Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 917 If something happens to him, ask you

Fate Protection can save my life, but these bullets are obviously not enough to kill me...

I don't know how long I ran, but I always feel that the time is extremely long.

I'm barely halfway up the mountain...

I got into a dense bush, and I couldn't run anymore.Trembling, I bent down to look at my injured right calf.

I quickly untied the tangled Tang suit, which was completely soaked in blood.

The pants on the legs are also in tatters...

I saw a bullet hole in the flesh, where the blood was black.

I bit the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler in my mouth, and then used the tip of the divination knife to cut open the wound.

The pain made my head twitch, and I was on the verge of fainting.

What came to mind was the scene when Liu Tianniu injured his arm, opened the wound in the rain, and took out the bullet...

My mouth is full of fishy and sweet taste, I don't know if I bit my teeth or bit my tongue.

He took out the penis scissors tremblingly, and his hand was still trembling when it was close to the wound.

When I got to the bullet hole, I calmed down for a moment!

When I picked the scissors, a bullet was picked out by me.

In an instant, I felt icy cold all over, soaked in cold sweat...

I panted more heavily, and took out another small bottle, which contained gold sore medicine.

I sprinkled all of it on the wound, I cut off a clean Tang suit cloth, and bandaged the wound...

The smell of blood filled the air.

After doing this, my whole consciousness was a little bit in a trance.

But I didn't dare to stop here. After getting out of the bushes, I supported my body and the tree next to me, and wanted to run down the mountain.

Just at this moment, the position of the shoulder was suddenly patted.

I was shocked, and the divination knife in my right hand stabbed fiercely towards the rear.

At the same time, I jerked my head back.

Behind me is a slightly thin figure, he is wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe.

There is also a bun on the top of the head, wearing a small mahogany sword...

Isn't this person exactly Yang Qingshan? !

I had no time to close the knife.

Yang Qingshan raised his left hand immediately, he clamped the tip of the divination knife with his two fingers, and followed closely, his right hand cut towards my neck.

My eyes are wide open, isn't Yang Qingshan's action just trying to knock me unconscious? !

My body fell backwards suddenly, and I dodged Yang Qingshan's saber.

But I didn't fall down, because Yang Qingshan was still holding the tip of the divination knife.

I clenched the handle of the divination knife tightly to maintain my balance.

Yang Qingshan frowned slightly, and he immediately let go of the fingers of his left hand.I had already maintained my balance, so I stepped back a few steps.

The injury in my right leg was even more painful, and I had to tremble to stand still.

Yang Qingshan stepped forward again, ready to make a move.

"Yang Qingshan, I was injured to get rid of this bandit. If you want to take advantage of others, you will waste Daoist Liu's approval of you."

"If I had known this before, I wouldn't have taken these summoning orders!"

My voice was rough, panting and growling.

At this time, I was severely wounded. If Yang Qingshan wants to arrest me, I have no way at all... I have no strength to resist...

Yang Qingshan's body stopped in place immediately.

My heart was beating wildly, and my eyelids were also beating wildly.

Yang Qingshan looked at me, and I also stared at him.

At this time, I couldn't control my emotions and demeanor, I'm afraid it was a lot hideous.

"Someone is approaching, there are a lot of them." Yang Qingshan frowned slightly, he was looking behind me.

"I won't knock you out, but if you resist, we will run into them. They have a lot of guns." Yang Qingshan Qingzhi's voice was equally dignified.

My pupils constricted and I was sweating profusely.

The hand holding the divination knife relaxed, and I stuck the divination knife in my waist.

Yang Qingshan took two steps forward, he directly grabbed my shoulder, leaned his body towards the tree on the sloping side, lifted his leg, and kicked on the tree!

He actually leaped up two or three meters, leaning against another tree with his leaning body, and he stepped on the trunk of the tree with both feet. With such help, the two of us finally landed on a tree at least ten meters high .

Yang Qingshan put his hand to his lips and made a booing motion.

I naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, held my breath, and didn't make a sound.

After half a cup of tea passed, there were indeed dense footsteps coming from below.

Soon, a large group of people came in...

However, these people were not soldiers and bandits, they came from the bottom of the mountain and were on their way up the mountain.

Of the two people at the head, one of them is Lin Zhen, and the one next to him is naturally Guo Zhenmin!

They stopped under the tree where we were standing, and Lin Zhen and Guo Zhenmin looked at each other.

"I did hear Mr. Miao's voice, he seemed in a hurry... seems to be injured..." Lin Zhen's voice was also somewhat suspicious.

Guo Zhenmin said in a low voice: "It is indeed injured, there is blood on the ground..."

"He set off the fireworks, and the matter on the mountain should be completed. We can't waste time, we have to outflank the large troops, and we can't let those soldiers escape." Lin Zhen's tone showed struggle and hesitation.

Guo Zhenmin raised his hand and patted Lin Zhen on the shoulder. He looked at the others and said in a deep voice, "Split out a team of ten people and search around to find a gentleman wearing a Tang suit. Mr. Miao has made a great contribution this time. If you can't find him, or if something happens to him, I'll ask you!"

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