and also......

The courtyard is empty, not only did you not see the villager's body, but where are the villager's family members?!

I have palpitations.

The pig butcher's throat was still humming, and Pang Shuo's body kept shaking.

Because he was placed horizontally on the sill when he was turned over by the woman, his head and feet were constantly touching the ground, making slight noises at the same time.

I'm really afraid that he will suddenly stand up again and become a vicious corpse.

With his physique, the mother-in-law is afraid!

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound!

The rooms on both sides of the main room were opened at once, and several people came out of the room. On the left was an old woman leading a little boy, and on the right was a couple in their thirties.

This is clearly the village? Her mother, grandson, and son-in-law!

These four people all looked very dull, staring at the front with both eyes in a daze.

And they are wearing burlap filial piety clothes and filial piety scarves.

How many people didn't seem to see it? It seemed like we were about to walk out straight.

?The mother-in-law frowned.

Not just? The mother-in-law didn't understand, and I didn't understand what was going on.

The young and old of their family looked abnormal at first glance, they must have hit each other!

But what are they going to do?

At this time, Miao Guangyang, who was at the end, suddenly stepped back to the entrance of the courtyard, and he actually hung the three-in-one plate in his hand on the courtyard!

Although the rustling sound of the hands turning was small, it seemed to echo endlessly in the yard.

During this period, the villager's family has already reached the entrance of the courtyard.

When they got there, they stopped, staring straight at the yard, motionless.

Miao Guangyang carried it on his back with one hand, and pinched it with the other hand.

But the expression in his eyes was very strange, with shock, surprise, and a bit of coldness.

I couldn't hold back the doubts in my heart, so I was about to ask.

Miao Guangyang spoke first, and his voice was even more cold.

"Dead people bury themselves, and they die. This dead villager in your village is too weird. Either he doesn't look like what you know, or someone is pointing out the scriptures.

Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat.

Isn't it pointing the maze? How did Miao Guangyang make it??

Could it be that there are other people in the village, like Pozi and Miao Guangyang, who are contributing to something?

As soon as I thought of this, Miao Guangyang said again in a deep voice, "These four people cannot go out."

"Yinyang, go find a few ropes and tie them up. I'll use glutinous rice to drive away evil spirits and wake them up." The mother-in-law also spoke at the right time.

My gaze immediately turned to the other rooms at the end of the village house, and I spotted the firewood house at a glance, and ran towards it quickly.

The firewood room? It’s not closed. After entering, there is an unpleasant musty smell, which is also mixed with a lot of wood smell. Taking a deep breath really hits the nose.

The dim light really affects vision, but after a short familiarity, I can see clearly.

Soon I found a roll of twine.

Although I don't have a tool for connecting vagina, I always carry a hemp rope with me.

It's just that to tie four people now, I can't just cut the hemp rope casually, so I have to find this kind of ordinary rope.

After taking it, I walked out quickly.

At the entrance of the courtyard, the mother-in-law was discussing something with Miao Guangyang in a low voice.

The whole family of the village, dressed in sackcloth and filial piety, was no longer standing at the entrance of the courtyard. They were all sticking to the wall, walking like puppets.

Not to mention their creepy and weird behavior, I could tell at a glance that they were trying to find another way out.

My eyes fell directly on the youngest child, and I fumbled to tie this one up first.

The reaction of their family is different. I will tie up the child first, so it should be fine.

He was about to block him, but suddenly, a black shadow flickered down on the courtyard wall!

I happened to be walking in the direction of the courtyard wall.

The black shadow landed on my head in a flash, then it jumped on my head fiercely, and then ran to another place!

A sour smell made me dizzy.

Similarly, it took advantage of that, and it scratched my scalp sorely!

I couldn't help but let out a muffled groan...

Instinctively, I suddenly looked back.

It was clear at a glance that it was a shiny black cat. Its figure was so vigorous that it landed firmly on the butcher's chest!

In fact, at this moment, the pig butcher's body was still trembling slightly, and his chest still heaved a little.

After the black cat fell down, its tail seemed to thicken a lot, shaking from side to side.

On top of the pointy ears, there are a few thin? black hairs protruding from the edges, and a pair of? green vertical pupils, which are even more weird.

My eyes widened suddenly, and my pupils constricted.

Because of the black cat, its head was buried directly, and it grabbed the butcher's mouth with one bite, and pulled it hard!

This scene was too scary.

The pig butcher's mouth was pulled up, and immediately deformed, revealing the crooked teeth on the bottom of his head.

The cat's mouth was serious, and its paws were pressing hard on the pig butcher's face.

This mouthful is about to bite off the skin of his mouth!

My head was buzzing, and I immediately recalled the cat biting the corpse that the dog said.

The dog digs?, the cat bites the corpse...both are coming!

"Beast! Go away!"

It all happened so fast, almost breathlessly.

Immediately there was a voice from the mother-in-law's swearing and cursing.

Whoosh sounded!

The mother-in-law's thin stick wrapped around the white silk came out of her hand, and with a slap, it hit the black cat directly on the forehead.

The black cat immediately let out a scream, because it bit the butcher's mouth in its mouth.

The meowing sound was more of a whining sound, and it was completely suppressed.

But the woman's blow was obviously serious. Its scalp seemed to have been ripped apart, and the blood flowed out directly along the fur and into its green eyeballs.

Originally, the cat's vertical pupils were as cold and ruthless as snake eyes, but they were even more terrifying when they were covered with blood.

It yanked hard, and its claws pinched the pig butcher's mouth even harder.

My scalp felt numb, because its claws almost completely hooked into the pig butcher's face, and it moved too much, almost forming a blood hole.

The next moment, the mother-in-law rushed towards the main room.

He even pulled out the rusty knife from his hand!

I came back to my senses in a jerk, and after pulling out the divination knife, I ran directly towards the entrance of the main room!

This cat biting a corpse is not simply biting, I still remember it clearly,? My mother-in-law said that cats will borrow their lives!

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