I always kept Miao Guangyang's advice in mind, so I suddenly raised the mourning stick in my hand, slammed it hard, and pulled it directly to the back of the woman's hand.


After the mourning stick was drawn up, a dark mark suddenly appeared on her hand, which was so white that there was no blood in it.

Immediately, her complexion became sharp and ferocious, and she glared at me fiercely.

My eyelids twitched wildly, and my forehead was covered with beads of sweat, but I didn't lose the wind, and also stared at her viciously.

Suddenly, the woman sneered.

She looked fierce and resentful, and said coldly: "Half-dead people want to enter the graveyard and meddle in their own business. If you are carefully pulled by your ankle, you will not be able to crawl out even if you are dead."

My eyelids twitched even more fiercely.

But suddenly, the village chief's grandson spit on her.

He was clearly a child, but his hooting and spitting movements really looked like a middle-aged man in his 50s.

At the same time, there was a fierce light on his face and eyes, and he said hoarsely, "Who do you call a dead ghost?"

This sentence seemed to scare the woman.

The woman became expressionless, staring at the village chief's grandson, and said nothing.

What's even weirder is that my hands felt stiff for a while, as if I couldn't control my body...

Originally, the mourning stick couldn't be held tightly and had to be held with all of its strength, but now it slipped out of the hand...

The grandson of the village head suddenly raised his hand, grabbed my clothes, and walked forward...

It's not that I follow him, but that he takes me.

It was just so weird... I wanted to fight back, but I couldn't control my body.

Is this village head so fierce?I haven't even seen him, so he can make me bump into trouble? !

As I walked, I felt even more weird, as if something was wrapped around my feet, and it was covered with a layer, which made people uncomfortable.

I can't control my body, but my vision is unobstructed.

He looked down as hard as he could, and what he saw were his feet.

I even had another pair of dirty shoes on my feet!

These are not ordinary shoes, but black toad shoes with big heads!

Dry mud stuck to the shoes, and there were even a few Ming coins stuck to the soles of the shoes...

My eyeballs almost popped out.

No wonder I was bumped into... The shoes of a dead man are worn by a living person, so I will definitely be worn by a thief...

I don't know at all, when did I put on these dead shoes?

Only then did I notice that while the village head's grandson was walking forward, he lowered his head and squinted at me with a dark smile in his eyes.

My head buzzed, my body became even more uncontrollable, it became more and more stiff, and it was even difficult to look down...

The road under my feet became potholed, and I walked too numbly, swaying, and felt that I might fall at any time.

After a dense mass of grave mounds, the ground becomes undulating again, and the terrain is slightly higher.

In this place, there are fewer grave mounds.

The terrain showed a slope going up, and after a certain distance, it began to slope down again, which was like an arched slope.

The slope is not high, not even a small hill.

I was dragged to the middle of the slope by the village chief's grandson, and I saw an extremely strange scene.

Inside a deep pit, there is a thin coffin...

The lid of the coffin was half closed, and the body of the village chief sat in it.

The yellowed wood of the thin coffin looked very old, and under the reflection of the moonlight, the village chief's face was even paler. He was wearing a red funeral uniform, his eyes were dark, and his eyebrows had almost fallen out, leaving only the bare brow bone.

What's even weirder is that there is a thumb-sized hole above his forehead and below his forehead.

This hole is dark and deep, and it is difficult for people to look away at a glance, and they want to keep looking at it.

I also noticed that the village chief folded his arms, holding two large yellow croakers in his arms.

Immediately, I felt a chill in my heart.

Sure enough, it was the pig butcher who stole the big yellow croaker, and he killed the pig butcher, which is even more vicious...

So now, he actually wants to find a scapegoat?

The village head's dark eyes seemed to be staring at me, and I felt that the thumb-sized hole on his forehead was also an eyeball, and was staring at me.

His grandson let go of my hand, walked to the front of the coffin, and began to kowtow to the village chief...

When he kowtowed, I felt that the village chief's funeral uniform became a little redder.

Those dark eyes even seemed to start to glow.

I am going to continue to move forward.

And this time, I was staring at the big yellow croaker on the village chief's chest, and there was a voice in my ear telling me to bring it here...

I tried my best to resist that voice, but I still couldn't control myself...

When I got close to the coffin, I was about to reach out to get the big yellow croaker.

Suddenly, I heard two soft bangs.

Miao Guangyang got out from nowhere, he happened to stand between me and the village chief's corpse, and slapped me on the shoulder!

The other slap was a steady slap to the head of the village head!

And he still has something in his hand!

Those are two pieces of yellow paper.

They patted it on my shoulder and the head of the village chief...

There were complex words drawn on the yellow paper, and they were all long strips.

I vaguely remember that my father used to salvage murderous corpses, and when the family members of those corpses came to pick them up, they would bring the gentleman who was doing business for nothing, or other gentlemen, and they would use such amulets in their hands!

I suddenly felt a stabbing pain on my forehead, as if someone had twisted my head with a knife!

But after the pain, the body suddenly regained control.

The recovered clarity made me tremble even more!

Miao Guangyang was still by my side, his hand was still pressing the head of the village head, and the talisman was tightly pressed against the head of the village head.

I quickly drew out the divination knife, and stared at the village chief. At the same time, I glanced at the village chief's grandson from the corner of my eye, for fear that he would suddenly come to arrest me again.

Only then did I feel like I had survived the catastrophe.

If Miao Guangyang appeared later, it would be too late with that big yellow croaker in my hand.

Not only do I have to act as a scapegoat for the village chief, but I also have to get in touch directly with the dog who asks for death. He will definitely be able to take away the Nine Techniques of Yin Sheng and Gu Yu from me!

I didn't dare to act rashly, I could only look at Miao Guangyang nervously.

Miao Guangyang looked serious, he suddenly raised his hand and pulled it up hard.

During this period, one of his middle fingers went through the talisman paper and directly hooked into the blood hole in the middle of the village chief's forehead.

In this way, he used the blood hole to directly pull out the village chief's body!

With a bang, the village chief's body was thrown out of the coffin!

The corpse even rolled down the slope...

Under the moonlight, it looked even more miserable.

When the corpse rolled to the bottom of the slope and hit a grave and stopped, it happened to be on its back.

The originally shiny eyeballs in the pitch black began to dim.

The grandson of the village chief who was kowtowing just now straightened his body, and then fell to the side with a bang, without a sound...

My heart almost jumped out of my throat.

Will Miao Guangyang solve the village chief?

It's as simple as that, just put a talisman on your head and you're done? !

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