Hao Sheng was carrying another bucket, and he immediately fetched water and poured the water into the tank effortlessly.

I'm in a rush for time and want to help too.

Hao Sheng took the other bucket, and he let me lean beside him, and he did it quickly.

Sure enough, Hao Sheng has a lot of strength, he only needs to wave his hand to fetch water, and the same goes for pouring water.

The big tank was quickly filled with the drugged water.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and my face became more and more calm.

At this time, I am not so nervous anymore.

The medicined water, plus what Su Kang did, turned the whole house into a mortuary.

This whole tall house will become a haunted house!

I don't need a specific haunted house, just that it is a haunted house.

This has successfully broken the feng shui here!

I was confident and nodded slightly.

Hao Sheng wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Mr. Li, it's done." At this time, the soldier and bandit just now came back to us.

"Go and call for someone, each person has a bowl of water, it's already past five o'clock, the brighter the day, the weaker the effect."

"Call everyone here, including the servants in the house." I asked again.

Hao Sheng gave the order.

The soldier ran into the backyard in a hurry.

After about ten minutes, the black soldiers and bandits began to get out of the backyard gate in groups.

In the blink of an eye, there are hundreds of them!

Hao Sheng also called the cooks in the kitchen and asked them to divide the water in the tank here.

I squinted my eyes slightly, and added another sentence, if there is not enough water in the tank, just pump it in, the blood will wash away without any problem, as there is still rune water in the spring.

Hao Sheng glared at those cooks, and the one in front quickly poured a bowl of red blood and handed it to him.

Hao Sheng drank it all in one gulp.

Immediately after, the rest of the soldiers and bandits stepped forward.

Apparently word of me had spread around them.

When everyone approached me, there was respect in their eyes, and they all saluted me.

Of course, what these people see more is greed and desire.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people drank water.

I estimated the time, the effect of the medicine should be coming soon.

I glanced at Hao Sheng again, and I said, "Second master, how about we go to the front yard, I have something to discuss with you in detail." Hao Sheng nodded immediately.

He made a gesture of please, and we headed for the front yard.

After a short walk through the back yard, we were in the front yard.

There is also a reason for calling Hao Sheng away.

When a group of people start to have diarrhea, some people will always notice something or talk about it.

With Hao Sheng here, it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes.

Without him, those people would be headless chickens.

When I got to the front of the main room, I asked Hao Sheng to go in first.

Suddenly, Hao Sheng covered his stomach, hissed, and said, "Mr. Li, I have this stomach!"

"No, I have to go to the hut first."

He turned around to go out of the hall again.

"Hold it for a moment, this is suppressing evil spirits." I narrowed my eyes slightly and said.

Beads of sweat suddenly appeared on Hao Sheng's forehead

"Hold it, I'm afraid I can't help it, I'm going fast." Hao Sheng's voice was trembling.

"Let me help you, I still have a treasure, and you will be more comfortable as the second head of the house soon." Hao Sheng grabbed the door frame with both hands, his face was blue and red, and he looked extremely painful.

I took out the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler.

Hao Sheng's eyes showed some confusion and confusion.

"This thing is divided into gold rulers for clearing the orifices. Right is yang and opposite is yin. Yang is good and yin is damaged, and yin is good and yang is damaged. You have done a lot of evil, this ruler can destroy evil." I said again.

Hao Sheng's face froze, and he said unnaturally: "Evil?"

Suspicion and uneasiness appeared in Hao Sheng's eyes.

His hand grabbed at his waist.

But his hands are trembling

I raised my left hand and grabbed his wrist!

I had a lot of strength in my hand, Hao Sheng let out a muffled snort, and I directly pinched his wrist and dislocated it.

He screamed again.

The next moment, he was about to scream, the mouth shape had already been made.

Without hesitation, I directly thrust the golden ruler into his mouth!

I used this move on Ma Kuan.

Hao Sheng groaned, but the scream did not come out.

The way he looked at me was full of fear, anger, and resentment.

"I have to say, the house built by the eldest brother is indeed very good, and let you desperadoes stay for so long."

"But today, your good days have come to an end." I whispered again.

Hao Sheng's eyeballs stared even wider, his canthus was about to split open, and even a few bloodshots on his eyeballs burst, and his eyes were bleeding

A stench came from his crotch, and he sat tremblingly on the ground.

During this period, his other hand hit my waist even faster!

With a slight whoosh, a gleaming dagger popped out of his sleeve!

How could he hurt me with this action? !

I took out the golden ruler, swung it vigorously, and threw it directly at Hao Sheng's head!

At the same time, I raised my leg and kicked Hao Sheng's right arm directly, and his dagger fell to the ground.

But at this moment.

A gunshot broke the silence in the front yard

A flame shot out on the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler!

When the force came, I was shocked, and in the severe pain, Tongqiao was released with a golden ruler

I turned my head suddenly and looked to the right!

In the corridor over there, a few people came out, the first one, isn't it Su Kang? !

He was followed by a few soldiers and bandits

Su Kang looked terrified and suspicious, and he was still holding a gun in his hand.

The soldiers and bandits in the back were also startled, they drew their guns at the same time, and they all aimed at me!

Hao Sheng couldn't speak clearly, and said in a trembling voice: "I was put together, kill him!"

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