and she immediately yelled at the hag of the He family below: "Whoever brought the golden sore medicine, needle and thread with him, bring it to me!"

Immediately, the hag of the He family hurried forward, and He Qiyue didn't realize it until now. She immediately took out a small package from her body, and took out a dozen bottles and cans.

A group of people began to treat Grandma He's injuries.

I finally let out a sigh of relief.

But immediately after, my heart sank again on a stone.

Grandma He is dying, and I still have Danwan from the Liu family to help me.

But the other ghost women who lost their lives didn't have such good opportunities and luck...

Also, there are too many problems with this place.

A fisherman won't lie to me unless he doesn't know.

But as a corpse exorcist, Ma Baojin definitely knows more than fishermen...

It is normal for what he said to be deviated, but the magnitude of the deviation is too large, which is weird.

I turned around and walked towards the river bank.

In three or two steps, I came to the riverside.

Subconsciously, I took out the compass I picked up just now.

I stared at the front of the compass for a long time, instinctively I opened the compass and looked at the back.

At this glance, I was covered in goose bumps.

On the back of the compass is a relief sculpture of a ferocious water ghoul head.

This town property is not for Yangjiang, nor is it for human use.

It's actually a town for the water ghoul? !

The chill never stopped creeping up my spine, and I stared at the back of the compass for a long time.

The water ghoul in Yangjiang is indeed related to the Red River!

The water ghouls in the Red River are a calamity of Tianyuan, which came from man-made disasters!

This Yangjiang water ghoul is also a man-made disaster!

"Father, have you found anything?" Dunkong's voice came from beside him.

"Well, there are some problems." I handed the compass to Dun Kong.

After Dunkong took it, he lowered his head to look.

There was a bit of shock on his face, and he murmured: "Father...how could it be a relief of a water ghoul..."

"Yangjiang has been tampered with. The water ghoul is as weird as the one in Honghe. The person who tampered with it is very likely to be the same one who wanted to harm your uncle." I said in a deep voice.There was even more surprise in Dunkong's eyes.

I squinted my eyes slightly, and murmured, "If someone tries to do something, he will definitely leave his feet. There are too many obstacles in the Red River. Your uncle is soft-hearted, but we are different."

"First, draw a talisman that can restrain this river." I directly took out the Tiangan inkstone and the earth's branch pen, and before handing them over to Dunkong, I squeezed some blood from the wound on my body and put it into the inkstone. inside.

Dunkong took it cautiously, he squatted down on the ground, and began to draw the talisman with a brush.

Not long after, Dunkong drew a talisman seal.

I reached out to take the talisman, but Dunkong didn't hand it to me. He hesitated and said, "Father, let me find a place to post it. This Yin-breaking dragon talisman can interrupt the yin energy of the entire Yangjiang River." .”

"Although the river is very angry, the chaos here is obviously due to the heavy Yin Qi. After I suppress it, the river will calm down."

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