When I arrived at Huo's house, the doors of Huo's house were tightly closed.

When the Huo family was occupied by warlords, they moved to the bungalow where they live now.

It's just in broad daylight, the iron gates are closed and locked from the outside, doesn't it just mean that there is no one in the Huo family?

That way, I can't know what they're doing now

Yang Qingshan suddenly said: "There is no one in this whole house, you are afraid that your former subordinates will be taken away, right?" I nodded.

"I'll go and have a look." After he finished speaking, he jumped up and passed the door easily.

A few minutes later, Yang Qingshan came out from the courtyard wall again, and he told me that there was no one in the courtyard, and there was no sign of a fight.

If you want to take away the whole house, you will leave some traces no matter what.

There is no sign like this, it can only show that the person left on his own.

What Yang Qingshan said made sense, I nodded in agreement.

Also, Huang Qi has been with me for so many years, and he has suffered a lot before, so he will take precautions when he catches a dangerous aura.

My heart is much calmer, so I only need to deal with the Dou family cleanly.

In my thoughts, Yang Qingshan asked me, what is my plan now?

I took a deep breath and said, "Don't go directly to the villages outside Hongsong County, the Dou family must be waiting for me."

"Back then I set up a tomb for Dou Kaikai. Over the years, they have suffered a lot."

"They dare to come to me directly, just like you said, they must be prepared."

"Please enter the urn? Naturally, I won't do what they want." Yang Qingshan said thoughtfully, "You want to fight Feng Shui with him?"

I nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The Dou family bought the Li family's house and built it into a tomb. As I expected, he must have built the tomb of Dou Kaikai's to occupy the luck of the Li family's old house." , is also humiliating the Li family."

"In this way, that grave is the hole of the village, where it absorbs vitality. Also, the Dou family wants to find my mother's body in the water."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and said: "Landscapes need to be in awe. The water has already been signed, and they can still enter, which means there is some suppression, but they didn't find my mother."

"Let me add a handful of firewood first, so that the water in the hanging river can move."

As I said that, I clamped my horse's belly and rushed towards the outside of Jiuhe County.

Yang Qingshan followed behind me, and he asked me again: "What happened to your mother's body?"

I was silent for a moment, and then I told him that my mother belonged to the mother, and was still a living corpse.

Back then, I was a yin-born child, and I looked like a dead person. Now I am out of the yin-born child's fate. My mother and I are separated by yin and yang, and we will never see each other again.

I glanced at Yang Qingshan again, and I said, "My mother doesn't kill people or do evil, so don't think of anything else."

"En." Yang Qingshan nodded.

Not long after, we arrived at the Jiuhe County Wharf.

I glanced over the pier, mainly looking at the water in this section of the Xuanhe River.

The Hanging River in Hongsong County is upstream.

If I want to move the water, it is very troublesome.

It is often the upstream feng shui that changes, and the downstream is affected.

If it is not for the landslide or the backflow of the river, it is impossible for the downstream to reverse to the upstream.

"Which direction is Hongsong County?" Yang Qingshan asked me again.

I pointed in the direction of the upper reaches of the Xuanhe River.

Yang Qingshan nodded, and said again: "Then we are useless here, we have to go upstream."

I frowned and thought for a while, and I did think of some solutions.

But if they do that, the entire Jiuhe County will suffer.

In this way, we really can only go to the upper reaches of Hongsong County to do it.

Moreover, if I move upstream, I have a very direct method, which is the talisman drawn by Dunkong.

During this period of time, he learned talismans and drew a lot of special talisman seals, most of which were shown to me and handed over to me.

It's just that detours take a lot of time.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I turned my head to look at Yang Qingshan again.

"Please do me a favor."

"What's busy?" Yang Qingshan asked me.

"Go to the upper reaches and look for a place where the mountain will blow out the breath, and the breath will be blown into the Xuanhe, so help me paste a talisman on the entrance of the breath and the Xuanhe." I said directly .

"Angry? Talisman?"

Yang Qingshan also had doubts in his eyes, and he said again: "The function of the talisman is to destroy the anger? Make the hanging river darker? Make the murderous corpse in the river more fierce?" Yang Qingshan himself is a Fengshui master, and he has been learning Fengshui from Qiu Tianyuan surgery.

But feng shui is just feng shui after all. If you haven't learned yin and yang, you can't be proficient in the changes of yin and yang.

I didn't hide my secrets, and explained directly: "It's completely the opposite."

I took out the talisman and handed it to Yang Qingshan.

At the same time, I explained: "This talisman is a flowing god water dragon talisman, which catalyzes the vitality and makes the vitality more intense."

"When the anger is strong enough to a certain level, it's not the effect of suppressing the corpse, but raising the corpse."

As soon as I finished speaking, Yang Qingshan's complexion changed slightly.

He stared at the talisman in his hand for a long while.

"A talisman can catalyze it?" "Yes." I nodded.

Yang Qingshan's expression did not surprise me.

When I discovered for the first time that one of Xu Fu's talismans could really hold down a mountain, my emotional control was not as good as his.

What I said now also has some yin and yang properties. Yang Qingshan can still be stable, which is already a very strong mind.

"If the corpse is too fierce, you have to be able to check and balance, otherwise, something will happen, and I will also take action." Yang Qingshan's tone suddenly became more solemn.

"There will be no accidents. My mother has never done anything evil. Raising a dead body may not only be a word of evil. It is another way to make her more self-protective." I narrowed my eyes slightly, and my tone became much colder.

Yang Qingshan frowned, his Qingzhi face became more serious.

"Where are you waiting for me?" Yang Qingshan said after a while.

"I'm going to support a boat near the village. I'll wait for you on the river." I closed my eyes and said.

"Don't act rashly." Yang Qingshan said again.

"If the water moves, I'll see how they solve it. They won't do it rashly. Come here as soon as possible."

Yang Qingshan nodded, he clamped his horse's belly, and galloped upstream.

I glanced over the pier again, looked at the horse under me again, pulled the rein, and turned around to walk towards Funeral Street.

If I want to use a boat, I can't ride a horse. My big horse is still not as spiritual as Yang Qingshan's, so I can't put it at will.

"Sir?" At this moment, a slightly familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

I immediately turned around, and the person I entered was a simple-looking, short man, who was not young, with gray temples.

"Thank you Mancang?" I pulled the rein and stopped the horse.

Xie Mancang hurried to the horse, and he saluted me.

"I saw Mr. just now, but there is someone beside Mr. Huang Qi said to be careful recently, so I didn't dare to come directly."

I nodded and asked again: "Are Huang Qi and the Huo family okay?"

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