After shouting those words, I continued to move forward.

I was breathing heavily and my chest was rising and falling.

After being in the water for so long, I have already been at the end of my strength, and I am moving forward entirely by willpower.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew around me!

Under the blowing of this wind, the mist seemed to become thicker and seemed to disperse.

In short, my eyes were blown fascinated for a moment.

I push forward!

When my vision returned to normal, the fog had all dispersed!

The figure in front of me is only one person left!

That is Yang Qingshan!

my mother has disappeared

There were no other injuries on Yang Qingshan's body.

He stood upright and straight, and the seal hall, which was as deep as an engraving, actually relaxed a lot.

He held a talisman in his hand.

That talisman is very wide, not one of the two narrow talismans above my mother's head.

I approached Yang Qingshan.

He has already looked him up and down.

He was indeed not injured again, and there were no hidden injuries on his body.

Yang Qingshan was also looking at me, and nodded at me.

Raising his hand, he handed the talisman to me.

"You don't need to die." Yang Qingshan's tense face suddenly relaxed a little, revealing a smile.

The smile of the survivors.

It is also extremely complicated, with a sighing smile.

It's hard for me to describe how such a look appeared on a young man's face.

Bowing my head, I took the talisman he gave me.

But I discovered that it was a talisman I drew for my mother!


I stared at Fu Qi.

For a while, my thoughts were completely disordered.

Yang Qingshan looked away from me and looked at the corpses of the villagers.

"I didn't do it. The anger is too strong. I only have 27 willow-leaf bronze swords left. I can't kill so many living corpses. They all turned into blood demons just now." Lost a lot of vitality, damaged vitality, and was almost dismembered." Yang Qingshan's words seemed to be an understatement.

It is enough to see how dangerous it was just now.

I vaguely guessed some possibilities.

Yang Qingshan didn't say it clearly, but I didn't dare to really let go of that thought.

I didn't interrupt Yang Qingshan's words.

Yang Qingshan closed his eyes, paused for a while, and then continued: "You should have succeeded. I noticed that you caught Lai Qian on the water. Not long after, the talisman on your mother's head fell off."

"She gave me a hand."

"The zombie villagers here are all gone." "She left this talisman and left."

My eyes are red.

Yang Qingshan shook his head, the way he looked at me was much more complicated.

"She can't have a baby."

"Although she is a living corpse and is so tyrannical, she is not a Taoist priest. For me, I didn't really make them all fly away."

"These villagers are all innocent people and should be saved from death."

"Of course, she doesn't want to watch me die." I felt a fishy sweetness in the corner of my mouth.

A stream of warm liquid dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Yang Qingshan said again: "She asked me to tell you that the living corpse is no longer human, the relationship between mother and child has been broken, and she has no face to see you again. From now on, she hopes that you will become a dragon."

Another gust of warm liquid overflowed from the corner of his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

I didn't speak to Yang Qingshan, turned around, and walked towards the hanging river again.

My steps have faltered.

Kankan walked to the edge of the hanging river, my legs completely softened, and with a bang, I knelt down straight.

The clouds in the sky parted.

The moonlight swayed down again.

The surface of the Xuanhe became extremely quiet, and the fog completely disappeared.

The bright moon shadow reflected on the river.

My vision was blurred, and I actually felt that the shadow of the moon looked like my mother's face.

"Son, unfilial."

"It's not ruthless enough, let Lai Qian find Jiuhe County, and Hongyuan County, and even Xuanhe."

"It's stupid. It didn't directly plot against the Dou family to death, and let them lie dormant for many years, turning them into poisonous snakes."

"But mother, now that you are Mr. Earth Physician, there is always a way for you to cover up your destiny and reincarnate."

"Yinshengzi's life is broken, but you are my mother." My voice was hoarse and choked up, and I kowtowed to Xuanhe as I said it.

But I didn't get any response.

The surface of the Xuanhe River is still as calm as a mirror.

At this moment, even the sound of the wind has disappeared, and everything has become extremely quiet.

The sound of footsteps came after itself.

Yang Qingshan sighed in his ears.

"Although I say this now, it seems a little heartless, but Li Yinyang, death is like a lamp going out."

"The living should do the things of the living, and the dead should do the ways of the dead."

"She, in fact, has seen it more thoroughly than you."

"You are guilty and owed, but why use your guilt to chain the dead who want to get rid of everything?"

I turned around and looked at Yang Qingshan again.

It was only then that I discovered that Yang Qingshan's appearance had already departed from many green pheasants.

Although he was still thin, he looked like a boy in his twenties!

How could it consume so much Yangshou to hold the complete talisman of the Town God Mantra? !

This is probably the same as the price paid for life surgery.

For a while, I didn't know how to refute Yang Qingshan.

Because what he said was completely reasonable.

You have to be free and easy, how difficult is it to think clearly that death is like a lamp going out? !

After a long time, the night was gradually dispelled by the day.

My mother never appeared again.

Yang Qingshan came to help me and pulled me up.

"Master said that everyone in the world is in a coma, and there are very few people who can clearly see everything."

"Li Yinyang, your ability has long been refined, but what you see is still the world. As long as you look up a little, you will find that this world is very different."

I closed my eyes, and then my eyes fell on Yang Qingshan's face.

"If the previous Great Elder taught you some Taoism, you will definitely surpass Liu Sanyuan."

"You are young, I really admire you, Yang Qingshan." I said hoarsely.

How can one not admire a teenager who sees through life and death?

But this is also related to his environment.

At birth, he was under the protection of the Qiang people.

Although Qiu Tianyuan covered Yang Qingshan's eyes with false kindness.

Liu Sanyuan blinded Yang Qingshan's sight with the so-called righteousness.

But Yang Qingshan's righteousness and kindness are not fake!

He firmly believes in himself, in righteousness and Taoism, so that he can put life and death aside.

But for me, it was too difficult.

There are too many things in my life that I can't let go of.

Let me ask, how many people in the world can be so free and easy? !

I looked at Yang Qingshan's eyes deeper.

Only by doing this can I dispel some of the pain that my mother was determined to stay away from.

Yang Qingshan smiled and said: "I have learned all the Taoism of the Liu family."

"The last Great Elder, I really want to see, Li Yinyang, you are very stubborn, I want someone as stubborn as you to admire, I am very curious, what kind of Liu Family Taoist is he?"

"It seems that there are indeed some problems."

After speaking, Yang Qingshan lowered his head, as if he was deep in thought.

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