Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 943 There is something, you come into the water

I couldn't break free and lost all feeling in my legs.

On the other side of the ground, the black blood had already reached me.

The wriggling bugs are also crawling towards me!

This is even more scalp tingling!

"Li Yinyang, you are finished." The gentleman said quietly.

Big drops of sweat protruded from my forehead.

I didn't look at him, but looked at Dou Kaiyang who was a few meters away!

Dou Kaiyang was holding an oil lamp in his hand

At this time, the flame in the oil lamp danced slightly, like a hideous grimace.

I used all the remaining strength in my hands.

With a violent flick of the elbow, the divination knife pierced through the air amidst the whistling sound!

"you dare!"

The gentleman suddenly looked shocked and growled.

Dou Kaiyang also noticed my movement, his face was even more frightened, and he was about to throw himself to the right!

It's just that his speed is nowhere faster than the fortune-telling knife I've swung out.

Besides, we are so close!

With a soft clang, the divination knife pierced the oil lamp first!

The lamp was directly torn apart, and lamp oil splashed to the ground.

The candle was extinguished in mid-air.

The divination knife pierced the oil lamp and shifted its direction, but it was still deeply embedded in Dou Kaiyang's shoulder.

Dou Kaiyang let out a scream, and the whole person fell on his back, hitting the ground heavily.

He couldn't get up.

Where his head touched the ground, a lot of blood overflowed.

"You're courting death! That's my last Gu fire!" That gentleman looked like he was going crazy, he stretched out his hand and grabbed my neck!

We both fell to the ground, my legs were uncontrollable and completely numb.

But that feeling didn't spread anymore.

And my upper body was not affected.

My neck was locked instantly, and it was difficult for me to breathe.

But I didn't sit still, I stretched out my hands immediately, and directly clasped that gentleman's cheek!

I pressed the thumbs of both hands on his chin, and the index finger and ring finger brushed over his ribs, and pinched hard under his eardrum, and then I grabbed it hard!

A scream came from that gentleman's mouth!

The method of breaking bones by bone phase is almost the only move that can be used in geology.

And this move is also extremely vicious.

How many people can hold back the pain from the bones!

I spared no effort, I even heard a slight crackle

Screaming, suddenly disappeared.

All the strength in the neck is gone

I was panting heavily, but my hands hadn't let go yet.

That gentleman's entire face was extremely red, and I was stuck in the bone seam under the ear, and a lot of blood overflowed.

I stared at him firmly, confirming that he had passed out completely, and then I let go of my hand.

I found that the bugs crawling on me were all dead, and they were exuding a strange bitter smell.

It seems that they died because the oil lamp was broken?

I was breathing more heavily, and after getting up, I still stared at the gentleman.

After hesitating for a moment, I didn't kill him immediately.

I haven't regained feeling in my legs yet, I'm afraid there are too many bugs.

Also, my intuition tells me that this gentleman and the Dou family must have more problems.

I took out the carving knife on my body, turned the gentleman's wrist over, and directly broke the tendon in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, I broke his hamstring again.

In the same way, I crawled to Dou Kaiyang's side again, and completely severed his tendons in his hands and hamstrings.

On the other side, Dou Kaikai's body stood there alone.

His head rolled in the distance.

My chest heaved up and down, and my eyes looked towards the direction of Xuanhe.

All my attention was on Dou Kaikai and Mr. Na just now.

There is no time to take care of the battle situation on Yang Qingshan's side.

The zombie villagers who climbed ashore had all fallen to the ground without breathing.

My mother is still stuck in place.

She held the heads of the old couple of the Li family with both hands, and a few talismans stuck to her face, covering her face.

Yang Qingshan was at the pier, half of his body was soaked, a few crossbow arrows pierced the night sky and fell into the water.

But Lai Qian had already reached the middle of the hanging river, standing on the river and laughing wildly.

"Xiao Niubi, you are really powerful, more fierce than any Taoist priest I have ever seen!"

"But so what, you can still touch me?! You have the guts, you come into the water?!" Lai Qian's voice was so loud that it echoed.

He is even more insolent!

Yang Qingshan didn't turn around.

He pulled it from his waist, and the oxtail whip fell into his hand.

The whip whipped fiercely towards the pier!

With a cracking sound, the wood on the pier was smashed into pieces.

Then, Yang Qingshan flicked the oxtail whip forward!

Those boards all fell on the surface of the hanging river amidst the whistling sound.

"Old man, you must have a problem!"

"Do you think I can't get into the water?!"

Yang Qingshan's voice pierced the night sky, directly suppressing Lai Qian's voice!

He jumped and stepped on a wooden plank.

Immediately afterwards, he took advantage of his strength to jump onto another plank.

During this period, the oxtail whip kept twitching on the water surface, and those planks approached the center of the hanging river!

The arrogant Lai Qian suddenly died down.

He started punting and fled across the river.

But Yang Qingshan was not so easy, because there were still living corpses in the water, they would come out of their bodies from time to time, trying to grab Yang Qingshan's legs.

Yang Qingshan couldn't be too slow, because once he slowed down, the plank would be trampled and sink.

My breathing became more stable, and my legs actually started to regain feeling a little bit.

Supporting my body, I got up from the ground, swayed, and walked crookedly towards my mother.

Yang Qingshan noticed Lai Qian's problem, and he used this tyrannical method to restrain my mother, this is actually an opportunity.

Yang Qingshan restrained Lai Qian, and could even kill him.

I can also break through those two weird runes on my mother's body!

I staggered to the front of my mother, and I didn't walk into the range of stones.

His eyes fell on the two talismans on her face.

I froze for a moment.

Because these two talismans are extremely strange.

They are slightly similar to the talismans I saw Xu Changlin use at that time.

There are both yin and yang

This is actually a Yin-Yang Talisman?

But Xu Changlin and the Dou family should have nothing to do with each other

A bead of sweat formed on my forehead.

Calming my mind, I raised my hand, ready to tear off these two talismans directly.

Only the deed is left, and my mother will definitely be able to get out of trouble!

But right now.

I only felt that I heard two sharp and miserable screams in my ears.

That voice was so vicious.

The heads of the old couple of the Li family that my mother was holding had two streams of blood dripping down from them!

Their eyes stared blankly.

It's like looking at me!

I just raised my hand, and it still didn't touch the range of the stone.

The throbbing in my heart and the sense of crisis told me to back off!

If you don't retreat, you will die!

Suddenly, I pulled my legs back!

At the same time, the stone on top of my mother's head collapsed into powder.

Four stones on her body were torn apart in an instant!

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